Sealed Deal

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I hope y'all are prepared for this weeks chapter.
Millie's POV

I was called over to Noah, Maddie and Grace after I gave Finn his birthday present. Finn is my boyfriend now, my first ever boyfriend and my first kiss. Gosh I love him so much.

I approach the trio with pink cheeks and a smile. "You look amazing Millie. That jacket is badass paired with the dress." Noah says. I chuckle and glance at the other two girls. "You two make a wonderful couple." I stated.

Maddie rest her head on Grace's shoulder. "Yeah, she's perfect." Grace spoke up. I nodded. I really wanted to tell them about Finn and I. "Well, Finn and I are official." I blurted out and Noah nearly screamed.

"Millster, I'm so freaking proud!" He exclaims as he wraps his arms around me tightly. I hug back with a giggle. "Wow Millie. I can't believe you two are together. I remember when he hated you. I wonder when he changed his mind." Maddie says out of excitement.

Noah lets go of me and pats me on the shoulder. "Millie can I talk to you for a minute?" Grace asks seriously. My smile slowly faded and I hesitated to nod. We walk away from the duo and I furrow my brows.

"Is everything alright?" I ask. Grace sighs and looks up at me. "I didn't want to say anything because I thought we could all just have a good time, but I have to tell you because you're my friend."

Grace is really scaring me. The way her voice sounds and how fast she's talking. I'm starting to panic. What if she says something bad?

Calm down Millie, don't let anything ruin your evening. You've got a boyfriend and it's the great Finn Wolfhard. Sure he's not the bad guy that you first fell for, but it doesn't matter.

"Sadie dared Finn to come to this dance with you." She confessed. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. What does she mean? "Finn never wanted to come to this dance with you, even after Sadie dared him to take you." Grace adds.

I try to hold back my tears. I succeeded, but now I need to let something else out. Anger. I huff and look around the room for the stupid boy. I spot him standing by an exit with Gaten. Their laughing at something he said. I assume they're talking about me which makes me even more pissed.

I stomp towards the two pushing past other students in the process. Finn spots me marching towards him and his smile disappears when he sees how furious I am. "Wha-" "I need to talk to you." I interrupt through gritted teeth.

He swallows nervously and I grab his hand before he could speak up again. I drag him outside in the snow with me behind the gym. "Millie what's wrong?" Finn asks when we're finally outside.

Tears escape my eyes and grow angrier by the second. "Sadie dared you to come here with me?" I ask. Finn furrows his brows together. "W-what? No, sh-she didn't." He stutters.

I could tell he's lying which causes more tears to fall from my eyes. "Millie?" I hear him whisper as he starts to wrap his arms around me. I push him away from me. "Don't freaking touch me!" I scream.

I see him start to cry now too. He's weak. If he was his old self we'd probably be in a fist fight right now. "You lied!" I shout!

Finn shook his head. "No. No Millie, I love you. I promise." I can hear the crack in his voice that people get when they cry. It brakes my heart, but I must stay strong.

"You've lied to me and I hate you! God, I can't believe I fell for all of your lies, you bastard!" I scream. I take that stupid ring he gave me off my finger and throw it at him.

He sniffles. "We're done! God I can't believe I called you my boyfriend and you stole my first kiss!" I yell. I'm so out of breath. I just stand there watching the raven haired boy crumble in front of me. I slowly walk towards him and place my hand on his chest where his necklace dangled.

Finn looked into my eyes apologetically. I purse my lips together and clutch the necklace in my hand before yanking it off of him.

I don't look him in the eyes as I turn on my heels walking away. I finally let it all out. I sob quietly as I trudge through the thick snow. I hold my jacket close to me.

I turn around and I no longer see Finn anymore. He must have went inside. I don't ever want to see him again. My mom was right, he's a horrible person and I hate his guts.

"Hello Millie." I hear a voice coming from some where around me. I stop crying and look around. I don't see anyone. Suddenly I see a certain annoying blonde step out from behind the corner of the building.

Iris had a devious smirk on her face as she looked at me. I looked at her in disgust. "I couldn't help but hear your little argument between your boyfriend." She said softly.

Ugh, what does she want? "He's not my boyfriend. We broke up." I stated as I look into my palm and see the necklace I gave him. I hear Iris chuckle causing me to look up at her.

"Yeah, Finn isn't very good with the ladies, but every girl still falls for him." She explains twisting a strand of her golden hair around her finger. I roll my eyes. "I guess you've also lost all your friends too, huh?" She questions.

I avoid eye contact with her and keep quiet. Where is she going with this? "You feel like you can't trust them anymore. They've all been lying to you." The blonde adds and she's right.

I can't trust any of them anymore. I can never go back to them. Maybe they were all in on this dare. Iris takes a few steps towards me still holding an evil grin on her face. She grabs my empty hand and looks into my eyes.

"Don't worry Millie. You can trust me. I'll be your best friend." She proposes. I quickly retract my hand and wrap it around my other. "How can I trust you? You're no better than him." I spat out.

Iris lifts her eyebrow at me. "Oh, but I am better than him. If I was a horrible person, would I have not brought you a peace offering?" She asks. I furrow my brows together. She didn't bring a peace offering. "What?" I question.

A figure stands out from where Iris came from. He was tall and he had brown hair. He was absolutely handsome. "Millie, this is Jacob Sartorious. If you be my best friend, he could be your very best friend." Iris emphasizes the word very.

I can see where she's going with this now. I shouldn't join her side, but Jacob was hot and I have no friends. I smile at the blonde and stuff the necklace in my pocket.

Iris held out her hand with a smirk. I smirked right back and grabbed her hand. We shook hands, it's a sealed deal. Iris and I are on the same team and I have a better boyfriend.

Millie just made a deal with the devil. This should be interesting. Next chapter will be a little time jump.

How are you? Are you feeling healthy today?❤️

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