Happy New Year

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^^^ or >>> is how Louise looks in this chapter. Her dress and everything, just so it's easier to imagine:)

Louise's POV

"Louise! Hurry up, you're taking like a billion years! Niall and Lottie are waiting!" Ed called up the stairs.

"In a minute!" I shouted back.

I was wearing a plain black dress and my hair was in loose curls. With one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my coat and ran downstairs.

"You look beautiful." Ed smiled at me. "Not that you don't usually that is." He quickly added and I laughed.

"Thanks, don't look too bad yourself." I said whilst putting my coat on.

"Why thank you." He grinned. "We good to go?"

"Yep." I nodded.

Since Lottie's boyfriend, Niall, could drive, they both agreed to give us a ride to Harry's house which was awesome of them. New Year's Eve parties were the best.

Ed and I left the house and made our way to their car which was already parked outside our house.

"What took you so long?" Lottie asked as Ed and I got into the car.

"Louise was putting her face on." Ed teased and I elbowed him.

"Oh be quiet." I said. "I'm not even wearing any make up."

"Yet you still look stunning." He cheesily remarked.

"Urgh, guys. If you're going to be all lovey dovey, you can get your arses out of the car." Lottie said.

"Agreed." Niall nodded.

"Sorry." Ed apologised then smiled at me. "Louise, you look terrible."

"And you look awful." I said with a smile.

"That's more like it." Lottie grinned and Niall started the engine.

The car journey was short and sweet. We made small conversation and we arrived at Harry's house in no time.

Music sounded from inside the house and people were already cluttering the front garden with beers in hand.

We left the car and made our way inside the house where even more people occupied the space. I didn't even know Harry knew so many people.

"So glad you could come!" Harry came out from nowhere and patted Ed on the back.

"Thanks for inviting us." Niall replied.

"No problem. Help yourselves to drinks and well, just have fun." Harry told us.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Lottie spoke and grabbed Niall's hand, dragging him towards the table filled with alcohol.

"You want a drink guys?" Harry offered.

"Nah, we're fine." Ed spoke for both of us.

"Suit yourselves. Imma go mingle. See you two later." Harry said and wondered off.

"You can have a drink, you know that right?" I told Ed.

Ever since I found out I had cancer, I didn't want to damage my body any further. Okay, so I did get drunk on my night out with Carlos in New York, but that didn't exactly end well. I didn't want to put myself at more risk. So alcohol was off the table.

"I know, but I don't want to. We can still have fun sober, Lou." Ed said.

"Your choice." I shrugged. "Let's dance!"

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