A Princess

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Millie's POV

It's Sunday, the worst day of the week. I couldn't do anything this weekend. I'm pretty much grounded for the whole week because I keep getting into trouble. It's not my fault that everything and everyone pisses me off to the extent that I just have to fight back.

I'm lying on my bed in my room while blasting Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Ray. I've recently discovered her music and I'm really into it. I'm into a lot of new stuff now. I dress different, I talk different, I even look different without those stupid glasses. I don't need them, they look better on Finn anyways.

That's another thing that's different, I actually really really like Finn. I don't just feel my palms sweat and my heart race every time I see him, sometimes I feel my body tense up and I can't help but bite my lip when I imagine his lips against mine. I find myself to be very flirty around him. I'm just so, well, what's that feeling when you really like someone?

"Millie Bobby Brown! Shut off that music and get down here now!" Mom screeches from downstairs. I roll my eyes and groan in anger as I hop off my bed and turn my music down to the point where you could hardly hear the words coming from the speakers. I stomp out of my room and downstairs to see my mom sitting at the dinner table grading homework. I didn't do mine and my mom is pretty upset about it, like I care though.

She motions for me to take a seat next to her, I sat at the other end of the table. She's probably gonna give me one of her lectures on behaving right or whatever. I fold my arms across my chest as she begins talking. "I heard the school dance is this Friday. Wouldn't you like to go to the dance and hang out with your friends?"

I hesitantly nodded, not sure of where she's going with this. Mom folds her hands on the table as she clears her throat. "Well, lately you've been acting kinda... kinda-" "Like my true self, mom?" I interrupt. She shook her head. "Are you acting like your true self? This isn't the Millie I know. Ava told me that you screamed at her yesterday for no reason, the Millie I know would never raise her voice at anyone."

I let out a big breath and avoided her eyes as she went on. I had a reason why I yelled at Ava, I just wasn't gonna explain myself. "And you tried to sneak out last night. Why on earth would you do such a thing?" I shrugged. The reason why I was sneaking out last night was so I could go hang out with Sadie, Maddie, and Grace. Sadie and Grace have been getting along really well lately and they invited me out last night. I was unsuccessful and never made it out of the house unfortunately.

"What I'm trying to tell you Millie is that if you want to go to that dance Friday, then you need to show improvement or else you'll stay home all by yourself while everyone else is at school having a blast." My eyes grew when she told me that I wouldn't be able to go to the snowball if I didn't shape up now.

Mom raised her eyebrows at me as if she was daring me to detest her. I'm not changing, this is the new and improved Millie. "I'm not gonna behave just because you tell me to! This is me now mom and if you don't like it then you can go to hell!" I shouted and stormed away. I ignored my mom as she yelled at me and followed me all the way up the stairs. As soon as I got to my room I slammed the door right in here face and locked it.

"Open this door right now Millie Brown!" Mom yelled as she pounded on the door as I sat against my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was somewhere else as mom banged on the door and screamed "Grow up Millie Brown!"

After a couple minutes mom left and I was alone with my thoughts. I want to go to the snowball, but there's no way in hell I'm changing. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just tired of being the Millie I once was. The Millie who never did anything fun and always obeyed the rules. I like punk Millie.

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