Old Me

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Catch that reference 🤽‍♀️
December 10,2018
Finn's POV

"Finn?" Sadie snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn to face the red head while she smacks her gum and gestures towards the papers in front of her. "You're here to tutor me, not daydream." She chuckles.

Sadie and I used to be friends last year. I guess that all changed when I did. I'm a good boy now, that's how she says it.

I look down at the papers in front of me and push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I finally made it to the ninth grade, unfortunately Sadie is still in the ninth grade. I've been tutoring her in math and science since I got to high school.

"Sadie you got all of it wrong. You-" "Well I'm sorry I'm not a smarty pants like you, frog face!" She shouts. I flinch in fear and fix the collar of my shirt. I used to fight back and say something to her. Now I just sit there and take all of her insults.

Her phone rings and she gasps as she holds it up to her ear. "Hey baby." I guess she's on the phone with Caleb. She shoos me away with her hand as she continues with her conversation.

I pack up all my things and leave the girls apartment. Sadie lived right next to town. I had to walk through the streets by myself to get home. Luckily everyone here is so friendly. I get a few hellos as I walk along the side walk fixing the strap of my back pack.

I hear my phone ring from my pocket and take it out. It's my dad. I press answer and hold the phone up to my ear. "Hi dad." I smiled. "Kiddo! How's the tutoring going? Do you need a ride home?" He questions.

A ride home did sound nice, but what I really needed was some time to myself. Ever since I started attending Hawkins High, I've been busy helping other people in all my after school programs that I've been taking. "No thanks. I'm almost home." I sigh out.

"Alright. Well while you're out I need you to pick up some orange juice for your mother." He orders. My mom came down with a cold yesterday and my dad stayed home today to take care of her.

I nod then remember he can't see me. "Sure thing, pops." I reply and hung up the call. I put my phone back in my pocket. I let out a breath and make my way to the drug store across the street from the park.

I walk in and hear the bell above the door ring. I look around the store interested in everything in front of me. Most of the things here were snacks and bad stuff for adults like cigarettes and beer.

I ignore everything and head to the back of the store where the refrigerators were located. My eyes dart around looking for juice. I found a gallon of orange juice.

As I picked it up the store bell rang signaling that another costumer has come in. "Excuse me sir," I hear a British voice speaking to the man at the counter. The voice sounds like music to my ears. Wait a second, is it who I think it is?

I peek at the counter from behind a shelf of bottles. "Can you look in your lost and found for my necklace? It's silver and it says finland." She asks. My eyes widen and my heart stops. She's here.

The man behind the counter nods and walks into the back room behind him. I watch Millie stuff a pack of cigarettes in her jacket which caused me to unexpectedly gasp. Millie heard me and whipped her head around.

I quickly hid behind the shelf panting. She looked right at me. She was beautiful. I see her peer around the corner and she looks at me in shock. "Finn? Finn Wolfhard?" She asks in disbelief.

I clear my throat and stand up straight with the gallon of orange juice in my hand. "H-hi Millie." I say shyly as I awkwardly wave. I was expecting her to say something bad to me, but it was the complete opposite.

"Wow, you look... smart." She says between giggles. Her brown curly hair bounces around her as she laughs. He smile nervously. "You look great too, Mills." I confess.

"I haven't seen you since that night. It's been-" "three hundred and fifty three days." She finishes my sentence. I part my lips. She blushed. "I know, I've been keeping track. I'm sorry." She looks down at her high heels.

I close my mouth. "It's fine. I-I've been counting too." I confess. She looks up at me through her lashes. God she was breath taking.

I notice that she has bright red lip stick on like what Iris wears. Millie even dresses like Iris with her provocative clothing and all. Only Millie is just showing her legs as her top half is covered with my old leather jacket. "You look sorta like Iris." I confess.

"Yeah well I thought I could use a bit of an upgrade when I turned fourteen." She stated as she flipped her hair and looked me up and down. "You look well put together. I never thought I'd see you like this." Millie adds. I flash a smile.

The man from behind the counter comes back and Millie turns around to look at him. The man shakes his head as if he was saying he couldn't find it. "It's okay, I found it on the floor while you were back there." She announces as she shows him the silver necklace around her neck that I guess she had tucked under her jacket.

I smiled at her trick. The pretty brunette turns to me with a smirk as she looks at me through her lashes. "Well it was nice seeing you, Finnie." She says softly.

And with that Millie turns on her heals and walks out while shouting "Later nerd!" at me. I frown when she leaves. The store is quite again. I sigh and shuffle towards the front counter handing the orange juice to the man.

I stare outside through the glass door. At the park across the street I see Millie, Iris, Romeo, and some other guy with his arms around her at the park. They were cheering for Millie as she pulled the pack of smokes from out of her pocket.

I sighed and looked down at my left hand. On my ring finger was a silver ban that had the word 'millimeter' engraved on it and I've been wearing since the day she left me.

Anytime I feel sad or nervous I give the ring a little kiss. She's so different. She's not the innocent Millie that I've fallen for.

She was like the old me.

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