Left for Dead

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Ed's POV

How could Matt do that to me? My own flesh and blood? I was trying to help him. Now look at me. I was on the floor, with a bruised cheek and I couldn't feel my legs. I could hardly move. I tried to speak to Louise but my battery died. No one was around to help me either.

What happened? Allow me to explain...

Half an hour ago...

"I'll explain later, I promise. I'm so sorry, but I really need to go or I'll lose him." I hurriedly said. "I love you."

Feeling like utter shit, I sped passed Louise and ran outside. I was totally dead when I got back. I didn't want to do this to her, but I didn't want to worry her with this shit. I guess I was going to have to come clean to her.

She called me instantly so I decided to put my phone on silent. I'd answer her later.

I saw Matt's slim figure in the distance and sped up my walking into a half walk, half run. After following him for 5 minutes, he finally reached the park.

Maybe he wasn't lying.

I hid behind a bush receiving some strange looks from passersby. I saw Matt take some money out of the bag, maybe £100? It was difficult to tell. That's when I spotted another man. He too had a rucksack.

Matt handed him the money and took the rucksack off him. Any guesses for what was in the bag?

I guess weed. Anyone else?

"Matt you twat." I muttered under my breath and stupidly smiled when I realised that it rhymed. I mentally face palmed myself. Concentrate.

Matt turned around and began to walk off. So there was no gang.

I jumped out of the bushes stopping both Matt and the man.

"Give him that money back. Now!" I demanded to the man who I now realised looked hella scary. "And you, give him that back!" I pointed to the rucksack in Matt's hand.

"You know this idiot?" The man asked Matt.

"Never met this retard before in my life." Matt's face was cold.

"You fucking thief!" I tried to grab the rucksack with Harry's money in off Matt but he punched me in the jaw. Hard.

"What the fuck man?!" The man yelled at me and kicked me, causing me to fall to the ground. He continued to kick me. Hard. Everywhere. Thank God I managed to shield Ed junior.

"Leave this idiot, Zach." Matt stopped him from kicking me. "He isn't worth it."

"Whatever." Zach spat and they both ran off leaving me on the ground screaming in pain.

Why the fuck was no one in the park?!

I saw my phone on the floor and it was ringing. I shuffled over with all the power I could and pressed answer.

I heard Louise's beautiful voice and tried to speak but it came out as a croak. Her voice was filled with concern but I had no idea what she was saying.

"P...park." I managed to say. I hope she could hear me. "Help."

I heard her speak once more but couldn't decipher what she was saying. As soon as I tried to speak once more, my phone made the shut down noise and turned black.

Fucking perfect.

So here I was. Waiting for someone to find me. I tried to move my legs once more but I simply couldn't. This was so frustrating. Using all the force I could I attempted to push myself up. I must have moved my head up 4 centimetres before I fell back down again.

This was useless.

No. I could do this. I could. I just...needed...to...move!

With that, I pushed myself up halfway and managed to sit up. I still couldn't feel my legs but at least I wasn't lying down.

I was in so much pain but I tried not to think about it. I coughed sharply, clearing my throat.

"Help!" I screeched. "Is anyone here?!"

Why did no one go to parks anymore?!

"Please!" My voice was desperate.

I was beginning to get light headed sitting up. I really just wanted to go home.

"Ed!" I heard a yell. "Ed, are you hear?"

"Louise?" My voice wasn't that loud.

"Where are you?" I heard Louise's voice. She was close.

"I'm here!" I yelled louder.

I heard running from behind me and soon enough, Louise came into view. She dropped to her knees so she could face me.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Her voice was etched with worry.

"I'll...I'll explain later." My head felt weak. "Can you help me up?"

"Shouldn't I call an ambulance?" She asked.

"No. I don't want to deal with all that. I'm so sorry for putting you through this, I know you're ill." I felt bad.

"Shut up, I'm fine." She said. "Can you not walk?"

"I don't think so." I admitted.

"I don't think I'm strong enough to help you all the way home." Louise confessed.

"Call Harry? Please." I pleaded.

"I...okay." She sighed and got out her phone.

She began speaking to Harry and I fell back down, I couldn't bare sitting up any long.

"He's on his way." Louise frowned.

She was annoyed at me. I knew it.

"I'm sorry." I apologised.

"Hmm." She refused to look me in the eye.

"Don't be mad." My voice was gentle.

"I'm not." She said through clenched teeth.

Silence held its place right up until the moment when Harry came bursting into the park.

"Ed! Man!" Harry shook his head in disbelief. "Where's Matt?"

I noticed the confused look on Louise's face as Harry mentioned Matt.

"Gone." I frowned. "With your £2000."

Harry looked pissed off yet concerned at the same time. Louise, however, was in a state of utter shock.

"Let me help you up." Harry sighed and Louise moved to help him.

"Thanks." I said.

"I'll drive you to yours, yeah?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, thanks." Louise answered on my behalf.

The tone of her voice suggested she was beyond annoyed but she was covering it up.

I had some serious explaining to do.


Good or nah?? My updating has improved, right?? I want to thank everyone who has voted consistently for each chapter. I do a little happy dance when I see a new vote and it makes me smile. It only takes a second to vote and it means the world to me so...

Vote, comment, be awesome...:)

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