New Job and Painting

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Louise's POV

"Please! He's right outside. Just listen to him. He would bring in so many customers!" I pleaded with my boss, Liam.

"Louise, the restaurant already has a singer for live entertainment. We don't need another one." Liam told me.

"But he's really good. Miles better than that Ben dude." I nagged.


"And he's such a hard worker and his talent is beyond perfect." I promoted.

"Fine!" Liam gave up and sighed. "I'll give him a trial period today, and if I like him, I'll consider keeping him on."

"Thank you!" I gave Liam a suffocating hug. "You won't regret it!"

"But I want to hear him right now, because I'm too busy later." He replied.

"That's fine. That's great actually." I said and we both walked out of the office and towards Ed who was waiting nervously.

I worked in a very posh restaurant which always had some sort of live entertainment. So why not have the amazing Ed Sheeran as a regular singer?

"So... did I get it?" Ed asked expectantly and then saw Liam behind me.

"You see that stage over there." Liam pointed to the little stage at the front of the restaurant.

"Yeah." Ed replied.

"Go up and sing a song." Liam said.

"Wait, so I've got the job?" Ed beamed happily.

"Only if I like what I hear. Now, go on."

"Uhm... well..." Ed thought for a moment and then smiled confidently. "Okay."

Ed walked passed all the tables and customers up to the stage, his guitar in hand. Luckily I told him to bring it.

"Uh hi." Ed awkwardly spoke into the microphone. "My name is Ed Sheeran and my job today is to entertain you, and your job is to be entertained."

I smiled at Ed's introduction and looked hopefully at Liam. His gaze remained fixed on the stage.

"This song is called 'Sing'." Ed announced.

He placed his fingers carefully on the correct chords and inhaled a deep breath.

My heart stopped.

"It's late in the evening

Glass on the side

I've been sat with you

For most of the night

Ignoring everybody here

We wish they would disappear

So maybe we could get down now

I don't wanna know, if ya gettin ahead of the programme

I want ya to be mine lady

To hold your body close

Take another step into the no mans land

For the longest time lady..."

The beat was enchanting and I just listened in awe at everything he played. His voice grew high pitched and soon after he began to rap really fast. I never knew he could rap.

Moments... (An Ed Sheeran fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now