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I didn't know what to title this chapter so.... yikes KILL ME! Also this wasn't proof read I'm lazy.
Finn's POV

It's finally Monday. My weekend was pretty boring. I didn't see Millie at all. I really missed her. I'm glad I'll get to see her on my way to school. Jeez just last week I couldn't stand her and now listen to me, I'm like obsessed with her.

I was about to walk out of the house until my mom stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. I quickly whipped my head around to look at her. She inspected my eye with a smile. I rolled my eyes. "Your eye is getting better, sweetie." She says as she leans down to kiss my forehead.

"Yuck mom! I need to get to school!" I yelled as I vigorously wiped my forehead off with the sleeve of my jacket as I opened the door. Mom yelled a goodbye before I slammed the door. The whole yard was covered in snow I couldn't see the grass or the sidewalk.

Grace was standing by the bush where she usually waits for me. She practically lives in my front yard. I trudged towards her, my boots were sinking into the thick snow. "Morning Finn." She said as we both walked to the sidewalk.

"I have more pebbles!" She exclaimed. I opened my hand and she dropped three small rocks in my hand. I never understood why she always gives me rocks, but I do understand that she has no friends. Poor Grace. I've tried to help her make friends, but Sadie hates her, Caleb thinks she's weird, and Grace doesn't like Gaten. I stuffed the rocks in my jacket pocket.

We waited silently on the sidewalk for the rest of the group till Grace spoke up. "I'm gay." I looked at her with wide eyes. Did she just come out to me? The corners of my mouth lifted in a smile. She smiled too. "I support you." I stated. I'm really proud of Grace.

"Hey Finnlard!" I heard Caleb yell from down the sidewalk with his arm wrapped around Sadie. They were walking towards us when Millie came out of her house. She looked stunning as always. The group came together and we all walked to school. Sadie and Millie chatting as usual. Caleb and I walking ahead of everyone while we talk about guy stuff and Grace walking in front of the girls and behind me listening into our conversations.

"How was your weekend?" Caleb asked me. I shrugged while looking down at my feet. "It was kinda boring without my friends." I admit. I pray that he doesn't tease me on it. I'm never really mushy when it comes to Caleb, Sadie, anybody.

The older boy nudges me with a smile. "You should have asked Sadie and I to come over." He said then looks back at his girlfriend. "We could have played truth or dare!" He shouts. I glance back at Sadie who flips Caleb off. I take a look at Grace and she seems miserable.

"Disgrace." I called for her. She looks up at me and I gesture her to come near me. She speeds towards Caleb and I now walking between us. "What's wrong?" I ask the short girl who doesn't look up at me. She shrugs. I wonder if this is about what she told me earlier. "Hey, you can tell me anything. You know that." I told her.

Grace finally looked up at me with a half smile and sighed. "I didn't tell anyone else." She mumbled. Caleb gave me a confused look and I mouthed the word gay. He nodded understandingly. "Does your mom or dad know?" I question the girl. She shakes her head with a sigh.

I put my hand on Grace's shoulder in support. "Don't be scared or nervous. Just tell them and I'm sure they'll support you like I support you." I said to her. She looked up at me with a smile. "Thanks Finn." She mumbled quietly. I nodded and removed my hand from her shoulder as we got closer to the school.

We got to the front of the school. Sadie and Caleb said their goodbyes to Millie and I as Grace was walking down the hill to the school. Caleb pulled me away from the girls to talk to me privately for a moment. "Do you wanna skip today and go hang out in the woods with Sadie and I? You can bring your girlfriend." He offered. I could feel my cheeks turning pink at the thought of Millie and I being a couple.

I thought about it for a moment. I would like to go, but if I bring Millie she could get in trouble with her mom. I made her come up with the decision instead. "Hey Mills." I called her over, cutting off her conversation with the redhead. Millie smiled at me and came over. "Do you wanna skip school and hang out in the woods behind the high school with Caleb, Sadie and I?"

She looked exited as she nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to!" She exclaimed. I grew a little worried. She could get in trouble. "But what about your mom?" I ask nervously. Millie smirks and links arms with me. "She doesn't need to know." Millie says. I like this confident side of Millie. I've never seen her smirk before. It's kinda cool, I think I turned Millie into a bad girl. I hope that's good.

I chuckle and the four of us walk past the middle school to get to the high school. I wish I was in high school, to bad I goof around a lot. As we were walking, Millie tapped on my shoulder and I turned to look at her. "What do you guys do in the woods?" She asks with worry laced in her voice.

I shrug casually. "We usually just talk or listen to music." I explain. Caleb, who was walking ahead of Millie and I with his arm around Sadie, turned his head around to speak to us. "Don't worry Millie. We don't do anything illegal. Also it's snowing so we won't skip the whole day. We'll make sure you're back in school before lunchtime, okay?"

Millie nods and rest her head on my shoulder as we keep walking. My heart feels warm when she does that. Our bodies are so close I can hear her breathing. I can also see it because it's so cold out. This is gonna be a great day.


Yo, what do you think is going to happen in the woods?

Is it gonna be good or bad?

Will something happen to someone?

Let me know what you think in the comments❤️❤️.

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