Too Familiar

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I'm angry with myself because I haven't found the time to write this chapter till now, on December 15-16.
4 days later (dec 15 because ☺️)

Finn's POV

These past few days have been some of the best. Millie and I have never been closer. She helped me stop bullying people and now I'm friends with Noah and Maddie. Also, I found out that she had a crush on Grace so I've been helping her out with that. Though Millie has been helping me become a better person, I've noticed that she's changed too, and it's not good.

Millie started changing her clothes and talking different since that day we skipped, also she of course got in trouble for that. Millie's even brave enough to talk back to Sadie when she says something stupid or insulting. And another thing, she's keeps getting into trouble. Yesterday she was being a smartass towards Mr.Heaton in class. Her mouth got her into a lot of trouble, so much trouble that she got her first detention.

"Finnie!" Iris Apatow yelled from next to me as I sat on a bench in front of school. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms to keep myself warm. "So, you're little girlfriend got detention yesterday. You must feel proud." She said. I tried to avoid eye contact with her by keeping my eyes locked on my shoes.

Iris got uncontrollably close to me so I scooted away from her till I was almost off the bench. "Wow Wolfhard, usually you have something to say to me. What's the matter?" She questions with a fake pout. I sighed and then the bell rang. I looked around campus for Millie, the only reason why I waited outside. When I didn't find her I stood up from the bench and trudged towards the school doors. Why isn't Millie at school today?

Iris of course followed me into school because she's here to make my life a living hell. "I guess she's not coming to school today. She's probably thinks you're not good enough for her. Maybe she finally realized how much of a jerk you really-" Iris was cut off and was now laying on the ground in front of me.

My eyes grew wide and everyone around us stopped walking and quit the chatter. Iris sat up and I turned around to see the cause of her shocked expression, Millie Brown. She looked different than usual. She wasn't wearing her glasses. She was wearing black leather boots with heels to make her taller, a denim jacket that went over her black and grey striped shirt, and black skinny jeans. Some of her hair was covering her right eye. Millie looked badass.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Iris asked offended and mad. Millie slowly stepped closer to Iris and kicked her in the side. Iris screamed in pain while holding her side. Everyone gasped. Even I was surprised. Never in a million years would I have thought that Millie would do such a thing. Millie lowered herself, still towering over the blonde. "Leave. Him. Alone." She says in a stern tone.

"Or I'll break that pretty face of yours." Millie adds. Iris nodded and scrambled to her feet. She quickly ran off frightened. I looked around the crowd and everyone was just as surprised as I was, but I noticed one face that was angry at her daughters actions. Millie stood up and saw Mrs.Brown crossing her arms too.

The brunette girl turned around and grinned. "Let me know if she bothers you again. I have to go take another stupid punishment." She whispers then walks past the crowd, her mom following close behind.

Everyone soon walked back to class. Maddie, Grace, and Noah rushed towards me with questioning looks. "What happened to our little angel? Did you do something to her? Why would Millie do that? I wonder who does her hair." "Noah, stop talking about her hair!" Maddie shouts at Noah and he stops rambling. Grace was quite.

Grace probably knew something. She's good at spying on people and getting information. I tilt my head at her and she looks away awkwardly. I squinted my eyes at her. "Tell me what you know." I demanded. Grace sighed and looked up at me. "Well, I actually don't know why she's acting like this, but I do know that her parents grounded her yesterday. We talked a little bit yesterday when she was taking out the trash and she told me that Mrs.Brown won't let her walk to school with us anymore."

My jaw dropped from the explanation. Millie is turning into a rebel and if she keeps this act up, then we'll never get to hang out again. Noah puts his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him. He first looked sympathetic, then mad. "You did this to her! She's like the female version of you and you're the male version of her!" He shouts.

I don't think that's true. I refuse to believe that Millie is turning into me. She's probably going through something and this is how she wants to deal with it. I'm sure she'll be back to normal by Monday. Also I don't think I'm turning into Millie, I'm just a bit nicer than I was before. Sure I stopped wearing my leather jacket and started wearing sweaters, but that's only because it's staring to get colder out. That jacket doesn't provide much warmth.

I shake my head at the boy and gently remove his hand from my shoulder. "No one is turning into another person. We're both the same people that we were when we met." I stated to the three that stand before me. Grace shrugs and makes this weird sound. "I think you two did switch personalities. She even stole your signature smirk." I sighed not wanting to believe anything she says, but it sure is hard.

"Finn Wolfhard!" I hear someone shout. I look past the trio and see Mrs.Brown gesturing me over with her daughter standing next to her. I feel like she would shoot me. The bell rang and the others ran away wishing me luck. I needed it. I hesitated to walk over to the tall woman who was staring me down. When I reached her, I spoke but my freaking voice cracked. "Yes?" Millie chuckled and stuffed her hands in her pockets.

Mrs. Brown held up her pointer finger and opened her classroom door to tell her other students in the classroom what to do. She shut the door and pointed at me. "What in the world did you do to make her like this?" She questions in a low tone. My face froze and I freaked out. I've completely lost my confidence.

I clear my throat awkwardly before speaking up. "M-Mrs.Brown, I promise you I didn't do anything bad to Millie. I would never ever corrupt her." Mrs.Brown put her hand down and looked at her daughter. "Why are you acting like this?" She asked in a sad tone. Millie stuffed her hands in her pockets and rocked back and forth on her heals. "Cause' I want to." She said plainly.

Her actions seemed familiar, too familiar. Something that I would do-no-something that I have done. Yes, I did that when I first met Millie. I do that all the time just to make my friends mad. Oh my god, Millie is turning into me.

The girl pulled out a stick of gum and unwrapped it. She threw the wrapper on the ground while she stuck the pink gum in her mouth. She chewed on it as she slowly approached me with a smirk. She gently blew in my face and I could identify the smell of the gum, strawberry. She walked past me to go to class I assume. I looked back at her mother and she looks at me with a displeased look. "Were you checking out my daughter, you perv?"

My eyes widened and I quickly tried to defend myself. "No! No, no Mrs.Brown!" My voice cracking once again. Ugh, puberty. Mrs.Brown leaned in closer to whisper something to me. "I know about you Mr.Wolfhard, and I don't want a punk like you touching my daughter." She stood up and put on a fake smile as she entered her classroom, apologizing to her students for the delay.

I sighed and turned around to head to class with my head down. When I was about to reach Mr.Heaton's classroom, I looked up after hearing shouting. "Flo, you're so damn stupid! What the hell am I supposed to do with ice in a cloth!?" I then heard a door slam and saw a Iris speeding walking towards the exit of the school. Before she opened the doors, she turned around and looked at me angrily causing me to stop in my tracks.

It's almost like she was trying to make me explode or snap my neck with her mind. She shook her head and groaned as she pushed the doors open and was out of the building. Probably going to tell her precious Romeo about what happened. I just hope that Millie will go back to being the sweet girl she was just a few days ago.


This wasn't proof read. Also I hate everyone who makes comments about Noah eating shampoo in my other book HURT. I just laugh my ass off every time someone comments stuff like

"I thought he was bald, why does he have shampoo in his bathroom?"

"Hold up, he's bald, why he got shampoo?"

"Boi, he fixed his hair but he has no hair."

First off, I didn't know what the hell I was doing when I wrote that whole book, I might have been on drugs. Second...I'm deleting that shit because it's cringy as hell(but I low key love the cover).

So how your day/night?

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