Why Me

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Millie's POV

It was lunchtime and I didn't really feel hungry. There was so much going through my head. I've been asking myself the same question over and over again ever since I ran into Finn in the hallway after first period. Do I like Finn? I kinda like him as a friend, if you can even call us friends. Does he like me? Why did he ask me to the dance? I'm so confused. I need help.

I looked up at Maddie and Noah who were sitting across from me talking about god knows what. "Guys," I started bring their attention to me. I suddenly felt nervous to ask them this. I've never really talked about boys. "Um, h-how can you tell if a boy l-likes you?" I stammer. Maddie looks down at her food awkwardly. "Does someone have a little crush?" Noah taunts as he shimmies his shoulders with a little smile. I feel my cheeks heat up as I think about it. Do I really have a crush on Finn? "She's blushing!" Maddie shouts causing me to cover my face with my hands as they laugh at me. Oh god, I think I do like Finn.

"So who is he?" Noah asks. "Or she." He adds raising an eyebrow and looking Maddie up and down. That was weird. I remove my hands from my face and shake my head. "Well, I don't like someone, I don't think, but he asked me to the snowball earlier and I think he likes me." I quickly explain. Noah gasps dramatically and starts squealing. He's more excited about this than I am. "Oh my god, Millie! A boy asked you out! Did you say yes? Who is he? Do I know him? Do you like him?" Maddie puts a hand on Noah's shoulder to calm him down.

I try and answer all of his questions as best as possible. "I didn't say yes to him yet and I don't know if I like Finn or not. He seems nice though." Maddie and Noah just look at me in shock. Their mouths hung open and their eyes wider than the sky. They don't even respond, they just look at me like I feel from the sky. "Are you two okay?" I ask shyly. Noah takes a moment before questioning me again. "Finn asked you out? As in Finn Wolfhard, the meanest kid in school? Finn Wolfhard asked you out!?"

I hesitate to nod and Noah rubs his forehead while sighing. "Finn Wolfhard is a bully, Millie. He's been bullying us ever since Noah and I were in sixth grade and Finn was in seventh. He's bad news." Maddie rants. That does kinda sound like Finn, but why is he so nice to me. I've only seen him be nice to Sadie and Caleb. "Oh my god, he's coming this way!" Noah panicked. I turn around and see Finn walking towards our table in the cafeteria. Maddie and Noah are freaking out.

I turn around in my seat and try to calm them down before Finn gets any closer. "Guys it's okay, he's human too." Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw Finn sit down in the empty seat right next to me. I whip my head around to look at him and he's staring back at me with a grin. "Hello British." He greets. My heart starts pounding and I open my mouth but no words come out. It's almost like he put a spell on me. Why can't I speak right now?

Finn looks over at Noah and Maddie and shoos them away. The two get up and leave their seats, not wanting to cause any trouble I guess. Finn looks back at me and furrows his brows together. "What's wrong millimeter? You look like you just saw a ghost." He jokes. I close my mouth and raise a single eyebrow at the nickname. "Millimeter?" I question. Finn chuckles and nods. "Yeah, it's a cool nickname. If you don't like it, I could call you something else like my date to the snowball in two weeks?" I try to hold back a laugh, but I can't help it.

I let out a few giggles and Finn joins me. He's so cute and funny. "So what do you say?" He asks in between laughs. I stop laughing and look into his brown eyes wondering why he wants to go with me so bad. This morning he called the dance stupid and now he practically begging for me to go with him. "Why me? Why do you want to go with me? I'm probably the weirdest person here and there are way prettier girls who are dying to go with you." I said.

Finn sighs and looks down at the ground as he talks to me. "You're not like those girls which is perfect. You're different in a good way and... I don't know." He looks up at me as he says that last thing. I want to asks him if he likes me, but I don't want to make seem like I like him. Which I don't, I think. "If you don't want to go with me that's fine. I'll probably just hang out with Sadie and Caleb that night and third wheel if you say no." Finn sadly remarks. I hate to see him sad. I hate to see anyone sad.

I swallow anxiously as I feel an uneasy feeling set in my stomach. I was going to tell him my answer, but I'm so shy and this is difficult. I've never been asked out by a boy. I've never even spoken to a boy before I moved here. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My tongue felt numb. "I-I-I'll go." I stumble over my words. Finn looks up at me with knitted eyebrows. "What was that?" He queries. I feel myself blushing. If the cafeteria was quiet, you could probably hear my own heartbeat.

"I want to go to the dance with you." I respond. Finn slowly starts to smile showing his pearly white teeth. He's got such an amazing smile he makes me smile. "You will? Really?" Finn exclaims in disbelief. I nod vigorously. Finn starts laughing uncontrollably. "That's fantastic! I'm taking you to the school dance!" He continued to celebrate. It makes me so happy to see him like this. Finn started to calm down seconds later. "We're gonna have a great time. I promise." He says with a smile. "If you have any questions, we could discuss them after school at your house..." he trails off. I smile and nod. "Yeah, yeah okay." I agree. "Great. I gotta go find my friend. I'll see you later." Finn stands up and walks away with a huge smile on his face. I have a huge smile on my face too.

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