Play Games

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Millie's POV

-"Do you wanna go to the snowball with me?"-

My heart stopped when Finn asked me that. Doesn't he hate me or something? I barely know him. We've only talked like 3 or 4 times and it wasn't good. So many things were going on in my mind. Do I like Finn? What do I say? I'm kinda flattered that he asked me, but also confused. Why me? Out of all of the girls in this school he chooses me. I now realize that I haven't answered Finn and we're both just standing here silently. He and I both shocked by his offer.

"Uh, oh my...what?" I asked not even paying attention to my words. I keep replaying Finn's words in my head. 'Do you wanna go to the snowball with me?' I don't even know him and I'm just now hearing about this school dance. "I'm sorry I asked. I don't know what I was thinking." Finn apologies and looks at the ground sadly. I feel bad. Did I hurt his feelings? I quickly try to fix it. "No it's fine, it's just...why did you ask me?" I query. Finn looks up at me sighing.

He looks like he's thinking. He's looking at the sky a lot and he's rocking back and forth on his heels. "You're new here and I just thought...maybe we could get to know each other better. You know, hang out, go to the dance, do friend stuff." He says so casually, but looks so nervous.

I flash a smile at the thought of Finn and I becoming friends. "That sounds nice." I whisper almost inaudibly, hoping Finn couldn't hear me. I silently think for a moment. Think about what to say. Should I go to the snowball with Finn?

I look up at him and shrug. "I'll think about it. Okay?" I question. Finn smiles and nods. "Okay. We should probably get to class now." He said cheerfully. I give a shy smile and walk with him to science. I had a lot of thinking to do. I need to make up my mind. I would love to go to a school dance. No one ever asked me if I wanted to go to a school dance at my old school in England.

Before I knew it, Finn and I had arrived to class. We sat at our desks, him sitting behind me. Before Mr. Heaton instructs us to do anything, I turn around to face Finn. An idea popped into my head and I think it's great. "Do you wanna come over to my house after school?" I ask the older boy. He shrugs and nods. "Sure." He says.

I smile and nod with him. "Great. You'll get to meet my mum." I say excitedly. Finn playfully rolls his eyes and I give him look that says 'really?'. "She's nice. Though she doesn't like it when I hang out with boys so just behave." I explain. Finn grins. "Okay. I'll try my best." He says evilly which makes me feel a little uneasy. I nod awkwardly and slowly turn around in my seat to face the front of the classroom. Mr. Heaton wasn't even here, but everyone else was. I wonder where he is.

Just as I thought of that, Mr. Heaton walked in. He greeted the class with a nice smile and took off his glasses. "Hello class." He waved. Everyone said there hellos. Mr. Heaton gave a slight nod and sat at his desk. "I had a lesson plan for today, but then I had a great idea." He says as he pulls a deck of cards out of his bag.

He starts shuffling the cards as he looks around the room. I notice the cards don't have shapes on them, just words. "What if we just skip the lessons and play a game?" He starts casually. "Sounds fun, am I right?" Everyone nods and whisper to each other.

Finn leans up from his desk and whispers something in my ear from behind. "I think he's on drugs. Mr. Heaton never ditches teaching to play games." I furrow my eyebrows together and tilt my head to the side. Mr. Heaton sounds very organized, so why does he want to play games instead of teach? He stands up from his desk and looks directly at me. "Millie, could you please come up here with me?" He asks politely. I hesitate to stand up and slowly make my way to the front of the classroom. I can feel people's stares in the back of my head.

I turn around and face the class once I get to the front. Mr. Heaton picks up a dry-erase marker from his desk and faces the whole class. "Here's how the game goes," he starts. "Millie here is going to pick one of these cards in my hand. On these cards are a whole bunch of things. Millie is going to pick one thing from that card and draw it on the board. Whoever can guess what she has drawn first, will be rewarded with a piece of candy. Any questions?"

Finn slowly raises his hand and I notice everyone staring him down. Mr. Heaton points to him. "Mr. Wolfhard." Finn puts his hand down and sits up in his seat. "Why are we doing this?" He asks. Mr. Heaton chuckles and looks down at the ground for a moment. "Well you all have been working so hard lately, so I figured we could all chill today." He explains. I flash a smile and try to avoid everyone staring at me. I don't like being the center of attention. I feel very uncomfortable.

"Um, Mr. Heaton." I whisper shyly. He leans in closer to me so he could hear what I have to say. "D-do I have to go first? I'm just really uneasy." I question. Mr. Heaton puts his hands on his hips and nods. "Of course you have to go first. I picked you to go first." He holds his hand out with the desk of cards facing down. "Now pick a card and draw my little Van Gogh." He instructs me and I do as I'm told. I pick a card from the deck and flip it over, looking at the short list of things that I could draw, but can't.

I'm terrible at drawing. Have been and always will. I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of the other students. I study the list for a second and pick something that looks easy to me. Something that won't turn out horrible. I give Mr. Heaton the card and grab the dry-erase marker. As I open the cap, I turn around so I face the white dry-erase board.

I suck in a breath and get to work on my drawing, slowly guiding the black marker tip across the board. This might be easier than I thought. Seconds later I finish my drawing and step to the side revealing my work from everyone to see. Some people look at my drawing with confused faces, others start to snicker. I notice a few people glancing at Finn and he just rolls his eyes and face palms himself. I bit my bottom lip nervously as I knitted my brows together.

Mr. Heaton slowly applauds me then looks at the class. "What a masterpiece." He says. "Can anyone guess what it is?" Maddie raises her hands with excitement and a big smile. "Yes Ms. Ziegler." Mr. Heaton calls her out. "An alligator head." She says proudly. Mr. Heaton looks at me. "Is it an alligator head?" He asks me kindly. I shake my head. Maddie got it wrong. I don't blame her, my art skills are so terrible no one could guess this.

A boy with extremely curly hair raises his hand as he puts his other hand over his mouth preventing a laugh from spilling out. "Gaten." The tall British teacher calls out. The boy, Gaten, removes his hand from his mouth revealing a goofy grin. "Is it Finn Wolfhard?" He says aloud. Everyone erupts with laughter. I look at Finn who has his head in his hand. He shakes his head at me and mouths 'why' to me. I don't understand what he means.

Mr. Heaton looks at Gaten very displeased. "Mr. Matarazzo, why would you assume that Ms. Brown drew a picture of Mr. Wolfhard?" He asks. He says Mr and Ms a lot. I like it, but it also sounds weird. Finn sits up in his chair and sighs before shouting at Mr. Heaton. "Because I look like a damn frog! Millie drew a frogs face and every one says I look like a frog!" I was shocked to hear Finn curse, let alone shout at the teacher. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Finn doesn't look like a frog. He's actually kinda cute.

Mr. Heaton sighs. Instead of saying anything back at Finn, he looks at me and asks "Is it a frog?" I slowly nod. He puts his hand out and I hand him the marker. "You may take your seat, I'll give someone else a turn." He says. I smile and thank him before walking back to my desk. I sit down and turn around to face Finn. He lied his head on his desk and quietly groaned.



So you know how I'm writing as much as I can before I have a few days without internet, well I'm preparing for those few days(week/month/whatever the fuck) and packing up stuff and doing a whole bunch of shit so long story short, I don't have a lot of free time. I'm spending most of my free time writing for you guys, but it's hard because I have to do a lot so yeah, chapters are going to be messy and shit and this book will flop pretty danm soon. Also this is the longest chapter I've ever written like 1625 letters!? Damn!

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