Winter Camp

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Louise's POV

So Ed was nice. I guess I didn't really know him and was probably never going to see him again. The thought sort of made me sad. Weird, wasn't I? I had only just broken up with Harry, but he was not on my mind at all.

I had gotten all my things from his house and wiped him from my memory. He had moved on and so had I.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up on the 3rd buzz.

"Hello?" I asked not knowing who it was as the caller ID was unknown.

"Hi, is this Louise Clark?" A female voice spoke.

"Uhm yeah..." I replied.

"Hi I'm Carly Roth. I run the winter camp for young, troubled teenagers." She informed me.


"I'm short on staff for the catering and I saw one of your flyers, so I was wondering if you could come and work for me? You can be the head chef."

"Yeah! That would be great!" I beamed at her.

"Fab! The position is for 5 days where you will sleep over. You will be provided with food and shelter. I'll email you all the details."

"When do I start?" I asked.

"Camp starts in 2 weeks." Carly answered. "I have to go but thank you! Check your email."

"Thank you and I will." I said and she hung up.

I jumped up in happiness as soon as Lottie came through the door.

"What are you so happy about?" She questioned.

"I've got a job! It's only for 5 days but I'll be out of your hair."

"What do you mean? Doing what?" Lottie was impressed.

"Catering. I don't know the full details. She said she would email me but they're going to provide me with shelter and stuff."

"That's so great." Lottie beamed.

"I know!" I smiled.

Ed's POV

"Carlyyyy." I whined.

"Please, Ed." Carly persuaded.

My friend, Carly, was short on staff for catering. All she had was a chef but no helpers. She ran a winter camp (I know, a winter camp) for teens.

"But... I have music stuff to do." I complained.

"It's only for 5 days and you can do music stuff here. You can perform if you want. Please, Ed." Carly was desperate.

"Urgh fine!" I gave in. "Only coz I'm nice."

"Thank you, Ed! You're a star. Get packing." She said. "Have to shoot, I'm so busy."

"Alright, see ya." I replied and she hung up abruptly.

Carly was very short and brief but, from what I gathered, I was going to need to pack 5 days worth of clothes and leave in 2 weeks. Heck, I didn't even know where this 'winter camp' was.

I would have to check my emails later.

I fell back on my sofa in a heap. I couldn't stop thinking about Louise. I didn't even know the girl yet she had a captivating essence around her. Just her being around gave me butterflies. Even thinking about her made my heart long to hear her voice again.

I slapped my cheek with my hand. I needed to snap out of this. It was not normal. It was crazy. I needed to forget I ever met her.

Easier said than done, I thought to myself.

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