Back to Reality

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My updates are quite regular now, right? Go me!! :)

Louise's POV

So I was back in England: back home. Yeah, it was sad to be away from all the madness of the past week but it was nice to be in the comfort of your own home. Plus, Ed and I were going to Cecielia's Restaurant today for a date, so I was still excited.

After that, the only things left on the Bucket List was writing a letter to everyone I knew saying goodbye. I had already made my scrapbook and yes, it looked amazing.

I was currently writing my letter to Harry but I was stuck for words. So far I had written:

Dear Harry,
                      By the time you're reading this, I will no longer be alive.

That was it. It was useless. It needed to be all nice yet a little dramatic.

I continued thinking what to write and some how magically finished his letter, along with Lottie's and Ed's. I didn't plan on writing anyone else one.

I started crying just a little when I wrote Ed's letter but refused to let the cancer get to me. I was going to be happy.

I put the letters in envelopes and put them to the side when I noticed a drop of blood on my desk. Another drop fell next to it and I realised that my nose was bleeding.

"Shit." I muttered and ran to the bathroom.

I collected loads of toilet roll and held it against my nose, tilting my head back. With my other hand, I held the bridge of my nose and waited for the blood to stop. It had been five minutes of bleeding before I heard Ed's voice.

"Louise?!" I heard Ed yell from a distance.


"Yeah?" I called back.

"Why is there blood on the desk? Where are you?" His voice was etched with concern as I heard foot steps.

"In here." I called as soon as the door flung open and he ran towards where I was sitting, on the edge of the bath tub.

"What happened?" He was worried.

"Nothing, it's just a nose bleed. Don't worry about it." I calmed him, my head still tilted back so I couldn't properly see him.

"I'm taking you to the hospital. Right now." Ed ordered.

"Ed, you're being way over dramatic. I'm fine. Plus, what's the hospital going to do, huh?" I quizzed.

"I don't know, give you some medicine?" Ed replied.

"For a nose bleed? Ed, honestly, it's nothing." I assured.

"Well we're not going to Cecielia's." He stated.

"What?" I took the tissue away from my nose and faced him. The bleeding had stopped. "Yes we are."

"No. No we're not." He shook his head.

"For the love of God Ed, everyone gets nose bleeds." I protested.

"I don't care about everyone, I care ab-"

"Edward Christopher Sheeran, we're going to Cecielia's and that's final, okay?" I demanded, my voice stern. "Now please leave."


"Now, Ed." I glared.

A small smile crept on my lips as he walked away, muttering quietly to himself.

I cleaned my nose up and returned back to my bedroom where Ed already was.

"You're wearing that to Cecielia's?" Ed asked, and I smiled at my win.

Moments... (An Ed Sheeran fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now