Lottie's House

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Ed's POV

"Do you have to?" I whined.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Lottie went ballistic at me when I told her that we got married and I didn't invite her."

"But we didn't invite anyone though." I reasoned.

"Yeah, but I didn't even tell her until today." Louise argued.

"But you're not feeling well." I complained.

"Yes I am, you know I am." She said.

Okay, so Louise was feeling better today and that was awesome. That was why I wanted to keep her all to myself while she was still well so we could have fun.

But she wanted to go and see Lottie...I guess she owed it to Lottie to go and see her but, me being the selfish person I am, didn't want her to go.

"Can I at least come with you?" I questioned.

"Lottie said, and I quote 'If I see that mother fucking, friend stealing, secret marrying spaztard I will slice his penis off and feed it to a lion.' So yeah, I don't think she wants you there." Louise explained.

"Fine." I sighed. "I'll drop you off and pick you up?"

"Yeah, no. I'm not getting in that car with you." She shook her head.

"Be quiet, you went in it yesterday and you were fine." I waved her off.

"Alright, alright." She gave in. "Let me get changed."

"But I like you wearing my shirts." I pouted.

"I don't think Lottie will though." Louise shook her head.

"She is such a cock block." I huffed.

"Hey!" She swatted my arm.

"Sorry!" I grinned as she ran up the stairs.

I played Subway Surfers as I waited for Louise to change. I was just about to beat my high score when Louise walked down the stairs, causing my eyes to shoot up, making me get run over.

"You just killed me." I said.

"I look that good, ey?" She smirked.

"I meant in the game, but yeah you do." I admitted.

She was wearing mid-thigh denim shorts with tights underneath which she paired with a cream jumper. She was still wearing the necklace I had bought her for Christmas and it looked beautiful on her.

She always looked so stunning.

"Thanks." She smiled kissing me on the cheek.

We left the house and got into the car.

"You remember the way, right?" She asked.


"Of course." I waved her off and started the engine.

It couldn't be that hard figuring it out, right?

We zoomed down the road and I stalled just a little bit, resulting in a glare from Louise. I gave her an assuring smile and continued to drive.

"How you passed your driving test will forever be a mystery." She shook her head, although she was smiling.

"I'm not that bad." I protested.

"Wait...this isn't the right way." Louise pointed out.

"Yeah it is..." I trailed off.

"No, no is isn't." She was so sure of herself. "You liar, you don't remember the way, do you?"

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