Rock Music

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Millie's POV

My family and I, Millie Bobby Brown, just got off the plane from England and are now in our car driving to our new house. We moved to Hawkins because my mum got offered a job here at the school I'll be going to. "Are you excited to see our new home, Millie?" She asked while still driving. I smiled and nodded. "Of course I am mum!" I exclaimed in my British accent.

Dad lightly chuckled and looked back at me. "Yeah and your new school is gonna be fun too." He states. I nodded and looked out the window looking at all the snow around us. Indiana is a lot better in December than I expected. I watched as we drove by the city and into the neighborhood. "I wish Paige and Charlie were with us." I said quietly while looking at all the houses.

"Well, they made the decision to stay in England. We wish they were here too." Mum said. I sighed as we pulled up in the driveway. "Alright our stuff should be inside. Your father and I are going to unpack a little. Why don't you take Ava upstairs and show her to her room." Mum ordered. I nodded, unbuckled my seatbelt and lightly shook my little sister awake. Her tired eyes fluttered open as she tossed and turned a bit. "Are we home?" She asked tiredly while rubbing her tired eyes.

I giggled quietly. "Yeah Ava. Now let's get inside before it gets dark out." I said. Ava slowly nodded and got out of her car seat. We all got out of the car and walked up the steps to the front door. Suddenly we heard rock music blasting from the house next door which startled all of us. Ava hid behind me.

I grabbed my little sisters hand. "It's okay Ava, it's just music." I reassured her as mum unlocks the front door. We all walk inside our new house and the loud music from next door fades away. Ava and I slowly walk through the house and up the stairs. "This house is almost empty." Ava whispers. Her voice echoes throughout the house and she giggles.

I chuckle at her and we walk down the hallway to her bedroom. The door creeks open and we see a small bed, a shelf, and three unpacked boxes stacked on top of each other. "Are those my toys?" Ava asked pointing to the boxes. I look down at her and nod. She smiles and walks over to the boxes. "Can I play with them?" She giggles out.

I slowly nod and pick up the top cardboard box placing it on the ground. I open it and we see all of Ava's dolls and toy animals. She giggles loudly and picks out a few toys to play with. I smile at how adorable she's being. I stood up from the ground and turn on the light switch by her bedroom door.

It's getting pretty dark outside. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go see my room." I tell Ava. She looks up from the dolls and nods. "Okay." She says quietly. I flash a smile and walk next door to my new bedroom. There wasn't much. Just a queen sized bed, a shelf, and a box filled with all of my things. My clothes were already hung up in my closet.

The music from next door got louder. I sighed in frustration while lying down on my bed facing the ceiling. The music got louder and louder, like someone was turning it up. I groaned as I sat up from my bed and walked over to my window to open it. I can see through the neighbors window across from mine. A boy with dark brown hair sitting on the floor in a dark blue room. It must be his bedroom.

"Hey! Young man?!" I shout over the music trying to get the boys attention. He looks up from whatever he was looking at. The boy looks out his window at me and rolls his eyes. He stops his music and walks over to his window opening it. "Can I help you?" He says with annoyance in his tone. I was taken back by his rude behavior towards me.

I clear my throat and force a smile before speaking. "Do you mind keeping your music down. It's awfully loud." He smirks and shakes his head. "Nope. Can't do that." He said. I lean against my window and frowned. "Why not?" I ask. The dark haired boy tilts his head and rocks back fourth on his heels. "Because I don't have to." He said. He's very rude and I don't like it. "Please, I'm begging you." I plead.

The boy laughs and puts his hands in his pockets. "No. It's my house and I do what I want." He said. I sigh trying to hold back my frustration while thinking of what to say. "Listen, I'm just asking for you to keep your music down." I said shyly. He nods with an evil grin. "Yeah. Sure." Is all he says. I flash a genuine smile. "Great. Thank you." I said before closing my window.

I sigh in relief and lie down on my bed in the quiet darkness. It's not quite for long though because seconds later, I hear loud rock music from next door. This time, it's louder than before. I try to cover my ears, but it doesn't work. I stomp over to the window again and open it. "Excuse me!" I shout over the music. The boy doesn't pause his music, but he does open his window. "I thought you said you would keep it down!" I yell. He smirks and puts his hands on the window about to close it.

Before he does, he looks up at me and shakes his head. "I lied!" He shouts. I frowned in anger. "Welcome to the neighborhood, British!" He added and shut his window. I grit my teeth and close my window.



The other one sucked so I came up with this. Hope you all like it.

Also, I usually do an 'About the book' thing where I tell you about the characters and talk about their personality and stuff, but there are to many characters so I thought we could just dive right in. I'll tell you their ages though. Check it out.


Caleb, Sadie, and Romeo are in 9th grade. The rest are in 8th grade. Enjoy.

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