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Hiii guysss!! So sorry about the late update! I've been so busy with school and stuff. But hey, it's almost the holidays!!! Anywayz, enough with the boring stuff. Here's the next chapter...

Ed's POV

Was it too early to call? I mean, it had been a whole day since I had last heard her voice. I missed her already. Was this normal?

I heard the mail drop to the floor from my letter box and scurried towards it. A brown letter with the word 'URGENT' stamped on in bright red. I put all the other letters down and opened the urgent one.


I was late on rent again. If I didn't pay up in the next week I was going to be evicted. Luckily, I was getting paid tomorrow for Camp, but after that, how the heck was I going to afford rent? I needed a roommate. Fast.

I collapsed on to my sofa in a heap of despair. If only Louise were here, I'm sure she would find a way to cheer me up. Just her presence made me happy.

My mind kept drifting to our kiss. It was short and sweet, but it was wonderful. I needed to see her.

I eyed my phone. To hell with it. I was going to call her. I snatched my phone off the table and searched for her number. A smile creeped on my face when I found her number. 'Louise a.k.a Yoda' she had saved it as.

It reminded me of when I first met her and she told me her name was Yoda. I had already had a huge crush on her then.

I dialled her number and she answered on the third ring.

"Um hey... it's Ed." I said, suddenly feeling really nervous.

"Ed! Hi!" She beamed really excited which made my nerves calm down.

"I was wondering if you were free today? I know we only saw each other yesterday but-"

"Hells yeah. I've been having a crappy day, I'm so glad you called." She said which made me smile.

"We can compare our crappy days over a coffee?" I suggested.

"Sounds awesome. Meet at the Starbucks on Crowfield Road in half an hour?" She asked.

"Cool, see you then."


I hung up. Well that was quick and easy. Looks like she wanted to see me as much as I wanted to see her.


Louise's POV

Did I sound really eager just then? Oh well, I didn't care and neither did Ed. It seemed as if he was already missing me and I'm not going to lie, I was missing him to. Was that normal? I had only properly known the guy a week. Wow. It felt like longer considering the amount of stuff I knew about him.

I walked in to the Starbucks and caught Ed's eye straight away. Butterflies began jumping up and down in my stomach. Damn he was cute.

I noticed that there was two cups already on the table. One for him, one for me. A cappuccino. How did he know what I liked to drink at Starbucks?

"Hey." I waved and sat down in the seat opposite him. "I didn't expect you to call so soon. I'm glad you did though."

"Yeah, so am I." He smiled.

"How did you know I always drink this," I held up my coffee. "when I come here?"

"I didn't," He replied. "I guess we like the same stuff."

"I guess so..."

"So what happened in this crappy day of yours today?" He asked.

"Well," I was just going to come out with it. "I might be moving to Scotland."

Moments... (An Ed Sheeran fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now