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AN// Im so sorry for a lack of updates but Im trying. Also this is going to be a cute fluffy one. Im being nice to my children.

       Michael and Jeremy had been dating for 3 years now. To the day in fact. Michael decided to get up early and do something special for their anniversary. He kissed the sleeping Jeremy's forehead softly, careful not to wake him up and crept downstairs.
         Michael decided to make breakfast for him with coffee just the way he liked it, one cream and 3 sugars. He decided to start with the coffee looked around for the filters then saw them sitting on the top shelf...the only one he couldnt reach. Michael sighed as he looked around for a chair to stand on, spotting one and bringing it over. He stood on it and reached for the filters, just missing as the chair tipped and he knocked over a few pots and pans with a loud crash.
     'Shit shit shit shit' He thought to himself and looked around at the mess he had made.
Michael sighed and hoped Jeremy was so dead-asleep he didnt hear it and wake up.

He still needed the coffee filters so he stood on his tip toes to reach it.
While Michael wasn't paying attention, Jeremy had woken up and came downstairs. He hugged Michael from behind and kissed his cheek before getting the filters down for him.
Michael almost shrieked as an arm snaked around his waist and pulled him close. He then let out a sigh of relief realizing it was Jeremy.

"Morning Mikey." Jeremy said groggily but smiled brightly nonetheless. "Here." He said handing him the filters.
"Morning Baby." Michael said then pecked his cheek. "Sorry I woke you up with all the noise." He added with a sigh.
"Oh its alright." Jeremy said with a yawn. "By the way, it's adorable when you stand on tip-toes."
Michael beamed and felt a slight blush creep onto his cheeks.

"Happy Anniversary Player One."
"Happy Anniversary Player Two."


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