Hardcore Blushing

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Finn's POV

First period is over. All we did was play charades or whatever that game, I stopped paying attention after Millie drew a messed up frog and everyone thought it looked like me. I hate my face. What people say about me is true, I do have a frog face.

I shouldn't get to upset though. If there's one thing my mom has taught me it's to never let people know that they've hurt you. And I shouldn't be mad at Millie. She probably doesn't know that people call me 'frog face'. I don't regret yelling at Mr. Heaton though.

I was walking to second period when I saw Millie walking to hers. I wonder who she has next class. I think I should apologize to her. I didn't want to lose my temper in front of her and make myself look bad. "British!" I shout towards the brunette with glasses as I lightly jog towards her.

Millie stops in her tracks with one hand on her backpack strap and the other readjusting her glasses as she turns around to face me. I stood in front of her thinking of how I should apologize. I'm not really good at this type of stuff. Usually people apologize to me because I'm so cool.

"I'm uh...I'm s-" "I'm sorry, Finn. I didn't think people would make fun of you for my drawing." Millie cut me off by apologizing to me. Damn it, the one time I want to be nice to her she has to be nice to me. God I feel horrible now. I sigh and accept her apology. "No Millie, it's fine." I say through clenched teeth while keeping my eyes shut.

I open my eyes again and take a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I shouldn't have gotten so angry over such a... lovely picture." Millie gave me a kind smile and looked down at her feet. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bit her bottom lip. "Thank you, Finn." She looked back up at me and I could see her cheeks were tinted pink, which caused my cheeks to glow pink as well.

The bell rang and Millie around the almost empty hallway nervously. "U-um I have to go. I'll talk to you later!" She shouted that last part while fast walking to her class. I watched her walk away with a huge grin on my face. I think I'm falling for Millie. She has beautiful brown eyes, perfect lips, and the way she looks at me, she's so pretty.

What the hell Wolfhard!? You can't say stuff like that. That's illegal in your mind. You fall for no girl. You're a lone wolf. "Hey Finnie Winnie!" I hear the devil herself exclaim from behind me. I jump at the sound of Iris' voice directly in my ear. I'm probably gonna go deaf. Not just from the volume, but from her voice overall.

I turn around and face Iris with my hand over my heart and wide eyes. "Jeez Iris. You scared the living daylight out of me. What are you doing here?" Iris takes a step closer and scoffs. "This is a public school, Finnie. I'm here to learn." She states as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. That's not what I meant though, but I don't waste this opportunity to make a joke to myself. "More like lure."

Iris didn't find that funny at all. She narrows her eyes and takes one small step towards me. Her chest now touching mine and her face only inches away. I furrow my eyebrows and try to turn my head away from hers without our faces touching, but I can't. She still has a stern look painted on her face. "Iris could you maybe... back off." I suggest.

Iris takes two small steps back as her face goes back to normal. I sigh out in relief. Iris doesn't scare me or anything, she's just horrible. "So, I heard that you're taking little miss London to the snowball." Iris says with a sinister grin. I'm confused by the name and also that look she's giving me. "Who's London?" I ask genuinely perplexed.

She rolls her eyes and and puts a hand on her hip with some sass. "The British girl. You know, with the glasses. The teachers daughter. The one that you were hardcore blushing over like five minutes ago." Iris informs me impatiently. I nod my head now understanding who Iris is talking about. "Yeah, I get it now Iris. I asked Millie to the dance, but she hasn't given me an answer just yet." I confirm.

Iris tilts her head to the side and pouts. "So you'll ask someone who's been here for two days, but you won't ask someone worth your time?" She says in a baby voice. I roll my eyes. "Millie is worth my time. She's an amazing person unlike you." I fire back at her. Iris stands up straight and narrows her eyes.

She slowly gets closer to me with a smirk on her face. "Oh Finnie, what does she have that I don't?" Iris asks while running her hands down the sides of her body. It made me shutter in disgust. I felt like I was going to vomit all over her. I wish I did, instead I narrowed my eyes at the blonde and shook my head. "She's not a whore. I gotta get to class now." I said as I walked past Iris.

I heard her scoff and sigh as I walked away from Iris with a huge smile. I feel good about what I said. It's like I've lost a ton of weight. I celebrate my victory in my head as I walk to second period. Defending Millie to Iris felt amazing and I was being honest, Iris can be a little provocative. She wears a lot of makeup and revealing clothing just to make herself look attractive. To me it doesn't work.

Millie on the other hand, she doesn't do any of that and she doesn't need to. She doesn't need to cover her face with goos and powders. She doesn't need to show every inch of her body. Millie is perfect just the way she is with her short brown hair and glasses. But that doesn't mean I have feelings for her, or does it?


I'm sorry I've been gone for a week. There's a lot of shit going on in the east coast and I'm just frustrated, but I'm gonna try and get back on schedule.

I saw IT last week and it's so funny. The first 10 minutes were pretty terrifying but other than that Richie's dick jokes were pretty creative and Bev is one hot bitch (I'm not gay I'm just in love with Sophia Lillis).

Love all❤️❤️.

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