The Weekend

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2480 words

Finn's POV

It's Saturday. I'm laying in my bed wrapped in blankets trying to keep myself warm. It was lightly snowing outside today and I don't have plans, so I've decided to stay home, curl up, and watch old vines on my laptop.

Occasionally I would look out the window to find Millie. I didn't see her anywhere. She's probably spending time with her family, I should stop complaining.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door followed by the sound of my older brother's voice. "Finn, can I come in?" I shut my laptop and cover my arms with my warm, soft blanket. "Yeah, you can come in." I answer.

The door opens and he looks at the floor with a displeased face. "Would you look at this mess. You better clean up before dad gets home." He says as he walks past the mess towards my bed.

I scoff and roll my eyes. Like his room is any better. Nick is probably the messiest person I've ever met in my entire life. "Did you want to talk or criticize me?" I ask, a hint of annoyance in my tone.

Nick sits at the end of my bed and sighs as he looks up at me. "Mom wants me to take a look at your eye. So, how's it feeling?" I sit up and lean into him so he can get a better look. "It feels better, Nick. It's just still swollen and purple." I state honestly.

Nick hums and tilts his head. He knits his brows and shakes his head. "What happened?" He asks. I sigh loudly with an angry expression while I lie back in bed. "Stupid Romeo Beckham punched me in the face." I mumble. Nick shakes his head and makes a bunch of weird noises like he was thinking.

"Well, try not to get in another fight, kiddo. You're a baby now act like it." He jokes as he stands up and makes his way out, tripping over a pencil on the floor in the process. "And clean your room before dad gets home." He adds then shuts the door.

I sigh and stare out the window, watching the snow fall from the sky. Such a pretty day out. If only it weren't so cold.

"Finn, can you come down here?" My mom yells from downstairs. I groan and threw the covers off of me. I grab my black leather jacket off the floor next to my bed so I can feel warm again.

I walk towards the door and swing it open, then make my way downstairs. I almost slipped on one of the steps because of my socks. I get downstairs and I see my mom standing by the front door. It was cracked open. "This girl would like to talk to you." She says then walks out of the room.

I furrow my brows and head to the door in complete confusion. I wonder if it's Millie. I open the door and who do I see, but the devil herself. Iris Apatow. Wearing something that shows off her legs wrapped in tights and bright, cherry, red lipstick. I just might vomit.

Iris gives me a small fake smile. "Hello there, Wolfhard. It's the weekend and I see your eye is looking a little better." I feel my blood boil. If looks could kill, Iris would have already exploded into a thousand pieces.

I would give anything just to say a few not so nice words to her right now, but she would go off and tell Romeo and I'd get beat up again, also my mother is in the same house as me right now.

I take a step outside and quietly close the door behind me. Then, I turn around to face that crazy blonde. "What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yell. I sense my veins popping out of my neck.

Iris gives me an evil smile and flips her hair. "Have you changed your mind about taking Teacup to the snowball?" She asks. I'm confused by the nickname, but then I realize who she's talking about. "I'm not taking you to the dance. I'm never taking you, Iris. I want to take Millie." I state the obvious.

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