Asking Her

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Finn's POV

20 minutes after that very heated argument between Grace and Sadie at my house, we reached my school. Millie thanked Sadie and Caleb for walking with us. Grace just kept giving Sadie dirty looks. Sadie noticed and mouthed 'I hate you' to Grace. Millie just stared at her shoes awkwardly. Why is she still here? "Sweet Jesus! Is that Sadie Sink?!" I heard a boy shout as they were running towards us. It was Noah Schnapp and Maddie Ziegler, the two gayest kids at Hawkins Middle. They're friends with Sadie, but I hate them. Not because they're gay. I'm not a monster.

"Schnipper! Ziegler!" Sadie exclaimed as she held her arms wide out to hug the boy and the girl. They crashed into her and the three kids wrapped their arms around each other. "How are my two favorite besties in the world?" Sadie asked as they all let go of each other with huge smiles on their faces.

Noah shrugged. "I'm okay. My mom got the flu yesterday so I spent the whole evening feeding her soup instead of doing my homework." He complained. Sadie nodded showing interest. Then Maddie spoke up. Her voice is annoying. "We also made a new friend yesterday. Her name is Millie and she has a British accent."

Sadie and Millie looked at each other and smiled. Noah and Maddie finally acknowledged Millie standing right next to Caleb. The three girls and Noah started laughing. I rolled my eyes, grabbed Grace's wrist, and walked away. It was pretty boring and I hate almost everyone over there. Grace sighed in relief. "Finally! I thought you'd never rip me away from the girl group. You know I hate all of that stuff." We stopped in front of the school doors.

"Well, I would have stayed so Caleb doesn't feel left out, but remember when he stole my phone and texted Iris telling her that 'I still loved her' right after our brake up?" Grace's eyes widened and she covered her mouth to prevent a laugh from spilling out. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "It's not funny. I hate her guts!" I shouted in anger.

Grace just shook her head as she giggled. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell is so funny?" I asked throwing my hands up. She stopped laughing and pointed behind me. I tilted my head and looked behind me. The sight was scary. "Holy shower! What the hell Iris!" I screamed. "Looks like you summoned her." Grace joked.

Iris narrowed her eyes at Grace, who was standing behind me, and twirled a strand of her long, curly, blonde hair with a smirk. "I remember that night. I was at Romeo's watching a movie. Well, if you call him sticking his tongue down my throat watching." She said which made me gag at the thought.

"So Finnie, do you have any plans this weekend?" She asked taking a step closer to me. "I was thinking we'd hang out at your house and listen to some music." Iris added. I stepped back. What makes Iris think I would ever want to hang out with her? "Iris, you don't even like the type of music I listen to." I stated.

Iris shrugged. "Well, we can just hangout then." She said. Iris placed her hands on both her hips and tilted her head to the left. I looked behind me and saw that Grace had left me alone with Satan's daughter. I sighed and shook my head. "No. I don't even want to be near you right now. You have a boyfriend for crying out loud." I said and walked away from her and towards the girls, Noah, and Caleb who were still standing at the sidewalk.

I got closer to the group and Caleb came up to me. "Thank god you came back. The girls are talking about celebrity crushes. Why'd you and Grace leave me alone with them?" He ranted. I wanted to tell him I'm sorry, but am I really? What he did back in May really sucked. Instead of saying anything I just shrugged and he scoffed. "So I was just talking to Iris over there." I told him while pointing behind me. Caleb shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Dude, she's with Romeo." He said.

I nodded. Of course she's still with Romeo. He wants someone to make out with and she wants someone to tease. It sounds gross, but...yeah they're just two disgusting people and I hate them both. They've done nothing but ruin my life. "I know they're still together! I told her off!" I yelled at him which caused the girls to stop talking and listen to our conversation. "Yesterday, she asked me if I wanted to go to The Snowball." I whispered. Caleb's jaw dropped and he was taken back. "What!? Are you serious!?" He shouted. I quickly shushed him.

