My Eye

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This chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written. Like over 2,000 words. Don't forget to vote. Sorry for the late update.❤️❤️

Finn's POV

The school day was finally over. I was walking home with Grace in the cold weather. I was just gonna drop off my stuff at home then head over to Millie's. I can't believe she said she was going to the dance with me. This is the best day of my life, I'm going to a school dance with a pretty girl. Yeah, I said it. Millie is pretty, but that doesn't mean I like her like that. She's just a friend. I can say stuff like that about my friends without any feelings behind it, right?

"Finn! Are you listening to me?" Grace snaps breaking me away from my thoughts as we walk along the icy sidewalk. I shake my head as a response and she scoffs. "Are you daydreaming about your girlfriend, Millie?" Grace teases. My cheeks heat up at the word girlfriend. Could you even imagine such a thing? Millie Brown, my girlfriend. I mean no! I don't want her to be my girlfriend or whatever. She's just a friend! "Shut up disgrace! Millie is not my girlfriend. She's just my date to the snowball." I brag.

Grace rolls her eyes then slaps my arm. "How many times have I told you not to call me disgrace? I don't like it Finn." She explains. I sigh and apologize. "I'm sorry." Grace smiles and nods. "Now open your hand." She commands me. I furrow my eyebrows but open my palm. Grace places two pebbles in my hand. "Why do you always give me rocks?" I asks. Grace doesn't answer. I just let it go and shove the stones in my jacket pocket. "So Romeo Beckham is gonna kick your ass." She says so casually like it's not a big deal.

I whip my head in her direction. "What? Why?" I panic. Grace looks at the ground as we walk and talk. "You said some not so cool things about Iris earlier in the hallway and he's right behind us." I turn my head around and see Romeo Beckham walking behind us in the distance. He's not that close, but he's definitely not to far either. I stop walking and turn around to face him. "How's it going Wolfhard!?" He shouts as he gets closer. I don't move though, I just stand there.

"Oh no. Grace you'll help me fight him off right?" I ask the girl next to me. She doesn't respond though. I turn to face her but she's not next to me. I look around for her. She ran away. "Hello." I hear Romeo say from behind me causing me to slightly jump in fear. Great I'm showing weakness. I take a deep breath and puff my chest out to look tougher. "Hello Beckham. What brings you to this part of town?" I ask. What the hell am I saying? I sound like a cowboy or something.

Romeo grins and shakes his head. "Iris told me about what happened." He says in his stupid British accent. I relax my muscles and swallow nervously. "I don't know what you're implying, but I-" "Don't lie to me frog face!" Romeo interrupts rudely. I clench my jaw and put my hands in my pockets. I feel those pebbles Grace gave me scratch my knuckles. Maybe I could throw them at Romeo and he'll go away. "You called my girl a whore. What makes you think she's a whore? She's sm- she's kin- she's beau-... she's my girlfriend, Finn!" Romeo couldn't even say anything nice about her. I don't blame him.

I pick up the two rocks in my pocket and take my hand out of the pocket. I hope these hit his stupid eyes. "Now you, frog face, are going to pay for-" I stop Romeo by throwing the pebbles at his face. They didn't do anything. They just hit his forehead. That was a mistake. Romeo breaths out in anger. Before I could run off, he punched me in my right eye.

Icover my eye as I groan in pain. "Oh my- grrr!" Is all I mange to say. "If you say or do anything else to Iris, I'll beat you up." Romeo says before he turns around and walks away. I stand up straight with my hand still covering my eye. I try to hold back a few tears as I turn around and run home.

I get home and see my mom sitting in the living room reading a book with a blanket over her body. I shut the front door and set my backpack next to the front door. Mom looks up at me from her book with a confused look on her face. "Why are you covering your eye honey?" She asks with concern. I sigh and slowly remove my hand.

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