His Friends

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Millie's POV

It's morning. My second day of school lies ahead of me and I feel drained and tired. I don't want to go to school, but I'll just have to suck it up and push on. I need something to help me stay awake. Just something to help me get through the morning, something that'll give me that boost of energy I need. I can't get a coffee because it's not on my route to school. Maybe just a good breakfast will help. It's nothing fancy, maybe just some bacon and eggs with orange juice. Yeah, that'll do it.

I finish up my breakfast and head out the door with my backpack on my back. I would have rode to school today with my mum like I did yesterday, but she said she needed to be there early. So I'll just have to walk to school. It's not that far away. As I walk past Finn's house, I hear a rustling sound in the bush in his front yard. I stopped walking and the rustling stopped. I thought it was just a small animal, so I continued walking to school on the snow covered ground. Then, the bush started moving again.

Once again, I stopped walking and turned around to face the bush. I grew scared when the bush didn't stop moving the second time. I slowly and quietly approached it, making sure to not disrupt anything. After all, it could be a lost scared pet. I could take care of it and help find it's owner. As I got closer to the moving bush, it slowly stopped moving. I peered around to look on the other side and saw a short blonde haired girl sitting on the other side. She looked at me with wide confused eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. Why is this girl hiding in Finn's bushes? "Oh, uh...hello?" The girl quietly mumbled as she adjusted the dark blue beanie on top of her head, which was causing the bush to move. I relaxed my face a bit. "Hi." I breathed out. "What are you doing?" I added. The girl sighed and stared twiddling her thumbs. "I'm waiting for my friend. He lives here and we walk to school together." She answered. "I'm Grace, by the way." I smiled. "Nice to meet you. My names Millie." I introduce myself. Grace smiles and looks down at the ground and starts playing with the snow beside her.

Grace seems a little sketchy, but nice. She's hiding in Finn's bushes waiting for him to walk her to school? Yeah, that sounds creepy, but I'm not going to judge her any further. "Hey!" I hear someone shout from the sidewalk. I whip my head around to see a tall red haired girl standing on the sidewalk with her hands on her hips and a tall dark boy standing beside her with his hands in his pockets. I'm starting to feel scared. The looks the two older looking kids give me aren't very nice.

The red head stomps towards me with a mean look. "What the hell is going on here?" She asks as she gets closer to me. I slowly take a few steps back trying to get away from the taller girl. Grace stands up from behind the bush and stands in front of me, facing the red head. "Sadie, maybe you should just mind your own business." She says calmly. Sadie, that's her name. She's scary. Sadie throws her head back and laughs. "Are you kidding me?" She starts as she looks between Grace and I. "You two are on private property without permission."

Finn walks out of his house and walks up behind me looking at Sadie. "You're also on someone's private property without their permission, kitchen sink." He says with a smirk as he rest his elbow on my shoulder. All of these people are making me feel a little uncomfortable. It may be only a few people, but I feel so small with these people around. I wish I could be confident like I was last night when I was talking to Finn. I hate being shy. The boy from the sidewalk walks up behind Sadie and wraps his arm around her waist.

"Finn, I've told you a million times, don't call my girl kitchen sink or I'll go back to calling you frog face." The tall boy says. Finn scoffs and removes his elbow from my shoulder. "Yeah, whatever Caleb." He says mockingly and looks at me with a smile. "Thanks for helping me last night." Finn thanked me in his normal voice. Wait, is Finn smiling a normal smile? He usually smirks or gives me evil grins. Finn's smile is just so...oh god, I feel my cheeks growing dark red. What do I do?

"Is this your girlfriend, Wolfhard?" Caleb asks as he looks me up and down. Finn chuckles and quickly shakes his head. "What? No, no." He says. He looks into my eyes, furrows his eyebrows and sighs. "Caleb, Sadie, this is Millie. She's my neighbor. British, these are my two best friends, Sadie and Caleb. They're in high school. I'd be in high school too if I didn't have to repeat eighth grade. Oh, and that's Grace." Finn points to everyone as he introduces all of us. "Now Sadie is a real b word at first, but once you get to know her, she's a real cupcake." He whispers to me. I just slightly smile and nod.

Sadie gives Finn a fake smile and looks me up and down. "I really like your hair. I don't think I could pull off a hairstyle like that." She compliments my short, wavy, brown hair. I smile a little more. "Thank you." I said shyly. "I-I like y-your hair too." I stuttered. I wish I didn't stutter so much around new people. Sadie seemed to like the comment and smiled. "I'm sorry for being rude to you earlier. I'm just very protective of my friends. I think we're going to get along just fine." She stated kindly. She's nice.

Grace clears her throat and we all look at her. Sadie sighs and raises a single eyebrow. "Hello disGrace." She said with a smirk. Grace rolls her eyes and looks down, avoiding eye contact with Sadie. "Morning to you to." She mumbles and looks up at Finn. "Are we going now?" She asks. Finn nods shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, sure. We can all walk to school together." He smirks. Grace's eyes widen and she shakes her head in disagreement. "There is no way I'm walking with Satan herself!" She shouted, referring to Sadie.

Sadie balled her fist and Caleb tried to calm her down by grabbing her waist and holding her back. He's a good guy. Grace noticed her fist and taunts Sadie further. "She looks and laughs like Elmo. I thought we lived on Mirkwood, not Sesame Street." Finn stepped in and tried to stop Grace. "Okay G.W., that's enough." Sadie grits her teeth as Grace continues to push her buttons. "Actually, I think Sadie is more like Miss Piggy for The Muppets. With her fat arms, big nose, and Caleb following her around like Kermit the frog." Sadie snapped. She wiggled out of Caleb's grip and took a few steps towards Grace.

Before Sadie could do anything, Finn stepped in front of Grace, shielding her from Sadie. "Woah there Sink, let's just walk to school safely and quietly." He said. Sadie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then she opened her eyes with a smile. "Okay. Millie, would you like to walk with Caleb and I? I know you're in Middle school, but you can walk with us halfway and then we'll drop you off?" Sadie suggested. I nodded at her kind gesture. She clasped her hands together. "Great!" She exclaimed as the three of us made our way to the sidewalk. Grace and Finn walked a few feet behind us and quietly talked to each other to avoid Sadie. I wonder if Grace and Finn are a thing. They'd be cute together.



I was reading smut all morning and I needed something innocent to distract me so here's this lame chapter.

I hope you love it.


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