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Finn's POV

Millie is amazing. I can't believe she stood up for herself like that. It was so unexpected. I always thought of her as the shy type, but when she kicked Romeo Beckham right in the stomach, it changed my whole perspective. I love it.

I walk into class and head towards the back of the classroom to tell my friend Gaten what happened. As I approach him, I notice that he's eating a whole bowl of cereal that was obviously brought from home. I don't question him though. I gotta tell him that kickass move Millie pulled.

"Gaten, where were you this morning? You're not gonna freaking believe what happened this morning by the fence. So yesterday, I called my ex a whore and Romeo punched me in the face, but then this morning, some of my other friends and I ran into him and he was hitting on Millie, so then she kicked him in the stomach, she said the f word, then spit on him and kicked him in the face! Doesn't that sound wonderful!? God I love h-"

I stopped myself when I realized what I was about to say. My eyes went wide and my face turned pink from embarrassment. Gaten put his hand on his head and took a deep breath. "Dude, slow down. I understood nothing you just said other than 'where were you this morning'." He said. "I was here all morning. It's cold outside." He may be right, I did speak a little to fast. I spoke so fast I almost confessed some really deep feelings.

I took a moment to calm down and get my story straight. I spoke up, making sure to be careful with my words. "Yesterday, I was in the hallway when I bumped into Iris. She was going on and on about how I should take her to the snowball. I already told her I had a date and she asked what Millie had that she doesn't, so I called Iris a W-H-O-R-E." I whispered that last part.

"Anyways, Romeo Beckham found out so he punched me in my right eye, which is why it looks all purple. Today Millie, Sadie, Caleb, Grace, and I were walking to school when we saw Romeo by the gates. He kept flirting with Millie and trying to kiss her, but then she kicked him right in the gut. It was awesome. Then she spit on him, said 'F you' to Romeo, and then kicked him in the face."

Gaten's eyes widened at the wickedly awesome tale. He was in total shock. I was too. "Woah." Is all he could say as he smiled. He put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth and nodded. When he finished the spoonful of the cereal, he looked up at me still nodding. "That sounds awesome!" Gaten shouts.

I nodded and leaned against his desk. "Yeah, and I'm taking her to the snowball." I casually say to my curly haired friend. Gaten leans in closer with his eyes wide once again. "You're taking the reading teachers daughter to the snowball?" He whispers. I shrug my shoulders and stand up straight while I fidget with the hem of my black leather jacket.

"Sadie forced me to take her. At first I didn't want to go with her because she's so shy, but that whole fight between her and Romeo changed the way I see her." I explain. Gaten furrows his eyebrows and sits back in his seat. "So you're only going to the dance with her because Sadie told you to?" He asked with confusion in his voice. I quickly shook my head and put my hands in my pockets as I explain it all again. "No. In the beginning I agreed to take her because of Sadie, but now I want to take her because... I like her."

Gaten nods and crosses his arms. "I like her too. She sounds amazing." He said. Gaten doesn't understand though. I don't like Millie as a friend, I like her more than that. "No Gaten. I don't just like Millie, I like like Millie." I smile a little when I say that. Saying that I like like Millie makes my stomach feel weird and my heart warm. I never felt this way before, not even with Iris.

Gaten puts his hands over his heart and let's out a long and cute awe. I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah yeah, I have a crush on Millie Brown. She's the cutest girl in school and she's not like anyone else in the world. When I'm around her, it feels like the whole world has faded and time has stopped." I confess. Gaten wipes away a tear and sniffles. "Oh my god, that's the best thing that's ever come out of your mouth." He says dramatically.

Then bell rings, which means class is almost starting. "We'll talk about this later." I tell Gaten as he shoves more cereal in his mouth, probably scared that Mr.Heaton will catch him eating in class. I head to my seat in front of the classroom. Millie sits in front of me. It's not even a problem anymore, I love sitting behind her.

As I sat down in my seat, I saw that beautiful brunette with the glasses. Her eyes sparklier than ever, hair soft, and those cheeks. I want to hold her face in my hands. Everyone is in their seats once I snap back into reality. I face the back of Millie's head. "Good morning students." Mr.Heaton says as he opens a drawer behind his desk and pulls out a stack of papers.

"Mr.Wolfhard, may you please pass out these papers to the whole class?" He asks. I stand up and accept the papers. I start at the front row and pass them out to two people, then I get to Millie. When I hand her the paper, our eyes meet and she takes it from my hand with a smile. My heart felt like it was gonna fall out of my chest. I continue to pass out the paperwork to the rest of the classroom as Mr.Heaton explains everything.

When I finish, I sit back in my seat and get to work, but my mind is so distracted. I can't focus on anything but the girl who sits in front of me. I want to tell her how I feel. I need to tell her how I feel about her.


This chapter feels short.

I won't be updating this book next week because I'll be busy crying my eyes out while watching Stranger Things 2.

See you in November🍂🦃🌽❤️

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