Chapter 1

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  A/N - This is my first Sterek Fanfic, so please bare with me. It might be a slow build but I promise I will do my best. Yes, I am aware of the many mistakes in it too >.<


Stiles sat on the cold tile floor of his bathroom, with his back against the wooden door. His skinny digits curled around the little white stick in his hand as he tapped it against his knee.

He knew exactly where he stood in the pack, but even so here he was, sitting helplessly as he tapped the stick holding his unplanned, and perhaps unwanted, destiny tying him to the pack.

He was pregnant; he knew it wasn't impossible for him to be pregnant. He had the gene after all. However, what was impossible was what he'd do next. Surely, he couldn't tell the baby's daddy about it, when he was the main one who wanted him out of the pack. He'd probably only think he had done it on purpose to keep himself tied to the pack.

He lowered his hand, finally letting his wrist rest against the tile floor as his lips curled down into a frown; it seemed like everything in his world was tumbling down so suddenly. The worst part, he was falling all by himself and there would be no one to catch him.


Stiles was out in the woods in the middle of the night, he had initially wanted to do this with Scott but Scott had ignored his calls and texts. He could only assume he was with Allison. It hurt him to know how easily of a person he was to be tossed aside. Sometimes he thought their years of friendship meant nothing to his 'best friend'.

He shook his head, getting himself together, and listening carefully to the sounds all around him. Stiles had seen a new mysterious person move into Beacon Hills, though that's not made his skin goose bump but the fact that he had been staring at the man, when he first arrived, through his window from across the street. The man had turned back to look up at him and smirked. That had sent all his flags up, yelling danger! Danger! He just couldn't shake off the feeling this man was not human.

So here he was, following the man into the woods, he knew it wasn't the best idea, doing it alone, but hell. It's not like he didn't call for back up.

"Hello Stiles, were you looking for me?" A voice ringed in his ear, making him come to an abrupt stop and look up startled. It was the man, but at the same time, not the man. It was strange; the man he had seen across the street, now had a sickening smirk and fangs. " I just happen to be taking a walk." Stiles said as he tried to be cool about it. The man's smirk only widened as he let out a chuckle, "I don't believe that, Stiles." The man said as he zoomed towards stiles, not even giving him a chance to blink as he suddenly found himself pinned up against the tree by his throat. He struggled to provide his lungs with air as his dull nails clawed at the man holding him so tightly.

"Let's try this again shall we? Why have you followed me? Does your pathetic human life mean so little to you that you'd walk straight into the lion's den?" The man asked as he released Stiles, but not after taking a long whiff of him. Stiles held his pained throat as he gasped for air, "y-you *coughs* su-...*coughs* sure are a talker.." Stiles said as he slowly brought his breath into a steady cycle. The man looked at him unamused with a small stare in warning.

"First of all pal, why have you come all the way from Ohio, to this shit city? Have you come to cause trouble? And how do you know my name, anyways?" He asked before throwing a glare his way, though it was hardly intimidating compared to his cold stare. The man smirked, though the odd thing was that, his eyes didn't reflect the amusement his smirk clearly showed, "Clever, Clever." The man taunted before parting his lips once more to speak to the teen "I see you've done some research, but I assure you, you'll be wasting your time. However, I'm sure you already know what I want deep down. For a smart kid, whom is the researcher for wolves, not to mention the smartest one amongst them, you sure ask the stupidest questions. Although as to your name, Genim Stilinski or rather preferred the pet name, Stiles, I've acquired it in the most fascinating way. Which, you'll soon be coming to find out about." The man smirked.

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