Holding Hands

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Millie's POV

I like Finn Wolfhard, is what I've been telling myself for hours. I'm gonna say it again, I like Finn Wolfhard. I like his curly, almost black hair. I like the freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks. I like the way his eyes stare back into mine, it's like he's looking into my mind and heart.

I wonder if he likes me too. If I ask him and he says no, then I'll probably be heartbroken. I just like him so so much. I can't stop saying it, but it just feels so good.

Lunch was over. I almost forgot that I was at school right now. Maddie, Noah, and I walk to our next class together. Maddie was staring down at her phone in her hand while the other hand was on Noah's shoulder, probably making sure she doesn't bump into someone. "Hey Mills, what's your number?" She asks looking up from her phone.

"Woah Maddie," Noah started surprised by the question. "I thought you said you were gonna take things slow." I furrowed my brows. Take things slow? What does that mean?

Maddie flicked the back of Noah's head and he let out a painful and annoyed groan. "So, why exactly do you need my number?" I ask trying to forget about the 'taking it slow' thing, whatever that means.

"Well, Sadie and I have been talking and we wanted to start an all girls group chat with you." She explained. I nodded showing that it sounds fun. I've never been in a group chat before. The only phone numbers in my phone are my mom's, dad's, brother's, and older sister's.

Noah let's out a small high pitched whine. "So you girls are just gonna exclude me? So unfair." Maddie rolls her eyes at the small boy and hands me her phone. "Here, just type in your number and I'll set everything up." She says. I hesitate to take her phone then add my phone number to her contacts.

I smile and hand Maddie's phone back to her. She takes it and thanks me before looking back down at her phone. The three of us just continue to walk to class till I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I stop walking to turn around and I see Finn freaking Wolfhard right in front of me.

I have a mental panic attack. I feel sweaty and my eyes widen as soon as I make eye contact with him. My stomach feels like there are a thousand butterflies dancing around and they could make me fly away at any moment.

"H-hi!" My voice cracked. I instantly blush from embarrassment. "Hey." He says smiling at me. Oh his smile, I felt my heart skip a beat. "So, d-do you wanna walk to class together?" Finn stutters out. He must be nervous too. Wait, does he like me?

I slowly nodded and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose to prevent them from slipping. "Yeah sure." I breathed out. He smiled and grabbed my hand. Oh my god, HE'S HOLDING MY HAND! Finn intertwined our fingers and we started walking to 4th period.

"So, I know you're probably tired of talking about this, but are you as excited as I am about the snowball?" He asks. I try to control my breathing before answering him. "I am so excited about the dance."

I can't focus on anything but our hands. In movies and on television, when a boy holds your hand like this it means they like you or you're dating. Does this mean Finn likes me? Is he trying to ask me out?

"Mills? Millie are you okay?" He snaps me out of my weird trance. I take a deep breath and speak up. "I'm sorry, I was just trapped in my thoughts." He chuckles and gives my hand a squeeze.

I'm so embarrassed because my palms are probably sweating and he can probably feel them and then he'll be weirded out by me. Why am I like this?

"Look, we're here." He states. We stop walking right before we walk into the classroom. Finn turns to me and sighs. "Do you wanna walk into class holding hands or should we let go? I don't want to upset your mother or anything." He asks.

I don't ever want to let go of his hand. It feels so nice, I've never touched a boy like this. I realize that I haven't answered Finn and I'm stuck in my thoughts again. "I'm sure she won't mind if we walk in like this."

Finn smiles and let's out a shakey breath. We slowly walk into class, fingers interlocked and all. I try to avoid my mom's eyes, but I feel them on me like daggers. "Your mom looks pissed. I'm just gonna go to my seat." Finn whispers and let's go of my hand to walk to his desk.

I miss the feeling of his hand. I let out a sad sigh and go to sit down next to Maddie and Noah. They both have shocked faces. I look back and forth at both of them, then stop at Noah. "Millie are you dating Finn? Who grabbed whos hand? Does he like you? Is that why you stopped walking to class with us?" He questions non stop. He's always got questions and sometimes I have answers.

"We'll talk about it later." I said bowing my head down. "I'll make another group chat for just the three of us. We'll call it 'Millie's Q&A'." I heard Maddie say. I look up at my mom and she slumps over her desk with her eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched. After school is going to be extremely awkward.

The second bell rings and everyone is in their seats. My mom starts teaching. "Everyone please take out a sheet of paper and a pencil. Today we'll be quietly writing a summary of the latest chapter." She had a very monotoned voice.

I reach down into my backpack to get materials then Noah whispers something to me. "Is your mom okay?" I shrugged my shoulders and sat up straight to start working.

While I was in the middle of writing, Noah put a neatly folded piece of paper on my desk. I looked at it in confusion and hesitated to open and read it. The note read 'don't tell Maddie I told you this or she'll kill me, but she has a crush on you'.

I was so shocked I didn't know how to respond. I didn't even know that she was a lesbian. I don't have a problem with it, the news was just surprising. I wrote back to Noah. 'that's swell but I don't like her that way. what do I do?'
I passed the note back to Noah in hopes that he would know what to do.

He opens the note, reads it, then looks up at me and shrugs. I scoff and rest my head on my desk. Well this day is just filled with excitement and surprises. "Millie Bobby Brown, are you sleeping in class!?" My mom screamed. I immediately shot my head up and my eyes widened.

My mom just said my full name in front of the whole freaking class. If I could choose the time and place of my own death, it would be right here and right now. "S-sorry mo- I mean Mrs. Brown." I mumbled sheepishly. I was shaking as I picked up my pencil and got back to work.


Sorry for the very late update. I had a pretty busy week and I didn't update last week because I was binging Stranger Things 2 and the after show Beyond Stranger Things like a freaking monster. I was knocking them bitches back and honestly, I feel so empty.

I love you. You're all TOTALLY TUBULAR and BITCHIN' and I hope you all have a great day/night.❤️❤️

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