Girls Night

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Millie's POV

I called Sadie and Maddie just hours ago after talking to my mom and dad. I was so nervous, this being my first sleepover and all. I was running around my room, making sure that everything was perfect and clean. I already had my fuzzy green pajamas on. I hope the girls don't make fun of me because I look like a four year old.

I heard the doorbell ring. It was 7pm. I quickly ran down the stairs and to the door before anyone else in the house could answer. Not like they would because they're all in their rooms. Before I opened the door, I took a moment to catch my breath and fix my outfit so it doesn't look like a ran a marathon.

I opened the door and saw my two friends, already wearing their pajamas and a backpack on their backs. I hope this all goes well. I pushed my glasses up and greeted the girls with smiles and hugs as they came through the door. "I'm so glad you two could make it!" I squealed as the three of us made our way upstairs to my bedroom.

Sadie and Maddie set their stuff down next to my bed and looked around my room in amazement. "I love your room Millie. It looks great." Sadie says. I smile even wider and take a seat on my bed. "Yeah, and I love your pajamas." Maddie states while pointing at me. I really was having a good time.

Sadie and Maddie sat on my bed with me and Maddie asked "What should we talk about?" I thought about it for a moment, then I remembered what my mom had said this morning about Sadie. I don't believe it, but I asked anyways hoping to spark up an interesting conversation.

"Sadie, have you ever smoked before? Even once?" Sadie's eyes go wide and her jaw drops. I guess she was a little shocked by my question. She answered in between giggles though. "Yeah, like last year with Caleb and Finn." Now I was the one that was shocked. So it's true, Finn has smoked a cigarette before. That's kind of cool though.

"Speaking of Finn, are you going to the snowball with him Mills?" Maddie asks. I vigorously nod my head with a huge grin across my face. Sadie and Maddie were giggling like children till Sadie gasps, ready to share her idea with us. "Why don't we all talk about our crushes. Except for me, I'm dating Caleb."

Maddie looks up at me with a worried expression. Then I remembered what Noah told me yesterday in class. Maddie has a crush on me. I don't find it weird or anything. I'm not gonna let that ruin our night or our friendship. Maybe Noah was lying anyways.

I nod at the older girl with a blush on my cheeks. "So, Millie, what do you like about Finn?" She queries. Oh god, words can not describe how I feel about him. I've only known him for not even a full week, but he's still the greatest guy I know.

I try to hide my cheeks as I answer Sadie's question. She leans closer to me immediately waiting for my answer. "He's really cute." I said. Sadie gushed over my crush. She seems to awe over other people's crushes. Sadie quickly turns to Maddie ready to question her.

"Who do you like Maddie?" I feel the mood change in the room as Maddie shifts awkwardly on the bed. Why did Sadie have to ask her? It's all probably true. "Well, I don't really have a crush on anyone at the moment. I guess I'm just not interested in all of that stuff." She says, honesty laced in her voice.

So, I guess what Noah said was a lie, unless Maddie is a good lier. I should stop overthinking it all. "That's fine. I totally get it." Sadie puts her hand on Maddie's shoulder to comfort her and I just smile at the two. Sadie gasps again, ready to share what she has came up with now. It's great to see her like this. Usually she acts tough and is ready to fight anyone.

"Let's play truth or dare, but without the dares because I hate doing dares. Everytime I play truth or dares with the guys, they make me do weird dares." I'm a little concerned about that last part Sadie said, but I just brush it off and agree to the game. "Yeah, sure."

Maddie just sighs and slouches. "So we're just gonna share secrets? Okay, I'll play." The brunette gives in. The three of us scoot in closer then Sadie explained the rules. "So we're all going to take turns telling each other something that we don't know about ourselves. Sound fun?" Maddie and I nodded.

Sadie went first. She whispered to us in a very low tone, but luckily we heard her. "I skip school at least once a month to hang out with Finn and Caleb by that pond in the forest behind the high school. We've been doing that since 6th grade and nobody has found out." It wasn't that interesting, but it's cool.

Sadie looks up at me smiling. "Millie, your turn." She says. I don't really know what to say. I don't have any secrets. "This is my first sleepover ever." I confess. Sadie and Maddie smile weirdly at me. "It's okay Millie. This will be your first of many sleepovers with Maddie and I." Sadie says. That makes me feel a lot more welcomed into the group.

"Okay Maddie, it's your turn." I said feeling more confident about this whole sleepover. Maddie sat up while releasing a shaky breath. Whatever she is about to say is okay with me. "I lied about not having a crush. It's Grace Vanderwaal." I was taken back by what she said. I didn't know she liked Grace. Have they even talked before.

Sadie clasped her hands together with a huge smile. "I already knew that!" She exclaimed. Wait, Sadie knew that Maddie liked Grace. My world has fully changed. Sadie sighs happily and leans back on her palms. "This is the best girls night ever. I haven't hung out with girls in a while." She added.

I grinned. I'm happy to hear that, it really makes me feel a thousand times better. Our conversations went on. The three of us stayed up till 2 in the morning talking about school, boys, celebrities and family. I actually feel like I have friends. I never did stuff like this before I moved to Indiana.


Hey, I'm working on a new book, can you guess the ship?


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