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MY LAST AUTHOR'S NOTE. Oh gosh, it's finally over! I just want to thank ALL OF YOU for reading. You're amazing. Especially you awesome people who have voted and commented, I know who you are. I'm also going to write a new story which isn't an Ed Sheeran fanfic *everyone loses interest* it's called Falling for the Broken.

This little chapter is the letter Louise wrote for Ed because she didn't know he was going to die to. Attached is Ed Sheeran's version of Moments. It's shit quality but the best I could find. So I'm going to stop rambling....



Dear Ed,
               By the time you read this I'll be dead. That's a weird thought. But I guess there are a few things I want to tell you...

First: I love you. And I will always possess this undeniable feeling of desire towards you...even if I am six feet under. When I'm around you, the whole world seems nonexistent. It's just you and I. Everyone else seems to fizzle out and all I want to do is kiss those beautiful lips of yours or feel the chill of your warm embrace.

But I'll never be around you again, will I? I'll never get to feel that again. I guess it's harder for you, because at least I'm dead...I don't have to deal with the heartache. I feel kind of selfish in that way. I guess I'm glad it's me that's dying because I wouldn't want to live in a world that you're not in.

I'm not good at this letter thing, am I? I'm supposed to make you feel happy, not sad.

So anyway, the other thing I wanted you to know. Even though it pains me to say this, I really do hope you find another girl who you fall for just as hard as I did for you. I hope she treats you right and shows you all the love I wish I could give you. Don't let thoughts of me cloud your mind when you're with her. Appreciate her and show her how much you care for her; make her happy because then you'll be happy too. And that's all I want: for you to be happy.

So smile. I'm looking down on you from heaven right now so you best be smiling. Are you smiling? Because I'm watching you okay? I want to see those pearly white teeth of yours. Because although it may seem like life isn't worth living anymore, believe me, it is.

You just have to remember that we'll meet again. Whether it's in heaven, hell, as ghosts, as a reincarnation... I'll find you. We're like magnets: we're drawn together. Although we might be pulled apart for a while, we'll join back together. I'm sure of it.

And if I'm completely honest, I'm sort of glad I'm dying. Before you, I wasn't too keen on life. My relationship with Harry was uncomfortable-it didn't feel right. I guess I knew deep down that I didn't love him.

Before Harry, I was a complete train wreck. When my parents died, I resorted to self harm...I used to cry every morning knowing that I had to spend another day on this cruel earth. Heck, I felt that way sometimes even when I was with Harry. But with you? It was different. Every day with you was special and something I looked forward to. So I'd like to thank you for that.

Of course I'm not happy that I'm dying, but I'm not exactly sad. I've been through too much in this world and it's my time to go.

So before I finish, there's two things I'd like to say. Firstly, I'm sorry this letter sucked. Secondly, don't forget me. Live your life, but I want to be remembered by you. I don't care if everyone else forgets me, as long as you remember me.

Remember my face, my laugh, my smile, my jokes. But most of all, remember all the precious memories we shared. Our dates, our holidays, our mini dramas. Because it's not about how many breaths you take in this world...

...it's about the moments that take your breath away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~

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