You're The One (Soulmate AU)

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A.N // Holy fucknuggets this got to 100 reads!! Thank you so much!! Also, in this AU the babes havent met

At birth, each child has a quote on their wrist of the first thing their soulmate will say to them.

"It's you, you're the one I've been looking for."

Jeremy blushed as he looked at the quote and smiled to himself. He wasn't really what you'd call a 'hopeless romantic' but the line was too cheesy and romantic not to enjoy. Whoever his soulmate was, Jeremy decided, they definitely knew a thing or two about how to charm someone.
He pulled down his sleeve and grabbed his backpack as he started on his way to school.

*cool transition thingy to Michael*

Michael sat in homeroom, bored out of his mind as he tapped a beat on his desk and looked at the quote on his wrist again

"uhm hi, I'm J*smudged writing*, please help me I'm stuck."

'Who the hell is 'J' and why is this person stuck?' Michael thought to himself for possibly the billionth time. He pulled down his sleeve as the bell rang and the school day began.

Mini A.N// See those parallels I'm drawing? ;)

*time skip brought to you by Rich's lisp*

The last bell of the day rang and Jeremy left his last period class, gym (which he hated) and went into the locker room, putting his things away and about to leave with no complications....but things didnt exactly work out thay way. The locker next to his was forcefully slammed shut, revealing Rich and Jake grinning mischieviously.
The sound of clanging metal made Jeremy flinch and he started to walk away hurriedly before Jake grabbed his collar and pinned him against the locker.
"Where do you think you're going tall-ass?" Rich snarled.
"N-Nowhere!" Jeremy squeaked.
"You're right." Rich said with a sickening grin and nodded to Jake who pulled Jeremy's collar and slammed it in the locker, holding him stuck there. The bullies laughed as they watched Jeremy struggle, flailing and pulling at it, trying to get away. Rich threw a punch to Jeremy's jaw, making his lip bleed, then walked away leaving Jeremy there.

Michael, who usually stayed after school in the computer lab, heard the sound of clanging metal coming from the locker room. At first he tried to ignore it. But when the clanging didnt stop, his curiousity got the better of him and he went to investigate. He hesitantly walked into the locker room and saw a tall, thin boy with a bloody lip, trapped with his collar in the locker.
Jeremy looked up and saw the boy enter, he was a bit short, had messy brown hair and big brown eyes, these adorable glasses and was wearing an oversized red hoodie with patches on the sleeves. 'Stop staring just ask for help you idiot.' Jeremy thought to himself.
"Uhm hi, I'm Jeremy, please help me I'm stuck." He said and watched as the boy's eyes widened and he smiled brightly.

"It's you, you're the one I've been looking for." The boy replied.

Jeremy's eyes widened and his jaw went slack as he felt blood rush to his cheeks yet again.

"I'm Michael." He greeted and walked towards Jeremy, beginning to help him.
"Th-the combination is 35-05-37" Jeremy stammered awkwardly.
"Got it." Michael replied, opening the locker and letting Jeremy out.
They both stared at eachother in a moment of silence, seeming to gaze at what fate had gotten them into.
"So...Jeremy" Michael began with an adorable dorky grin. "You like video games?"
Jeremy smiled brightly and nodded.
'Thank God for amazing coincidences.' Jeremy thought to himself.

A.N// Bit on the longer side, the format is a bit weird but whatever, hope you enjoyed! Also, feel free to message me with prompts and ideas, I'd love to hear them.

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