Where's Finn

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In this chapter Millie is a bit more innocent and calmer than she's usually been. She'll be like that for a another chapter and then we go back to badass Millie.
Millie's POV

It's Friday and the school dance is tonight. I wasn't nervous at all, I just know that tonight is gonna be amazing. I hope Finn isn't to scared to ask me to dance and I end up asking him. I haven't even seen him at all today and it's already fourth period.

My mom was reading a chapter of Snow White for us. I want to be like a princess. Well, I kinda am with the whole evil mom. I want Finn to be my prince and ask me to dance at the ball and then we'll get married and-

"Millie, are you listening?" Mrs.Brown ask raising her voice a bit. I look up at her shaking my head. At least I'm honest. Mom sighed. "Well maybe you should read a paragraph for us. It'll wake you up." The brunette woman suggests trying to sound as calm as possible in front of her class. I hold back a groan and open up the book to the page my mom left off on. Thank god it was a short chapter.

"The evil queen had always been terribly jealous of Snow White's complexion. From her raven locks to her soft pail skin." I read aloud effortlessly. This has to be one of the worst books on the planet. "Hearing her magic mirror say that Snow White was the fairest of them all and seeing her talk to the prince was enough for her majesty to come up with a plan to kill Snow White."

I look up at my mom after reading the very small paragraph and see her smile wickedly at me. The sight gave me chills when she slowly says "Thank you, Millie." Just then, the bell rang and fourth period was over.

Everyone stood up and left as quickly as they could, thankful that the day is almost over. I dashed out of the classroom and down the hall to my next class.

On my way to class I searched around the hallway for Finn. I hope he's not out sick, I really wanted to go to the dance with him. I didn't see him, but I did see a friend of his. A blonde curly haired boy leaning against a wall with a chocolate pudding tin his hand and a spoon in the other.

I've seen him with Finn a few times, maybe he knows what is going on. I approached him as he threw away the empty tin and spoon into the trash bin next to him.

The boy looks up at me with a welcoming smile. "Can I help you?" He asked politely. I crossed my arms and gave him an intimidating stare. "Where's Finn?" I question sternly. His face turned to surprise and he chuckled. "Oh you must be Millie! Finn is...somewhere." The blonde boy says nervously.

He knows something that I don't know, but I wanna know. I glare at him intensely and he shifts uncontrollably. "Where is he?" I calmly and slowly say, hoping to get an answer out of the tan boy soon.

The second bell rang which meant fifth period was starting. The hallway slowly cleared out. The boy tries to scoot past me. "I gotta-" I interrupted him by slamming my hand against the wall blocking him from escaping.

"You're not leaving till you tell me where my prince is." I spat out threw gritted teeth. I could tell he didn't understand my analogy, but I didn't care.

He shook his head. "I can't tell you, Millie. He's doing all this for you." The boy explains. I furrow my eyebrows together. For me, what's for me? "Look you'll see him at the dance tonight, I can assure you that. Can I please go to class now?" He pleaded.

I guess I could let him go. I should go too before my mom finds out that I've skipped class to practically bully someone. I wouldn't be able to go to the dance if she knew.

Before I let him go I asked "What is your name?" He nervously grinned and held out his hand for me to shake. "Gaten Matarazzo." What an interesting name I thought to myself. It sounded weird and cool, but also unique.

I bring my arm down to my side so Gaten isn't trapped between the trash can and my hand. I turn around and walk away from him heading to fifth period. "Wait!" Gaten shouted from behind.

I stop in my tracks then turn around and shrug in annoyance. He took off his backpack and unzipped it to pull out a small black box.

Gaten ran up to me and handed the box to me. "Finn wanted me to give you this. Says he wants you to wear it to the snowball tonight." He explains as he hands me the box. I hesitated to take it. I was curious to see what's inside. Gaten zipped up his backpack and put it on his shoulder. "Later Mills!" He shouts as he jogs away from me.

I stood in the deserted hallway just observing the box. I was so scared to open it and see what's inside. I hope it's not more expensive than the necklace I was going to give to Finn tonight as a birthday present. I just know that he's going to love it. I finally took a deep breath and slowly open the small box, tired of stalling and wondering what was inside.

I gasped and then let out a quiet giggle. It was the most perfect ring, too perfect. A silver band with the word "millimeter" engraved into it. I absolutely loved it.

I carefully took it out of the box and slid it onto my ring finger on my left hand. It fit like a glove and I couldn't stop smiling at how beautiful it was.

After admiring my new ring I walked to class cursing to myself for being so late. It was worth it though. The teacher didn't say anything as I sat at the back of the classroom at my desk.

I couldn't even pay attention to the lesson. All I could do was gaze at the simple ring around my skinny finger as I thought of me and my prince dancing at the ball tonight.


I recently deleted hurt but I kept it as a draft incase I ever wanted to revive it. It's been an emotional evening for me, the readers were devastated. Their final comments really warmed my heart and made me feel special and I'm not kidding when I say that I cried reading a few of them.

Enough sad stuff,
so what do you think is gonna happen at the snowball?
Will it be good or bad?
Will Gaten find someone to dance with?yes.

How was your day/night?❤️❤️

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