Wanna Dance

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Finn's POV

I'm so nervous I'm shaking. I've never been to the dance before and it isn't what I expected. I thought everyone would just dress nice and dance around and act silly, but it's more than that.

Almost everyone brought a date with them. I don't know where my date is. Maybe she changed her mind.

I sat at a table with Noah, Maddie and Grace. They were all talking about god knows what while I was waiting for Gaten or Millie to show up. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and looked up to see Gaten walking towards me with a big goofy grin. There's something different about his hair, it's kinda weird.

"Holy crap, what happened to you?" I asked standing up once he was closer to me. His face dropped and he looked around the table. "What are you talking about?" He questions while smoothing his hair with one hand.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Do you like it? My uncle Joe helped me." He says.

I shook my head at him and looked passed him at the door. I was so anxious to see Millie. I bet she'll be as pretty as a diamond. I hope she's wearing that ring I asked Gaten to give her.

"So where's the lucky gal?" Gaten asked and I glance back over to him. I shrugged and looked down at my shoes sadly.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Noah with a kind smile. He had a really nice dress on. "Don't worry, Finn. I'm sure she's on her way. You know how girls are, they take their time to look good." He reassures me.

I smile back at him. "Thanks Noah. You look really great tonight." I complimented him. He grinned and pretended to flip his hair. "Trust me, I know." Noah sassily remarks and struts away from the table.

A slow song came on. Everyone on the dance floor started swaying with someone, but Gaten and I just watched everyone. Maddie and Grace joined hands and made their way to the floor.

Grace put her hands on Maddie's hips and Maddie put her hands on Grace's shoulders. They looked so happy as they swayed to the music at arms length like everyone else.

Gaten fixed his bow tie around his neck and smirked at me. "Wish me luck." Is all he says before walking away from me. I sighed and sat down once again, alone.

I guess Millie isn't coming. Maybe I'm not good enough for her. I just wanted to have a nice night with her. I wanted to show her how much I liked her and treat her like she's the only woman in the world.

I looked up and watched everyone around me. Everyone was dancing with someone and they were happy. Grace and Maddie were staring into each other's eyes, Noah was dancing with some boy I've never seen before, Gaten was dancing with a high school girl who was volunteering tonight. I was the only one who was by them self.

As the song faded out another song came on. I know this song, Sadie and Caleb told me that they had their first kiss to this song when they went to the snowball in sixth grade. I can't remember the name of the song, but it sounds creepy. A guy singing about watching a girl? Sounds like a stalker.

I look up at the door and my heart pounded. I saw her, she was here. I started sweating when she looked around the room and then she made eye contact with me.

Millie smiled as I stood up with my jaw still hanging open. I can't believe she came and she's wearing my old leather jacket. It looks better on her than me.

We started walking towards each other till we were both in the middle of the room. I grinned and stared down at her. "You look beautiful." I said nervously.

She blushed with a smile. I looked across the room and suddenly I felt my anxiety get higher. I wanted to ask Millie to dance with me, but what if she says no? I don't even know how to dance.

I glanced back down at Millie and swallowed nervously. "Wanna dance?" I ask. Her face softened and she looked around at everybody else who was dancing with a partner. "I don't know how." She stated looking back up at me.

I felt relieved that she didn't know how to dance either. We could do this together. "I don't know either. Do you wanna figure it out?" I said.

Millie nodded and took my hand. She pulled me to the side into a crowd of people. I put her hands on my shoulders and she smirked when I placed my hands on her hips.

I thought maybe she wouldn't like it, but I guess I was wrong. She jerked me closer to her with a quiet giggle and wrapped her arms around my neck. Our bodies were so close I could feel her heartbeat on my chest.

We just swayed to the music as we gazed into each others eyes. I couldn't help myself. I loved looking into her big brown glassy eyes. They relaxed me and made it seem like we were the only two people in the gym.

Everything around us almost disappeared. I parted my lips and she closed her eyes. We began to lean into each other slowly. I felt her lips on mine.

We soon pulled away. The kiss had only lasted a second, but it was magical. I could tell she really liked the kiss. Millie smiled and leaned her forehead on mine. I'm so happy in this moment.

The song soon ended and another more upbeat song came on. Everyone pulled away from their partner and danced around. Millie and I were still close, resting her forehead on mine. I wonder if she's sleeping. "Millie." I whispered.

She hums in response and we separate. "I'm sorry Finn. I guess I was just stuck in the moment there." She apologized softly with a big grin.

I nodded and smiled back at her. "It's okay, Mills. I really enjoyed it all too." I confessed putting my hands behind my back awkwardly. I had no idea what to do now. "Finn?" Millie says so quietly. I look up at her and she begins to take something out of the pocket of her jacket.

"I wanted to give this to you as a birthday present tomorrow, but I'm a bit impatient." She explains as she holds out a silver chain. In the center of the chain was a small silver tag that had the word "finland" engraved in it.

I chuckled and carefully took it from her finger tips. It reminds me of the ring I gave her, which I notice she is wearing. "I love it Millie. It's like your ring." I said as I admired it further. I unhooked the back and put it on around my neck.

It was perfect, too perfect. "What a coincidence right? Who knew that you would give me a Millimeter ring and I'd give you a Finland necklace?" She questions with a giggle.

I glance back up at her with a smile. She takes a step closer to me and puts her hand on the back of my head. I close my eyes and feel her lips on mine again. The kiss was longer than our first. I didn't care if people were watching.

Our mouths moved in sync as I put my hands to her upper waist. She slowly pulls her mouth away letting the kiss linger. I flutter my eyes open and she smiles. "I'm sorry I just really wanted to do that again." She apologizes. I shook my head. "It's alright. I wanted you to do it too." I said nervously.

Millie bit her lip innocently and asked "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I was scared. Why am I so scared? I've had many girlfriends before. Maybe it's because I care about Millie more than my ex girlfriends. I grinned and stuttered. "Y-yes, totally. I love you Millie." She blushed and rubbed her thumb over my cheek. "I love you too Finn."

Millie grinned and quickly glanced over my shoulder. "I'll be right back. I promise." She walks past me. I couldn't stop smiling. I sighed happily. Millie is my girlfriend now and she loves me. I have to tell Gaten about this.

This chapter was hella long.

So... what do we think?

This isn't the last chapter and we might do a few time skips soon, but what do you think will happen in the next chapter?

How are you? Did you brush your teeth twice today?❤️

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