Sadie decided to step into the conversation and leaned her head on Caleb's shoulder. "Is everything alright, baby?" She asked softly. Caleb glares at me and slightly shakes his head. "Finn and Iris were just talking to each other yesterday and-" "Iris asked me if I wanted to go to The Snowball." I interrupted Caleb.

He sighed and Sadie removed her head from Caleb's shoulder with wide eyes. "Oh hell no! Do I have to beat her!?" She shouts while looking behind around school campus for Iris. Maddie, Noah, and Millie join the conversation. "Wait, Iris asked you if you wanted to go to the snowball? Why didn't you say yes?" Maddie question. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her.

Millie furrowed her eyebrows and tilts her head to the side as she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "What's the snowball?" She asked. Oh my god she's adorable. Stop it Finn, you hate her. She's not adorable. Noah gasps out of shock. "It's this cheesy school dance where you go in the gym and dance to music and stuff." I explain to the clueless brunette. Sadie and Caleb smile and look at each other. "Caleb took me every year when we went here. Our first kiss was at the snowball in sixth grade." Sadie said.

Maddie and Noah sigh in awe. Millie looks down at her feet and smiles. "Are you planing on going to the snowball?" Caleb asked me. Honestly, I hate school dances. "I don't know. I wouldn't have anyone to go with." I said sadly. Caleb chuckles. "You can go with Noah." He jokes. Noah rolls his eyes and puts his arm around Maddie. "No thanks. Maddie and I plan on going together." He explains. "As friends of course." Maddie quickly adds. I lightly chuckle and look at Millie, who's still staring at the ground.

"What about you, British? Are you going to the snowball?" I ask causing her to look up at me. Her cheeks turn a light pink shade as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. I can't help but smile at her actions. She's just so...I just can't describe it. "Oh uh, erm, I-I don't know. I just moved here and, yeah. I don't know." She stutters over her words nervously.

I glance over at Sadie and she smirks. I furrow my eyebrows at her and she nods frantically with a smile, teeth and all. I understand what she wants me to do. She wants me to take Millie to the snowball. She's daring me with her blue eyes.

I shake my head in disgust showing her that I don't want to take Millie and she silently groans in anger. I sigh and look at Millie. She has a confused expression on her face as she looks between me and the red head. "Well, Caleb and I have to get to school. It was nice meeting you Millie. I'll talk to you all later." Sadie says and gives me an evil stare before walking off with Caleb. "Later Caleb!" I shout as they walk further away from us.

Now it's just Maddie, Millie, Noah, and I standing on the sidewalk. Maddie and Noah look at each other and back at me. "We're gonna go to class. See you there Millie." Noah says as him and Maddie link arms and walk away giggling to each other. Which leaves Millie and I alone with a very awkward silence. Millie brakes that silence by clearing her throat before speaking. "So, who is Iris?" I wince at that name. Even her name sounds scary. "Uh, Iris is my ex. She's gross and you should stay away from her." I warn her.

Millie tilts her head to the side as a sign for me to elaborate. I sigh and explain everything to the young girl. "When Iris and I were together last year, she cheated on me with this guy, Romeo. He used to be friend, until I found him kissing Iris. He goes to school with Sadie and Caleb." Millie scrunched her nose. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be treated that way." She says with a warm smile. It made me feel warm inside too. Like there were a million things going off inside my stomach. Damnit Finn, you shouldn't feel that way towards her, or any girl.

I sigh and bite the inside of my cheek. I feel nervous and jittery. I can't believe I was going to ask Millie this. I could feel sweat on my forehead and my heart pounding out of my chest. I can't feel my tongue, arms, and my knees feel like they're about to give up on me any minute. Suddenly, the words fell out of my mouth.

"Do you wanna go to the snowball with me?"



I don't know if I'll be able to update at the end of this week or all of next week because there are some really bad storms that are coming to kill me so I'm going to write as much as I can and update. I love you all❤️❤️.

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