In Love

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5 months later (May 31, 2019)
Millie's POV

I was sitting in sixth period bored out of my mind. We have one week of school left and we're reviewing everything we've learned. I can't remember everything I've learned from this year.

Finally the bell rang. I quickly gather up all my things and stuff it in my backpack before putting it on my shoulders. I scurried out of the classroom and saw Sadie walking with her boyfriend Caleb.

I forgave everyone a few months ago, it was part of my New Years resolution. The ginger spots me and I skip towards them. "Hey girl!" She exclaims as I stop right in front of them.

"Are you and Finn going to the freshman ball tonight?" Caleb asks. I shook my head in response. "Finn and I don't really do school dances no matter how big or small they are." I explain.

He nods understandingly. "Are you going Sadie?" I ask the redhead. She rest her head on her boyfriends shoulder with a sigh. "I don't want to go if Caleb can't go." Sadie pouts.

I nodded. Caleb can't go because he's a sophomore and the ball is only for freshman. It's sad that they can't go together. "Maybe we can have a double date tonight. You know just me, Sadie, you, and Finn." Caleb suggest.

As much as I love the idea of hanging out with one of my favorite couples, the other being of course Maddie and Grace, I'd love to just hang out with Finn alone tonight. I hope that doesn't make me sound selfish. "Actually, Finn and I were thinking of just staying in alone tonight." I inform the couple.

Sadie raises her eyebrows with a grin and Caleb smirks at me. I scoff and roll my eyes. "Really guys? I'm not like-" I was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from behind and spinning me around causing me to giggle and squeal.

I'm back on the ground and spun around to see Finn laughing. I playfully push his chest. "You scared me!" I chuckle. He nods and kisses my forehead. I get lost into his eyes and feel myself grow weak. I love him so much.

I heard Caleb clear his throat breaking my trance. I look up at the duo I was talking to seconds ago. They both smirk at us. "We'll leave you two. See you later." Sadie says and they turn around and walk away from us.

I gaze back up at Finn and wrap my arms around the back of his neck. "So have you come up with a plan for tonight?" I ask the tall curly haired boy who I noticed chewing on what smelled like strawberry bubblegum. I stand on my tippy toes so I can look as tall as him as we talk. I always do that. Finn says I look cute when I do it.

"Oh I've got the perfect plan for tonight. You're going to love it. This is going to be a date you'll never forget." I can see him light up as he talks. Finn won't tell me what his plan is, he says he wants to surprise me.

"So what time should I come over then?" I ask eagerly. He makes a face like he's thinking. "How does six o'clock sound?" He queries. I grin and boop his nose with my finger. "Splendid!" I exclaim.

He giggles and we start to walk to the front doors to leave the building. We just hold hands and walk in a comfortable silence. It's sunny outside and the grass is a lovely green at a satisfying height.

Finn and I walk home together just talking about whatever came to our minds. We're sorta random like that. We don't even fall under categories like nerd or bully, we're just Millie and Finn.

"Yeah, we should definitely get flying bunnies. Who the hell wouldn't want one?" Finn says when we stop right in front of his house. "I guess I'll see you at six." Finn says before letting go of my hand. My stomach is in knots. I'm a little nervous, but I'd never admit it.

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