New Friends

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Millie's POV

I was sitting in the schools front office waiting for the bell to ring. My mom was in the middle of a staff meeting. She's the new reading teacher. I was more than excited when I found out she would be my reading teacher. That's awesome. Suddenly, a girl with long light brown hair came

She was panting as she got to the front desk. "Am I late?" She asks the lady at the front desk. I think her name was Flo, I don't know. The lady shook her head and sighed. "No need to worry Maddie, you're early. Now why don't you sit down and wait for the bell to ring. You're sweating a lake." She says pointing to the empty seat next to me.

The girl finally catches her breath and nods. She slowly walks to the seat next to me and sits down. I wanted to make friends with her, but I'm to shy and awkward. I look her up and down noticing that she's wearing skinny jeans and a navy blue long sleeve shirt. Her hair was in a tight ponytail atop her head. How can she run in jeans? Is that really all I can think about?

The girl sees me staring and I quickly look away in embarrassment. I hope she didn't get the wrong idea or something. "I'm sorry. I wasn't judging you or anything." I say nervously laughing afterwards. She laughs and shakes her head. "It's alright." She says and sticks her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Maddie." She greets. I look up at her, smile, and take her hand to shake it. "I'm Millie." I stated.

Maddie just smiles, not yet taking her gaze or hand away from me. It's kinda making me uncomfortable, but maybe she's just being friendly. I try to spark up a conversation. "S-so uh, d-did you walk here or..." I trail off. Maddie looks down at our connected hands and quickly pulls hers away smiling nervously. There's just something about her that seems off, but I try to ignore it.

Maddie clears her throat and places her hands in her lap. "I ran all the way here. My mom left early for work so I just ran three blocks to get here." She says. My jaw drops as she nods her head. "I love your accent. Are you British?" Maddie questions. I close my mouth and nod. "Yeah, I just moved here from England yesterday." I told her.

She smiles wide. "Really?" She asked in a high pitched voice. I nod and being to cross my legs. "Well Millie, Welcome to America. What brings you to Hawkins?" She asks. "My mom is the new eighth grade reading teacher here." I answered. Maddie's eyes widened and she smiled.

"Your mom is a teacher? That's so cool!" She exclaims. I just smile and nod. Maddie doesn't seem to bad. I just hope everyone else here is as nice as her. The bell rang and school finally started. I'm so nervous. This is a new school and there are different people and they all have a different accent I'm guessing and- "Do you want me to walk you to class? I can help you find it." Maddie ask now standing up.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to prepare myself for this new school. I open my eyes and see Maddie smiling down on me with her hand held out for me to take. I smile back and nod. "Okay. I'm ready." I say as I grab her hand and my backpack as I stand up from my seat. Maddie and I don't let go of our hands yet as we walk out of the office. "See you later Aunt Flo!" Maddie shouts towards the lady behind the desk as we leave.

I look at Maddie with a confused look. "She's your aunt?" I ask her. Maddie looks at me and starts laughing and shaking her head. "Oh god no. It's just a silly nickname. Do you get it though?" She asks. I got the lame but funny period joke so I giggle. Maddie sighs. "Speaking of periods, who do you have for first?" She questions.

I try to remember my school schedule and what classes I have. "Oh Mr.Heaton." I remembered. Maddie gasps and looks at me with wide eyes. "Oh my god me too!" She shouts in excitement causing some people to look at us. Some laugh at us and others give us looks. Not good looks, looks like we're doing something wrong and disgusting. It makes me feel shy and self conscious. I let go of Maddie' s hand as she jumps up and down.

Once she stopped jumping, Maddie and I keep walking through the halls till a boy with brown hair stops us. He has nice brown eyes. He's also smiling. "Maddie, I see you've finally got your self a-" He stops talking as he looks at Maddie who's giving him an evil glare and mouthing him to be quiet. The boy just looks at me and holds out his hand. "Hello madam, I'm Noah Schnapp." He says.

I take his hand and shake it with a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Millie." I greeted. Noah tilts his head to the side as he retracts his hand. "So are you new here?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yeah I moved here yesterday from England." I stated. Noah raises his eyebrows in shock. "Wow that's amazing!" He exclaims. Then Noah and Maddie exchange looks I couldn't understand. It's like they were speaking to each other without opening their mouths.

Noah looks at me with wide eyes and a smile. "So you're new here!" He exclaims weirdly. I slowly nod my head. "Well, I gotta get to class so...I'll see you two gals at lunch." He says walking past us. Maddie rolls her eyes and sighs in relief.

We continue walking to class. "So what was that whole thing back there with you and Noah?" Maddie looked nervous and turned to face me. She lightly shook her head. "Oh h-he and I were just uh...having a staring contest." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows, but decided not question further, so I just nodded.


Chapters 2 and 3 are just basically showing you how Millie and Finn act towards other people. If you couldn't tell, Finn's a sarcastic and rude person and Millie's a kind and shy angle. We'll see them together again in the next chapter. I just had to clear that up so you wouldn't think this book is boring.


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