Goodbye Player Two

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A.N// Break's over kiddies. Time for insanely depressing-ass angst. This will probably be on the longer side. I made a few people cry with the prompt... so beware the waterworks. Also yes, it's true I'm absolutely evil and should not have been given the ability of free-thinking, but here we are.

Michael was a hopeless romantic at heart, and writing Jeremy short poems had become their tradition. So every Friday morning, he would wake up early to come up with a poem and stick it somewhere for Jeremy to find.
It was arguabley Jeremy's favorite part of the day. Arguabley only because on occasion Michael would wake him up by singing "You Are My Sunshine" and it made him just about melt.
The two had been dating for a little over 2 years and they were still as smitten with eachother as ever.


'Roses are red,

that much is true.
But violets are violet.
Not fucking blue.

P.S I love you Jere-Bear.'

Michael smiled to himself as he placed the sticky note that held his poetic masterpiece on the fridge where Jeremy could find it.

*End of flashback*

He remembered that moment so vividly and smiled weakly to himself as the world around him spun in a blur of light and color.
Michael had been diagnosed with Leukemia a month or so prior to this event and seemed to be improving, but with an uproar of symptoms, it seemed was not the case.

Jeremy had come home from the store to find Michael collapsed on the floor fading in and out of consciousness, immediately calling an ambulance. In that moment, he swore he felt his heart stop for a split second. Thankfully, help arrived rather quickly and Michael was rushed off to the hospital, Jeremy in the back of the vehicle with him, never letting go of his hand. Michael was quickly ushered into an examination room, doctors having to pry Jeremy away. All they told him was that Michael was in critical condition and that they would 'do the best they could'.
The words only worried him more.

Jeremy paced around the waiting room for hours, finally tiring himself out enough to fall asleep in a chair in the corner.

A few hours later he was woken up by a nurse announcing Michael was stabalized for the moment and Jeremy could see him.
Without hesitation, he got up and once he was given direction to Michael's room, practically sprinted to him.
Now, Jeremy was no track star so by the time he finally reached him, he was breathing rather heavily.

"Graceful as always I see." Michael said with a weaker rendition of his usual bright, dorky smile when he saw Jeremy stumble into his room.
Jeremy could barely express how fantastic it felt to hear Michael's melodic voice again.
"Mikey!" He exclaimed happily, rushing to his side. "How are you feeling?"

"Well the fatigue passed, and sorry for worrying you about that...but now I'm just feeling sort of weak and deflated." Michael replied with a small shrug.

"That was in no way, shape, or form your fault so dont pin this on yourself." Jeremy argued.

"You win. I surrender." Michael joked, holding up his hands and revealing some bruises that he had recieved from his prior fall. Jeremy bit the inside of his cheek as he glanced over the marks. He noticed Michael had started to bruise more easily ever since that damned doctor's visit that diagnosed Michael and completely changed everything.
His expression didnt go without notice and Michael quickly picked up on where Jeremy's gaze was fixed.
"Sorry." He mumbled, putting his hands down.

It put a slight damper in the rest of their conversation, but both chose to ignore bringing it up again.
The doctors told Jeremy that Michael would be staying in the hospital for the next week or so to monitor his condition. He reluctantly agreed, deciding it was the best thing for Michael although he hated being apart.

As the week progressed, Michael only got worse.
His waves of fatigue hitting him stronger than they normally would, and he started getting daily nosebleeds at the most random times.
Jeremy couldnt help but worry, as every time he visited, he saw a little bit more of Michael's spark was missing from his eyes.

Friday morning rolled around and Jeremy woke up in an empty bed, feeling a tug at his heartstrings because he knew Michael wasnt downstairs. And this was their day.
The adorable poems. Dancing around the kitchen as they made a mess of breakfast. Simply waking up to see Michael cuddled up next to him. He missed all of it.

Suddenly his phone vibrated on the side table and a snall smile graced his face as Michael's name lit up his phone. He opened the message to find a poem:

Roses are red.
Violets are crying.
Still in the hospital,
They say that I'm dying.

Every word sent a dagger through his chest.
Jeremy read over the words repeatedly
'They say that I'm dying'
No. It couldn't be. Michael couldn't be dying.
Jeremy tried denying it with all his might but couldn't.
His phone clattered to the floor as he quickly threw on some clothes and rushed to the hospital.

"Mikey! Hey its me. P-Please tell me you werent serious." Jeremy said quickly as he looked down at Michael who seemed to be drained of all color. Not only was his body missng life, but he seemed to be so fragile and frail that the slightest wrong move would cause him to shatter like porcleain.

Michael nodded weakly, for it was the most movement he could muster.

Jeremy's heart got caught in his throat as he sat next to Michael on the bed, holding him in his arms and being extremely careful.

"Y-You're going to be okay." Jeremy choked out as tears pricked his eyes. He knew his words were lies. So did Michael. But false hope seemed to be all they had.
His mind drifted to waking up to Michael singing to him and how safe and loved he felt in those moments...
so thats what he did.

Jeremy took a breath and tried hold back his tears to steady his voice as he began to sing.
"Y-You are my s-sunshine
my o-only sunshine."
His voice quivered and cracked as a few silent tears slipped down his cheeks.
"You m-make me happy
when sk-skies are grey."
Jeremy looked down to see Michael smiling weakly, the sobs he had tried to suppress threatened to surface but he tried keeping the mentality that this was for Michael and he had to be strong for him.
"Y-You'll never know dear,
how much I l-love you.

Oh please don't take my sunshine away"

He could barely choke out the last few words.
Michael mustered up his strength and squeezed Jeremy's hand.
He shut his eyes as his hand went limp.
Then a dull ringing pierced the silence.
Jeremy looked up to see Michael's heart monitor....

He looked down at Michael, his Michael.
The ghost of his last smile was still present on his face.
Jeremy could say no words.
Tears streamed down his face and he made no attempt to stop them.
Each sob that left his lips shook his entire body.
He tried collecting himself, to no avail.

Jeremy sobbed for a good 15 or so minutes before he felt he couldnt possibly cry anymore.
He felt a pain in his stomach from how his sobs racked his body.
But that pain was nothing compared to his shattered heart.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small velvet box that wouldve guaranteed a future together.
It might have only been brief.
But wondering what could have been only broke him more.
Jeremy slipped the ring onto Michael's finger and kissed his forehead one last time before whispering a barely audible

"Goodbye Player Two."

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