Accidents Happen

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A.N// I vowed to make sinnamon_bunny regret their decision of requesting angst. aND HERE WE ARE. So far the prompt has made a friendo want to 'cancel the BMC fandom' so we'll see how this goes. Please do not hunt me down for this. Also trigger warning because blood.

One moment they were smiling happily and singing along to the radio.
The next moment, everything changed.
Everything stopped.
Time seemed to slow as Jeremy saw the pickup truck come closer and closer towards him until their cars collided in a slow-motion kind of way.
He heard the sound of glass shattering as a part from the car that had crashed into them flew through the windshield.
Jeremy tried to scream but was muted by his airbag inflating in an instant and his face was protected.
He heard glass shattering and pushed down his airbag to see Jeremy, who had been sitting in the passengers seat, frozen with his mouth agape in a silent scream.
Jeremy saw that Michael's air bag had functioned correctly but it had deflated rapidly. He saw the cause of this as his eyes drifted down to the rather large shard of glass that had punctured the airbag, now jutting out of Michael's abdomen.
"No." Jeremy said with wide eyes.
Michael looked over to Jeremy and bit down on his lip hard to keep himself from screeching in pain.
They both smelled something burning and knew they had to quickly get out of the car.
Jeremy hobbled out of the drivers side, feeling a shooting pain in his chest and realizing at least one of his ribs was probably broken. He quickly opened Michael's door and saw Jeremy gathering his strength to take out the piece of glass.
It physically hurt Jeremy to watch.
Once Michael had gotten it out and the bloody shard had dropped to the ground, blood poured out of the wound.
Jeremy panicked and quickly picked Michael up to the best of his ability, getting him out of the car and setting him a few feet away.
Jeremy's eyes widened as he ripped off a part of his sleeve and tried to staunch the bleeding as he choked back panicked sobs and his mind seemed to race and blank at the same time.
He pulled out his phone that had just about completely shattered in the crash and called 911 requesting help.
Sadly, they were in just about the middle of nowhere and help was nearly two hours away.
Michael looked up weakly at Jeremy seemingly unconcerned with his own situation as a worried expression presented itself at seeing his usually calm, happy, stoic Jeremy in such a panicked mess of an emotional state.
"Jeremy..." He said weakly. "So...tired..."
Jeremy's eyes widened and he shook his head.

No no no you cant go to sleep w-we uh need to talk about what we're gonna do when we get home. Because everyhing's gonna be okay and we are going home after this. Apocolypse Of The Damned and pizza? Like we used to do? Does that sound good?" He babbled loudly, trying to keep Michael awake. Jeremy's tone suggested he was trying to convince himself as well. He was nearly speaking through clenched teeth as he was on the verge of breaking down.
Michael smiled weakly then winced as he felt a pounding in his head.
"What is it? What's wrong?" Jeremy asked in an obviously panicked tone. "I-I mean other than this entire situation."
"Head hurts." Michael mumbled.
Jeremt nodded quickly and frantically moved so he could carefully moving Michael's head from the cold pavement onto his lap, hoping it would help him.
"I-I'm sorry its probably not comfortable or anything I-"
"Jer, its perfect. Besides, I get to stare up at you and thats an incredible sight." Michael interrupted, smiling weakly.
Jeremy bit down on his lip and nodded slowly, knowing Michael was putting on a brave face for him, even though he was in immense pain.
"Here." Jeremy said offering his hand. "Squeeze as tight as you need to."
Michael took his hand quickly and immediately clutched it, cutting off Jeremy's circulation.
Jeremy didnt even think about taking his hand back.
Things were quiet for a minute or so and Jeremy still softly tried to keep him awake.
There may have been a glimmer of hope inside Jeremy that help would arrive in time and everything would be alright....
But that small glimmer faded when he felt Michael's grip loosen completely and listened helplessly as he heard Michael's last breath being released.
"No." Jeremy said quietly, his eyes widening.
He shook his head as a pained sob racked his body as he clung to Michael.
In his head he screamed at himself for letting this happen.

Jeremy was the one who decided to take Michael out that night.

He was the one who insisted on driving.

He was the one who just lost the love of his life.


"It hasnt been the same since the accident....I talk to myself a lot more now and wait for your adorabley witty responses....but I don't hear them because y-you're gone now."
Jeremy's voice was merely a hoarse whisper as it cracked and quivered. Tears streamed down his face
He adjusted his coat, feeling a cold wind against his back that rustled the multicoloured leaves on the ground.
A month had passed since the accident.
Jeremy bent down and placed a hand on the gravestone in front of him.
"I love you Mikey."
"I miss you."

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