Kiss Her (Me)

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Millie's POV

Sadie, Caleb, Finn and I walked behind the high school and into the woods. It was actually really pretty with the snow everywhere, but it was a little to thick and hard to walk through. This is my first time skipping school and I'm so nervous. Sadie told me all about her and the boys skipping before, but I never thought I'd ever get to participate.

"We're here!" Sadie exclaimed as we stop walking in front of a small frozen lake. There were two logs laying across from each other next to the lake. It wasn't much, but the view was beautiful.

Sadie and Caleb sat on one of the logs and gestured for Finn and I to on the one across from them. We obliged and let go of our locked arms then sat on the big piece of wood together. Sadie was whispering something to Caleb that I couldn't really understand, but he was nodding and smiling at Finn and I.

I glance up at the curly haired boy to see him looking at me biting his bottom lip. I could feel my cheeks heat up. Even in this cold weather my face could still burn. I smile back at Finn and he chuckles at me. His chuckles sounds so cute and they make my heart beat faster.

I look back up at the couple sitting across from us who are whispering to each other and giggling. "Okay, okay. Babe, I'm doing- I'm doing it." Caleb says between chuckles to the ginger as she leans on his arm with excitement.

Caleb looked up at Finn and I with a huge grin on his face. "So, we have some questions for the two of you." He says as his girlfriend lays her head on his shoulder with a smirk. Finn crossed his arms with a sigh. "Okay, but they better be appropriate." He mumbles to the group. I smile at the couple across from us and nodded at them to go ahead and ask.

"Are you two dating yet?" Caleb asked. My smile grew wider and I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I really wish Finn and I were dating. I sigh happily at the idea. "No, we're not. Unfortunately." Finn says that last part under his breath and I heard it. He must want us to date too. If I like him and he likes me, then why aren't we?

Sadie giggles and whispers something into Caleb's ear. Finn uncrosses his arms and runs his fingers through his fluffy, dark hair. I love his hair. I wish I could touch it. "Okay, okay. Millie, have you and Finn kissed?" The older boy questions me. I blush and look down at the ground as I shake my head. "No. We've never kissed." I replied.

Sadie speaks up as she twist a strand of red hair around her skinny finger. "Do you want to kiss Finn?" "Sadie!" Finn snaps, annoyance and embarrassment in his voice. These questions are making my cheeks so hot and I'm sweating. Is this what it's like to have a crush? Your whole body heats up and it feels like the world is on fire?

"I don't know." I answer awkwardly as I try to avoid eye contact with the three older kids. In the corner of my eye I can see Finn looking at me with a small smile. I could hear Sadie squealing silently. I look up at her as Caleb and her whisper more things. I look up at Finn with my flushed cheeks. He leans in close to whisper to me. "Do you know what all these questions are about?"

I shrug and shook my head. He scrunched his eyebrows and looked at the tall boy and ginger who were now watching us with smiles. I raise an eyebrow nervously. "Are you two gonna kiss?" Sadie exclaims in awe. My eyes widen and I quickly lean away from Finn while shaking my head. "What!? No, ew! Gross!" Finn shouts.

Caleb's smile fade, Sadie's soon following with a frown. "Do you not like her?" She asks with disappointment in her voice. I was a bit confused. Finn sounds like he wants to be with me, but he doesn't want to kiss me? His cheek blush a rose color as he looks at everyone frantically. "I do, but I don't want to kiss her!" He shouts quickly.

Caleb shoots him an 'are you serious' look and I stare down at the ground. "Why not!?" I hear the tall ginger yell right after. "Well... I do! I mean, if she wants me to!" Finn snaps back at Sadie. I look up at the arguing pair and notice Finn is completely red. Sadie looks shocked but angry. "She says she wants to." Sadie states obviously. My eyes widen at this whole argument.

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