F Bomb

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Millie's POV

It's finally Friday, December 8th. Yesterday Finn came over to my house to talk about the snowball. It's on the 22nd which is the day before his birthday. It sucks that his birthday is so close to Christmas though. Anyways, I walked to school with Finn, Grace, Sadie, and Caleb this morning. I guess we all walk to school together now. It was sorta awkward between Grace and Sadie arguing the whole walk.

We saw the middle school ahead of us and a tall teenager was standing by the fence. I noticed that Finn tried to hide his face from the boy. I furrowed my brows, but decided to ask later. "How's it goin' frog face?" The boy wearing a blue baseball cap backwards said. I notice he has an English accent like mine. I think he was talking to Finn. People do call him frog face a lot.

Finn let out a cold shakey breath and looked up at the boy. "That's Romeo Beckham." Grace whispered to me. "He's dating Iris Apatow. She's Finn's ex and yesterday Finn called her a whore so Romeo punched Finn." I raised my eyebrows at the information. Sadie steps towards Romeo with her arms crossed. "Well I guess the garbage truck is late because you're still here." She snapped.

Caleb chuckled at Sadie's burn. Romeo didn't find it funny at all, his face turned more serious. "Look kitchen sink, I'm not here to pick a fight with you. I'm here for froggy over their." He pointed behind Sadie to Finn who was standing next to me. Romeo noticed me and put his hand down with a smile. "Who is that?" He exclaims as he slowly walks closer to me. I try to not look up at him as he comes closer.

"She's absolutely breathtaking. I wouldn't mind taking hers, if you know what I mean." The boy stands in front of me. I look up at him with worry in my eyes. "Hey, leave her alone." Finn tries to stand up to Romeo. He looks at Finn and tilts his head. "I'm just saying, she's a pretty little thing."

I look at everyone else around me for help. Caleb is standing behind Sadie while holding her arms back. She's struggling to get out of his grip. Probably to hit Romeo. Grace is sitting up against the fence just watching everything play out. Finn is still standing behind me. When I look back at him, I see anger in his eyes. I don't want him to get hurt again. I'll have to stand up for myself.

"So are you gonna tell me your name or do I have to kiss you first?" Romeo says smirking down at me. It's disgusting and it makes me uncomfortable. I try to not show my disgust as I hold my head high and knit my eyebrows together to make myself look tough. On the inside, I just wanted to vomit. "Go away Romeo. She's not interested and you already have a girl-" "Shut it frog face!" Romeo shouts to Finn, still not taking his eyes off of me.

It's really creeping me out. I tried to keep my head up, but then Romeo tries to touch me. He slowly brings his hand up to my cheek and lean his face towards mine as he breathlessly says "It's fine. We don't have to talk." I didn't want my first kiss to be like this. I panicked and smacked his hand away from face. I take a step back and kick him in the stomach. I hope I didn't hurt him. Actually, I do hope I hurt him. It should teach him a lesson.

Romeo hunches over as he holds his stomach groaning in pain. He looks up at me in anger. I spit on his face and before the gang and I walk away from him, I said something that was out of instinct. Something I never thought I'd say in a million years. A forbidden word. "Fuck you Romeo Beckham." Then I kicked him in the face and he fell hard on the ground. I walk past the scene and onto school grounds with a proud smile on my face.

I hear Sadie, Caleb, Grace, and Finn shouting my name from behind as they follow me. I stop in my tracks and turn around to face my friends. Sadie comes up to me first. She pulls me into a tight hug as she giggles uncontrollably. Sadie finally pulls away and smiles down at me. "Dude that was badass! He's never gonna mess with you ever again!" She exclaims. "Did you guys hear Millie drop an F bomb back there? It was pretty wicked!" Caleb said as he pat my back.

In some odd way, I was enjoying all of this. Grace high fives me as she rambles about what I did. "That was amazing. I never thought of you as the fighting type. Oh my god I can't believe you really kicked him TWICE and you dropped an F bomb!?" I felt like a completely different person. I was brave and strong. Out of nowhere Finn gave me a big hug and the three others stopped talking. My courage was gone, I melted in his arms.

I hesitated to hug him back. My hands were touching his back. His hands were touching my back. The world felt like it had stopped. My heart was pounding out of my chest as I inhaled his scent. Finn smelled like cinnamon. It was nice. He pulled away from our hug and put his hands on my shoulders as he proudly smiled at me. I notice that his swollen eye looks a little better. "I love what you did back there." He said. I felt my face turn pink. My mouth opened but no words came out. It was to late, before I could respond he was already walking towards the school building.

I turn around slowly to face the other three. I'm still shocked after what Finn just said. Sadie smiles at me and puts a hand over her heart. "That was the cutest thing I've ever seen." She whispered. My face doesn't change though. My eyes are wide and I feel like I can't breathe. My chest is moving at a fast pace, my heart is out of control. What is happening to me?

"Millie are you okay? Are you having a heart attack?" Caleb questions. Everyone looks concerned and confused as I put a hand over my chest and try to explain what's wrong. My breathing became heavier. "I-I-I can't... breathe. My-my heart! I-I feel d-dizzy! My face is on f-f-fire!" Sadie and Grace try to calm me down as I go on. "Millie calm down." "Everything i-is spinning!" "Millie you're fine!" "I-I-I-I think might pass out!" "Millie shush!"

I calmed down a little as Sadie was holding my shoulders down. Grace put her hand on my back. Sadie looked into my eyes as her smile started to grow. I was still so confused. "Millie, your okay." Grace said. I looked between Grace and Sadie worriedly. "W-what's happening to me?" I asked shakily. Sadie lightly chuckled as I looked at her for an answer. "Millie, you have a crush on Finn." She explained. Those last six words changed everything for me. I have a crush on Finn? I've never in my life had a crush on anybody.

"I... have a crush on Finn?" I quietly ask the red head in front of me. She slowly nodded. "You like Finn." I like Finn? Now that I think about it, I do like Finn. I nod with Sadie. "I do like Finn." I say. I feel a smile on my face. "I like Finn... a lot." I do like Finn a lot. He makes me feel warm inside. It's like world stops when I'm around him.

The bell rings, school is starting now. Sadie stands up straight. "We have to go. We'll talk about this later." Sadie says with a huge smile as she grabs Caleb's wrist and drags him off campus. They're going to the high school. I fix my backpack strap on my shoulder and push my glasses on my nose. I turn around to find Grace, but she's gone. I didn't even notice. Maybe I was to busy thinking about how much I like Finn. What a morning. First I get into a fight with a boy and then I find out that I have a crush on Finn. I hope the rest of my day is this good.



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