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Guys! Can we just take a moment to appreciate how cute and adorable Ed is? *a moment passes* God he's so cute:) Anyway, that was random. Here ya go...

Louise's POV

Harry. In my fucking house. The boy who I thought I loved, who cheated on me and broke up with me. In. My. House.

I was pissed.

I know, I know, I shouldn't hold a grudge. If Harry didn't break up with me, I wouldn't be with Ed...I wouldn't nearly be as happy. Well, right now, I was not happy. Ed lied to me. Many times.

But look at him. Someone had beaten the shit out of him. I could be angry later. And I had to deal with the fact that Harry was still Ed's friend. I needed to leave the past in the past.

"Erm...Ed's just in there." Harry rubbed the back of his neck as he motioned towards the living room.

"Okay, thanks for you know..." I trailed off.

This was awkward.

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry. For everything." He was referring to our break up.

"Mhmm..." I stared at the ground.

"God, this is awkward. Look, I really want us to get along." Harry said.

"Me too, I guess." I looked up from the floor.

"I'm guessing Ed hasn't asked you yet but, I'd love it if you both came to my New Years Eve party?" Harry asked.

Should I say yes? I mean, you can't help who you fall in love with, can you? I was over him and he was over me.

"That'd be nice." I smiled.

"Sweet." He smiled. "Well, I'll let you both talk."

I was guessing he knew about everything that was going on.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied.

"He should be fine. His legs are just tired. Once he sleeps he'll be okay. And he just needs some ice on his cheek." Harry advised.

"Noted." I nodded.

"Good luck." He smiled.

"Thanks." I said for the third time.

Harry walked to the door and left.

I sighed and stared at the door to the living room. This was it. Time to find out the truth.

I pushed the door open and saw Ed lying down on the sofa. He looked nervous as fuck, making me even more nervous.

"Don't be mad." Ed said as I sat down on the sofa opposite him.

"I won't, unless you give me a reason to be." I calmly spoke.

"Okay, so I guess I should start with the real reason why Matt was here." Ed began.

"Alright." I nodded.

So he started to tell me how Matt actually ran away when he was younger and this was the first time Ed had seen him in ages. And that Matt had tricked him into giving him £2000 which Ed had borrowed off Harry.

Harry dropped the money off, which explained who was at the door. It also explains where Ed went before. And he also explained why he had to follow Matt because he didn't believe him.

Then he told me about what happened when Matt and he reached that park and how Matt sold him out. Matt wasn't really in trouble; it was all a show. He just wanted money.

"Why didn't you just tell me all of this?" I wondered.

"Because I didn't want to involve you. You're already under a lot of stress with the...you know." The cancer, Ed.

"So? I'm your girlfriend, you're not supposed to keep secrets from me." I replied.

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry." Ed's apology was sincere.

"Also, why didn't you tell me about Harry's party?" I questioned.

"Because if I did, you would know that I'd been speaking to him." Ed revealed.

"You actually think I'd be angry at you for talking to your best friend?" I nearly laughed.

"Well, he is your ex b-" He started.

"Ed, honestly, I don't mind anymore. I was a little pissed but then I thought, who cares? It's the past, and your my present and future." I offered him a smile. "And I told him we'd go to his new year's eve party."

"You're sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I smiled.

"Are we okay?" He said.

"Yeah, I mean, I didn't like that fact that you lied to me, but I get why you did it." I understood. "I'm just glad you weren't cheating on me or something."

"Cheating on you?!" Ed gasped in surprise. "Louise, I'd never, ever do that. You need to know that okay?"

"Okay. It's just that-"

"No, Lou. I love you and only you." He looked me in the eyes.

I couldn't help but let my smile escape.

"I know. And I love you." I smiled.

"I still feel bad and I owe Harry £2000." Ed frowned.

"We'll find a way to pay him back." I assured.

"We? No, this is my mess."

"Ed, this is our mess. We're a couple, remember?" I reminded.

"I don't care. You're not paying anything for me. End. Of." Ed said.

"Hmm, we'll see."

"I've no idea how I'm going to pay him back." Ed frowned.

"Christmas bonuses and stuff."

"Christmas bonuses?" Ed chuckled. "Christmas has gone and we've taken off nearly every day this month."

"Well they're paid days off anyway. We'll figure something out." I told him.

"I'll." He mumbled under his breath but I decided to let it go.

"Well, I think you should rest, you've been through a lot." I advised. "I'll get you some ice for you cheek."

I went into the kitchen and found a bag of frozen peas. Why we had frozen peas in our freezer was beyond me but I was thankful all the same.

I walked back to Ed and kneeled down to his face where he was lying down on the sofa.

"Here." I slowly put the ice on his face and he flinched just a little.

"Thanks, I don't deserve you." He spoke as he held the ice in place so I could let go.

"Don't say that."

If anything, I didn't deserve him. He's still with me even though he knows I'm terribly ill and I know he'll look after me till the end.

"But it's true." His hand pressed to my cheek.

"No it isn't." I moved his hand after kissing it softly. "Now, get some sleep."

"Yes, mum." He teased and I smiled.

He lifted his head up and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." He whispered and then his eyes fluttered closed.

Moments... (An Ed Sheeran fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now