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Finn's POV

School was finally over and I am currently at home lying on my bed deciding whether or not I should listen to music or attempt to do my homework. I could do both, but sometimes I play my music to loud and then I don't focus on my task. I sigh and sit up on my bed deciding to just do my homework for once. I grab my backpack that's leaning against my bed and pulled out a blank sheet of paper, for reading, and a pencil. I know that in reading, Mrs. Brown told us we have to write something, but I don't remember what.

I zip up my backpack and roll it onto the floor, not caring if I brake anything inside or if stuff moves around and gets lost. I don't know what I'm supposed to write for reading. Then, I think of someone that might know. British, the new girl who's name I can't remember. She lives just next door and even better, her bedroom window is right across from mine. I hop off my bed and make my way towards my window to ask the girl next door if she knows what the homework is.

I open my bedroom window and grab a small handful of pebbles that are on my desk next to my window. I had pebbles in my room because Grace gave them to me when she snuck in my room a few nights ago. We just talked, but I still don't know why she would give me pebbles. I toss a pebble at the girls window and watched it bounce off of the glass, no response though. I sigh in frustration and disappointment then toss another pebble that hits her window. Still, no response. "Son of a-" I cut myself off and just groan impatiently.

I take a deep breath and decided to step my game up. Instead of throwing one pebble, I'll throw two at the same time. It'll probably make a loud noise and British, the girl next door, will have to come to the window. I smile at my brilliant idea and grab two small pebbles. I toss them at her window and wait for her to come. Seconds later, I see her walking towards the window. She looks straight at me as she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She looks like she's chewing on something. Maybe I interrupted her eating a meal.

The short brown haired British girl rolls her eyes and opens her bedroom window. She leans against the windowsill as I give her a half fake smile. The other half is just a sprinkle of kind. I still hate her though. "Can I help you, Finn Wolfhard?" She says with a hint of attitude behind her voice. And just like that, my smile is gone and I find myself rolling my eyes. Her voice is disgusting, she looks like a hobo, and now with this sassy attitude that seems kinda cool only because I haven't seen her like this. Wait, what am I saying?

"Hello British." I start calmly. "I'm sorry to interrupt your eating or whatever." The girl smiles, but it quickly turns into a serious expression. "I accepted your apology, but you'll have to know that this is gum. I wasn't eating, I was doing homework." She says. She's doing homework, which is what I need help with. Did she also say that she's chewing gum? Could it be that stick of gum I threw at her in class? Why am I trying to figure this out when I'm supposed to be doing homework as well? Maybe because I don't know it and that's why I'm here talking to British.

I shake my thoughts out of my head and ask the glasses girl if she knows what I'm supposed to write about for the reading teacher. Who is also her mother. "So, British, do you know what the homework in reading is?" Why am I so nervous to ask her? The girl sighs and looks into my eyes.

"First of all, my name is not British, it's Millie. Second, why weren't you paying attention in class when my mum told us about tonights homework. And third, what makes you think I would help you with homework when you threatened me and threw gum at me in class today on my first day of school?" She scolded me.

British is starting to make me mad, but she looks kinda cute when she's mad. What the hell am I saying? I don't even know her name. I scoff and narrow my eyes at the girl in the next house. "Listen Mia, I don't care about a lot of things and your mothers stupid class is one of those things! Also, if you're so mad about my half assed pranks, then why are you chewing the gum I failed to throw at you?!" I snap back at her.

British takes off her glasses and sets them by her side on her windowsill. She looks nice without them on. I can actually see those beautiful brown eyes. Oh my god, what the hell Finn? Stop this now! You do not like this girl, you're just using her to find out what the reading homework is. "My name is Millie. Not Mia, not British. If you call me either of those names again, I will not help you. The reason I am chewing this gum is because it's strawberry flavored and I love strawberry." She stated seriously.

I've never seen this confident side of this girl. It's sorta cool. Did she say she likes strawberry flavored gum? "I like strawberry flavored gum, too." I accidentally say out loud. Millie nods. "I figured." She replied with a slight smile. "Now the homework for tonight is to summarize the first chapter of the book we're reading in class. Goodnight Finn Wolfhard." Millie informs me as she starts to close her window.

Right before she does, I stop her by trying to get her attention. "Wait!" Millie is stops closing her window and looks at me. "Yes?" She asks. I roll my eyes and sigh. "You can call me Finn. You don't have to say my full name." I stated. Millie gives me a toothy smile and nods. "Okay, goodnight, Finn." Then, she closed her window and I closed mine.


ATTENTION: I'm sorry I haven't updated in over a week. I haven't been feeling to well. Not just physically, but mentally. I've just been feeling a little under the weather lately and I'm not telling you all this for you to pity me, but so you can understand and know why I haven't updated lately. I'm so sorry.

Love all❤️❤️.

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