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A.N// Woah I'm finally updating what's this? Btw guess who's infected with the plague and miserable? It me kiddos.

Jeremy tugged nervously at his collar, suddenly feeling clammy as nerves bubbled up inside him. He held a bouquet of roses in his hand as he waited for his boyfriend of 5 years, to the date, to come home. Everything was set.
Rose petals forming a pathway to their bedroom.
Candles in the shape of a heart.
The rehearsed speech.
And most importantly, the velvet box in his back pocket that held the ring that would secure he and Michael's future together.
Jeremy had been planning this for so long, but now that the moment had finally come, he couldnt quite fathom how he was feeling.
       His mouth went dry and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he heard the jingle of Michael's keys and the door unlocking.
      Now or never. Jeremy thought to himself. Just breathe.
He heard a small click from the kitchen where Michael was followed a small, happy sigh as he heard him practically skipping down the hallway.
      "I bet Jenna did the rose petals, she always did have a flair for the dramatic. But this is gonna be great! Jer is gonna come home see this then bada-bing bada-boom, engaged. Y'know, if I can actually get the words out." Jeremy heard Michael mumble to himself before opening the door to the bedroom and stopping dead in his tracks as he saw Jeremy in a tuxedo, surrounded by flowers, candles and other aesthetically pleasing aspects.
      "Jer? I-Is this uhm-?" Michael trailed off.
"I think the word you're looking for is proposal." Jeremy said with a small voice crack towards the end.
Michael's entire face lit up into a dorky grin.
"Dammit Jer, I was planning in proposing to you today." He said chuckling, taking Jeremy's hand and pulling him up.
"Sorry?" Jeremy questioned with a chuckle. "So is this a standstill or do I still get to say the damn words?"

"I mean you can for the hell of it, but maybe without the fear that I'll say no. Not like I would've anyways, I love you too much for that, you geek." Michael replied sweetly.

"Well then, Michael Mell, will you marry me?" Jeremy said grinning from ear to ear as he presented the ring to him.
"Damn right I will."

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