He Matters

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Millie's POV

I was in an alleyway with Iris, Romeo and Jacob. We were all taking turns sipping from a bottle of alcohol that Jacob had stolen. I wasn't nervous at all, I've done this before.

Iris removed the bottle from her lips leaving lipstick around it. She giggled and passed it to me. I lick my lips and take it from her. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" Romeo began to cheer and soon the others did the same.

I smirked and brought the bottle to my lips. I tilt my head back and chug the rest of the strong brown substance. It was only three quarters of the way gone. The others started cheering and laughing.

Once I finished, I threw it on the ground and the glass shattered every where. I started howling like a wolf. Jacob put his hands on my waist and I snaked my arms around the back of his neck.

Jacob and I have been together since that night I got into an argument with Finn. I really like Jacob, even if we do fight sometimes. I often feel like an object towards him. Like all he wants to do is make out with me and sometimes more than that, which frightens me. I like to move slowly.

"You're a badass Millie." Jacob compliments me. He crashed his lips onto mine. We moved our lips together. We stayed like this for a moment till Iris interrupts us. "Alright you two let's go."

I pull away from Jacob and furrow my brows. "Where are we going?" I ask. Romeo chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "We're going to hang with a few friends of mine." Romeo explains.

My stomach twist, but I ignore it and follow everyone as we walk around town looking bad as hell while I'm drunk as hell. I stumble behind the trio.

The four of us arrive at a small house not to far from where I live. Jacob stands behind me and hugs my waist as Romeo knocks waiting for someone to open the door.

It opens and I see a tall skinny boy with a blonde attached to his hip. "Romeo!" He says and they do some weird hand shake. Iris and the other blonde do this weird hug where they're only touching arms.

I feel Jacob kiss the crook of my neck and we stumble into the house giggling. We enter the living room and see another couple. "Millie, this is Jack and Ellie." Romeo points to a boy with freckles wearing a beanie and a girl with long brown wavy hair.

I noticed the boy had bloodshot eyes and he smelled a little weird, as did the girl. "And that's Jaeden and Lilia." Iris points to the skinny boy and the blonde. They seemed to be all over each other, like they couldn't take their hands off of the other.

"Everyone in a circle on the floor." Jaeden instructs. I have no idea what's going on so I just go along with it. I sat with my legs to the side as everyone formed a circle with me. Ellie placed an empty bottle in the center of the circle.

I tilt my head to the side. "Who's going first?" Lilia asks in a singing voice. Everyone looks at each other silently. "Oh for Christ sake, I'll go fist you wusses." Iris volunteers. She spun the bottle and it went in a circle.

It slowed down and suddenly it stopped spinning. The bottle was pointing to me. I smirked and everyone murmured something. "Okay Millie, truth or dare?" The curly blonde questions.

Without hesitation I answer. "Dare." She chuckles. "I dare you to go into the closet with Jacob while you're blindfolded." She says smirking evilly. I feel really nauseous. I obliged anyways.

Jacob and I stood up. "Here." Lilia said as she stood up and took out a black cloth from her bra. She hopped towards me and stood behind me tying the blindfold around my eyes.

All I could see was pitch black, nothing. I felt a hand grab mine and we slowly began walking somewhere. I was terrified. I don't know what is going to happen.

I heard a door close and lock. "Jacob?" I ask in panic. I hear him chuckle and pull me closer to him. "I'm here Millie." He assures me. I just don't feel safe.

I feel a hand go to the zipper of my jacket and pull it down. My jacket slips off my shoulders and it lands behind me on the ground. I swallow nervously.

Jacob puts his hands on my back and starts lifting my shirt. I quickly push his hands off of me and pull the blindfold over my head. I glare at the boy.

He snickers and takes a step closer to me snaking his arms around my waist. "Relax, baby. I just wanna have some fun." He whispers and places soft kisses on my neck.

I was honestly unhappy with him since the day we became official. I feel like Jacob isn't the guy for me and I've had that feeling for a while.

"Jacob... I can't do this." I said softly. His lips were all over my neck and jaw. His hands around my waist attempting to lift my shirt again. I roll my eyes with a disgusted scoff.

That's it, I've had enough. I knee him right between the legs and he backs away from me groaning hunched over a bit. I grab my jacket off the ground and put it back over my shoulders then zipping it up.

I unlock the door and step out of the closet seeing everyone still in a circle. I march towards the front door, but I soon stop when a hand grabs my wrist. I whip my head around and see Iris with an angry expression.

"Millie what the hell are you doing?" She asks. I yank my wrist out of her grasp. I wanted to yell at her, but I'm trying to control myself so I quietly and calmly speak to her.

"I'm leaving. I hate you. I hate Jacob. I hate all of your little friends and you can all go to hell." Iris shook her head. "I made you, Millie. If it wasn't for me, you'd be home all alone with no friends and this is how you repay me? I'm your leader." She responds.

She made me? She did not make me, I'm not Frankenstein. Iris didn't change me. I changed myself for Finn so he would like me.

My face softened as I remember why I did all of this and how it all started. This was all for him, I wanted to show him that I like all the same things he does. I need to see him now. He's all I want.

I turn on my heels and walk out the door. I take my uncomfortable heels off and hold them in my hand. I wipe off that stupid red lip stick that smells nauseating. It's smeared across my lips now.

I ran away from that house with all the bad teenagers and I don't look back. I never wanted to meet them, but unfortunately I did and I realized something. I don't need them because they don't matter and they never did.

Since I've separated with Finn all I thought about was him because I care. I care about him and when I catch myself thinking about him I curse myself and tell myself that he doesn't matter. That's a lie, he matters to me. I love him. I cry over him and I smile at the thought of him.

I come to stop when I stand in front of Finn's house. Memories of him flow through my brain and I feel a smile creep onto my face. I hesitate to walk through the grass and up to his front door.

I'm scared to knock. What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he hates me for what I've done? I'm willing to forgive him, we just need to talk. I clutch my necklace in my hand and lift my other hand into a fist and knock on the door.

I stand there with my heart beating out of my chest as I wait patiently for him. I need to see his face. Suddenly, the door slowly creeped open and there he was.

I'm not crying, I'm saving all my tears for next weeks chapter. Bring tissues.

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