Why Do You Even Care?

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A.N// Sorry I havent been updating daily like I used to, shit has been crazy lately.

"Ugh, come onnnn." Jeremy groaned as the power flickered out due to a huge thunderstorm outside. He and Michael had been playing MarioKart and when the screen turned to black (Falsettos reference) Michael tossed his controller onto the beanbag and laid back.
"So what do we do now?" Michael asked.
"I don't know....20 questions?" He replied somewhat jokingly with a sigh.
"We already know just about everything about eachother." Michael said chuckling although he stuffed his hands in his pockets and fidgeted with them nervously, if they actually played the game there was a chance he would have to admit some things he had even kept from Jeremy.....
like a certain crush on his best friend of 12 years.
"Oh well. We'll ask like out-of-the-ordinary questions." Jeremy suggested with a goofy smile.
"Heh. I guess." Michael replied with a forced chuckle.
"You first." Jeremy chirped.

Michael let out a small sigh of relief 'I get to push off my death for about as long as this takes. Wonderful.' He thought to himself.
"Uhm...What's your favorite level of Apocolypse of The Damned?" He asked curiously.
"Level 9: The Cafetorium. Its the one you helped me beat....then helped me beat that Squip thing with a few months ago." Jeremy said, his bright smile faltering slightly at the mention of the program that nearly ripped the two apart. "Isnt it weird how that ended? I went out with Christine then she broke up with me a week later." He added in a more lighthearted tone because he had gotten over it and now he and Christine were good friends.

Michael refused to admit a small surge of jealousy coursing through him when Jeremy brought up Christine but brushed it off and continued the game.
"Yeah I guess it is kinda weird....Anyways! Would you rather become an isolated goat herder in Iceland or a shitty politician?" Michael asked jokingly.
"Isolated goat herder sounds nice." Jeremy replied with a chuckle.

"Okay so after college, what do you plan on doing?" Michael asked curiously.
"Uhm well I've always kind of wanted to go backpacking through Europe." Jeremy said smiling to himself. "Just me and nature...I dont know it just sounds cool."
"Wait you'd go alone? What would happen if you like got attacked by a bear...or a moose or something?" Michael asked in an almost frantic tone.
"Yeah I'd be alone. I doubt I'll get attacked but if I do I'll figure it out." Jeremy said, not picking up on Michael's franticness.
"So you'd leave me?" Michael asked quietly, his tone low and laced with sadness.
"What did you say? I cant hear you." Jeremy asked.

"So you'd leave me?"
He repeated louder, something inside him had snapped, he thought back to the Squip incident and remembered being left alone, abandoned, by his only friend. He just couldnt do that again.

"I didnt mean it like that...."

"Well it sure as hell sounded like it. You're so excited to ditch me and go off on your own." Michael said bitterly, raising his voice to the point of almost yelling.

"Why the hell do you even care?!" Jeremy asked, raising his voice as well.

"Because I love you goddammit and you've left me before and I just cant go through that again!" Michael yelled before he could stop himself as tears began to stream down his face and he covered his mouth, regretting what he had done.

There was a moment of silence, like the calm after a storm.
"Y-You l-love me?" Jeremy asked quietly, his heart hammering in his chest.
Michael couldnt bring himself to speak so he nodded solemnly.
"Th-That's....well that's just about the best news I've ever heard." Jeremy said smiling brightly as he hugged Michael tightly and whispered.
"I love you too."

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