One Night

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Ed's POV

She was amazing. Not only was she amazing, but she was beautiful too. And funny. And clever. And so...breathtaking. I couldn't bare the thought of her being with anyone but me. I guess you could say we were 'dating' but we weren't exactly 'boyfriend and girlfriend', but I oh-so-desperately wanted us to be. I wanted her to be my girl and for me to be her prince charming. How could I tell her I felt this way?

She had almost finished her shift at the restaurant and I finished my performance about ten minutes ago. I was waiting-rather impatiently- at the bar for her.

"You look confused about something." The bartender said whilst wiping the table top. This looked like something from a movie where the person at the bar offers a poor invalid some advice.

"Nah, I'm fine." I half-heartedly assured him.

"Oh nar ya ain't. I seen that look many a times. What's troubling ya boy?"

"How do you tell a girl that you like her?" I sighed feeling depressed. "And that you want them to be your girlfriend?"

"Girl trouble is it, eh? Well, you just gotta tell 'er how ya feel lad. Girls like it when you just be straight wiv 'em. Ya say 'I like ya lass, I wanna be wiv ya' and ya tell 'em how beautiful they are an crap." He explained.

"Uhm..." I was sort of confused.

"An ya gotta be nice about it lad. Flowers, chocolates, whatever floats her boat. Make 'er feel special. Then she's bound ta say yes!"

"Flowers and chocolate? Hmm, I dunno." I said. Would that just be weird if I did that? Like, 'here take these chocolates and flowers as bribes. Now you have to be my girlfriend.'

But wasn't that the norm? I mean, everyone likes flowers and chocolate...unless you're allergic.

"Trust me, it always works. It's a small romantic gesture, but it works." He advised.


"Oh hey, Ed." Louise came out of nowhere. "You didn't have to wait for me."

"I wanted to." I stood up.

The bartender subtly nodded his head towards Louise and shot me a facial expression as if to say 'is she the girl?' I nodded discretely which made him smile.

"You ready to go then?" I asked.

"Yep." She smiled.

"Alright, see ya dude." I waved to the bartender.

"You know him?" Louise asked once he was out of ear shot.

"Nah, we just got to talking. Seems quite cool." I told her as I pushed the restaurant door open allowing the cold wind to wave through me.

"Oh right." She smiled with a slightly confused face. She looked cute.

"Wanna do anything?" I asked, even though all I wanted to do was go home and have a quiet night in.

"Nah, I think I wanna have a quiet night in." She said and I started to smile.

"What? Why're you smiling?" She started to smile too which just made me smile even more. Damn she was cute.

"No reason." I said.

"What ever." She let it slide. "Actually, we do need some groceries in."

"Now? But it's 10PM." I sighed.

"Yeah, I know I'm shattered. But we don't have any milk, tea, bread, juice, cereal-"

"Alright, we'll go shopping." I cut in. "At least now I'm getting paid."

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