Get It

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This chapter is gonna be split into both Millie and Finn's POV (if that makes sense). I did this in another one of my other chapters for this book and I thought I would do it again because I didn't want to do a part two. Enjoy❤️
Finn's POV

THE SNOWBALL IS IN TWO DAYS AND I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! Gaten agreed to come to the mall after school with me to help me pick out a tux. My older brother Nick came with to help pay for it and so he can hang out at the arcade.

Gaten and I were in some store for men. I was trying on a few suits Gaten picked out for me. I finished attempting to tie the bow tie and opened up the dressing room door to reveal myself to Gaten. He gave me a look of disgust and shook his head. "Man, what was I thinking?" He says out loud. I look down at the dress shoes I was wearing and frowned.

I heard Gaten sigh. "Sorry, I guess navy isn't your color. I think you should try the grey one that makes you look like a spy." He explains. If Gaten doesn't think the suit looks good on me then I won't get it. I shuffle back into the dressing room and look in the mirror. He's right, navy blue is not a good color on me.

"Hey Finn, do you mind if I try on this suit I found for a second?" I heard Gaten shout from outside. I start to untie the thing around my neck. "Yeah, go for it. Let me know if you're interested in anything." I took off the ugly outfit and put on a grey turtleneck with a black blazer. I of course put on my glasses. Holy moly, I looked hot. I'd dance with me.

As I looked closer at myself in the mirror, I noticed that I looked a little bigger. It's like my stomach expanded when I took a second look. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I just want Millie to like me. Why is looking for the right outfit so hard? There was a knock on the door followed by Gaten. "Finnlard! I think I found the perfect suit for me!"

I unlocked the door and opened it to see the curly haired boy wearing a blue suit with a bow tie. That looks exactly like the one I had on that he said didn't look good on me. Gaten does a big spin showing off his tux. I will admit, it looks a thousand times better on him than me. "It looks great." I confess with a genuine smile. Gaten nods then looks me up and down with a disgusted look.

Before he could even criticize me, I spoke quickly. "I know, it's hideous. I'll go change." I go back into the dressing room and just look at myself in the mirror with a sad expression. "Should we try a different store? We've been here for an hour." I ask the boy standing outside of the dressing room as I take off my glasses and unbutton the ugly black jacket. It kinda reminds me of my black leather jacket that I threw out yesterday. It just wasn't my style.

"We could try another store or you could try on that other outfit that you haven't tried on yet." Gaten replies. I roll my eyes. The last outfit looked like something an old man who feeds birds at a park would wear. I guess I could give it try. Maybe it'll look okay on me. I quickly put on the many layers of clothing to the top half of the outfit, a light blue collar shirt, the little red tie, a grey knit sweater and the brown blazer to top it all off.

I was already sweating buckets as I pulled the black dress pants on. "Hurry up Finn. I just got my suit off and I'm ready to go." Gaten wined. I took a deep breath and threw on the thick black glasses then opened the door, showing off my look. Gaten gasped. I could tell it was the one. I don't care if it took a century to put on, it was perfect.

"That's it! This is it!" Gaten exclaimed. My smile grew wider and I looked down at myself. "Okay, I'll get it."
I sighed out. I'm totally gonna get this look. "Alright, you hold my stuff, I'm gonna go get your brother so we can pay for all this." Gaten exclaimed handing me his folded clothes. I smile and nod.

Millie's POV

The mall is one of my least favorite places in the world, I hate shopping. The only reason why I'm here with Noah and Maddie today is because we're all looking for a dress for the snowball. My mom said that I could hangout with them and only them. What she doesn't know is that I still hangout with Sadie, Caleb and Finn.

"Oh my lord, you look amazing!" Noah exclaimed as he looked up at Maddie who was wearing a simple white dress with thin straps. She smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, Noah. You look great too." She complimented motioning towards his sparkly blue dress he was wearing. I'm glad Noah is breaking gender roles.

Noah giggled and the two hugged. I just sat back and watched the two, not interested in the conversation. "Do you think Grace will like my dress?" Maddie questioned looking down at her shoes while fiddling with her fingertips. Noah put a hand on her shoulder and reassured her. "Of course she will and if she doesn't, then I'll dance with you at the snowball."

The two finally face me and give me a look as if they're waiting for my approval. I uncrossed my arms and put them in my pocket as I nodded. "You're both beautiful." I sighed out. Noah popped his bottom lip out. "Aren't you gonna try on a dress? You're still going to the dance right?" He asked in worry. I nodded.

Of course I'm going to the dance still. I had to "change" just so I could go. And by change I mean be more careful when I sneak out and skip classes. Thank god my mom hasn't caught me yet. If she found out that I was doing bad stuff behind her back she'd probably send me off somewhere.

"Yeah I'm still going, I just don't know what to wear, I mean there are so many options." I explain. Maddie turns her head to look at a rack of dresses that were about my size. She picked up a blue dress with puffy sleeves at the top, pink dots scattered on it, and a pink ribbon around the waist. I raised my eyebrows at how ugly the dress looked. It definitely wasn't my style.

She held it up to me and pointed. "This is really cute. This dress is calling for you." She says bluntly. I rolled my eyes and gave in just to get it all over with. I take the dress from her hands and walk into the dressing room. I can hear the two outside of the room quietly cheering as I take off Finn's old leather jacket he threw out. I found it in his trash can and took it home because it smelled like him, warm cinnamon.

I quickly put on the dress and looked in the mirror. First, damn. Second, it's actually really cute. It stopped a little below my knee which was perfect. I'm not really a fan of dresses and skirts but I could wear this every day. I do a little spin in the mirror and a couple poses. "Millie are you done? We want to see. I bet you look beautiful." Noah begged. I sighed and opened the door to reveal the dress.

Maddie's jaw dropped to the floor and Noah brought his hands up to his mouth to gasp. There reactions made me smile bigger, then I did a little spin to show it off. "Oh my god, this is the girliest thing I've ever seen you wear and you look absolutely stunning." Noah squealed and Maddie giggled. "You have to get it!" She exclaimed not taking her eyes off me.

I looked down at the dress and played with the hem. "I don't know. What if Finn doesn't like it?" I ask. I want to impress him, but what if he doesn't like what I'm wearing and doesn't think I look pretty? Maddie put her hands on my shoulders and I looked into her eyes. "If Finn doesn't like it then you shouldn't like him. I don't see why he wouldn't like it, you look amazing." The brunette says causing me to grin.

I nodded my head. "Okay, I'll get it." I said. Noah and Maddie gave me a hug. "Great, so we're all getting what we're wearing right now! We look so freaking pretty!" Noah almost shouts as he squeezes me. This weekend is gonna be great.

I'm not feeling well so that's why it took me a while to get this up. Also this chapter sorta sucks, but whatever.

Next chapter is also preparation for the snowball. It won't be split into two point of views like this one but it'll be good. I hope.

So how's your day/night?❤️

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