For You

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Finn's POV

I stood by my moms bed as I fed her a spoon full of cold medicine. Her face scrunched up as I pulled the spoon out of her mouth. "God, that tastes gross." She says after swallowing it. I smiled and let a chuckle out.

My mom is the only woman I can trust. She's been my only friend for a while now. She takes care of me and I take care of her. I guess you could say I've become a mommy's boy.

"Finn, you don't have to do all of this. Don't you have anything better to do then hang out with me? I really don't want to get you sick." The woman worries.

I could do something else, but I don't wanna leave her. She's all I have to hang out with today. My brother Nick moved out a while ago and my dad picked up a shift at work an hour ago.

Mom grabbed my hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "I know you don't have anyone else and I understand how miserable you are. I can't let you get sick though." She explains calmly.

I frown and look down at my shoes. I guess I could leave her for a while. "I'll go read a book or something." I mumble and she release my hand with a sniffle. I quietly make my way out of her room and down the hall to my bedroom till I hear a knock at the front door.

I sigh and skip down the stairs to the front door. When I open it, I see her. She's barefoot and her lipstick is smeared around her mouth, but she still looked beautiful. "Millie." I said in disbelief.

I see tears well up in her eyes. "Finn." She replies breathlessly before wrapping her arms around me. I engage in the hug. She feels so warm I miss this. I miss hugging her and holding her hand.

She pulled away from me and I pulled her into my house. "It's freezing." I stated and shut the door. She looked around the living room at all the pictures hung up on the wall. My heart starts beating faster. I don't know what to do.

"D-do you wanna sit down?" I ask. Millie nods and I usher her to the sofa. "Finn? Who was at the door?" I hear my mom ask from upstairs followed by a cough. In this moment I didn't care if my mom was sick. Well I do care, but all that mattered to me right now was the girl sitting on the couch next to me.

"Don't worry mommy, just an old friend!" I shout. I glance down at Millie and watch her play with her necklace as she stares at my hand on my lap. I look down to see what she's looking at. It's the ring.

I fold my hands in my lap and clear my throat which stopped our comfortable silence. "Uh, so you're here." I said awkwardly. I want to sound nice. Millie looks into my eyes and suddenly I relax like my insides just turned to mush.

"Y-yeah I uh... I wanted to talk things out." She explained. I can tell she's nervous. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. "It's been almost a year, Mills. What made you want to talk now?" I ask.

She shrugged and looked away from me for a moment. "I miss you and I've realized something today." She spoke and looked back up at me. A tear fell out of her eye as she spoke.

"I changed myself because of you. I did all of this for you so you could like me and I've kept this silly facade so you would come back for me and tell me how much you wanted to be with me, but I got tired of waiting for you to come tell me that. That is why I'm here Finn."

Hearing her say all of that made a tear fall out of my eye. I was in the same situation. I wanted to change my behavior and clean myself up to impress her and show her that I can do what she does. I kept it going for the same exact reason. "Me too." I said.

The teary eyed brunette knit her brows together. "What?" She queries curiously. I scoot closer to her and grab her hands. We stare into each other's eyes as I speak to her.

"I changed for you too. I wanted you to like me because all I care about is you. That's why I'm wearing these glasses you used to wear all the time and why I stopped doing all the stupid things I used to do. It's because I wanted to show you that I can change. It's because I love you."

That word accidentally slipped out of my mouth shocking both Millie and I. I do love her, but I shouldn't have confessed. What if she doesn't love me? "I... I love you too." She whispers softly.

My stomach felt weird hearing her say that. She loves me. Millie loves me and I love her. More tears fall out of my eyes as I smile happily.

Millie placed her hands on both my cheeks and gently crashed her lips into mine. I missed this. I missed her kiss so much. It brought back so many memories I started crying.

I felt her slowly pull away from me and it was like all the bad memories went away. Our fights never happened, there was no anger towards the other person. There was love. I flutter my eyes open and chuckle as I lift my glasses away from my eyes and dry my tears.

Millie giggled and did the same. "Jesus, what's wrong with us?" She giggled out. I rest my glasses on the bridge of my nose again and simply said "We love each other so much." She grins.

"You were never a dare nor a bet, Millie. You were all I wanted and I still do want you." I stated. Her cheeks blushed as I held her hands again.

"I promise to never hurt you or make you feel unsafe if you agree to being my girlfriend, Millimeter Brown." I vowed. I was serious. I will protect her at all cost and never let her go. She's the girl of my dreams.

The brunette smiled from ear to ear and vigorously nodded her head. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend! I love you, Finland Wolfhard!" She exclaimed before wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I was genuinely happy.

Millie pulled away from the hug and placed her lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss and held her face in mine. The kiss was long and passionate just like how I've always imagined kissing her.

A minute later, I slowly pull my lips away from hers letting the kiss linger. This all felt right like it was all supposed to happen. "I love you." She whispers as she rest her forehead on mine still holding onto my face as I do the same. "I love you too."


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