Chapter 29

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As Stiles approached Derek, the sword did too, holding his breath Derek didn't even dare move from his spot. It was like being in front of the Nogitsune all over again, but he knew this was Stiles, his Stiles.

"Stiles..." Derek called out to his mate gaining courage as he took a step closer to him reaching over to hold him.

The sword never wavered and was only getting closer to Derek, but that trusting step Derek took towards Stiles, made the sword stop and fall to the floor. Derek's eyes couldn't help but follow the sword and make sure it wasn't going to catch him off guard. When he looked up he met Stiles light brown eyes.

"D-Derek..." Stiles choked out as his legs began to wobble and tears began to form.

Derek rushed to his side and pulled Stiles to him, kissing his head desperately. "It's ok, I got you." Derek said as one of his hands rose to pull Stiles head closer to him so he could kiss him.

Hayley, Amy, and Lia looked at each other before looking around the room. Stiles had killed them all for Derek, and this time he had managed to stop himself from hurting someone he loved. It was an improvement but probably still needed work. Amy looked at the couple and nudged the girls to give the couple some privacy and usher them outside to help the other's protect the cabin.

Derek picked Stiles up in his arms and carried him over to the bed. "Y-You made it in time," Stiles said once he was once again sitting on the bed. "I was late, Stiles, again." Derek said with a frown as he nuzzled into his mate.

For that moment, they forgot about the war still going on outside.

Stiles raised a hand and wrapped it around Derek's shoulders as he said, "No, Derek you made it... I could feel you here with me and you tried to protect us." Derek pulled away some and looked down at the covered up bundle when she let out a cry.

Stiles looked down and smiled as he raised the baby up in his arms lightly rocking her before looking up at Derek. "She wanted to see you, remember Derek?" Stiles said as he pulled the blanket down to show her to Derek. Derek watched his mate's hand unravel the blanket from their baby, and when he laid eyes on her, his heart melted.

She was perfect.

"I haven't picked a name for her yet..." Stiles said as his fingers pushed the black locks of her hair back as the baby slept comfortably in his arms. "How about Suzy?" Derek suggested making Stiles look at him surprised. "I know how much that little girl meant to you, and I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time to save her. Believe me, I wanted to go to you. I wanted to help, but I was attacked." Derek explained as he looked at his mate's tears form in his eyes. "I-...t-thank you." He said with a teary smile.

Derek quickly pressed a kiss on his lips.


With Kira tearing her mother's shoulder apart, Scott took the chance to pull the blade that was stabbed into his leg out and tried to stab the woman with the same blade. But he never reached the woman as his eye sight began to blur and he fell to the ground.

"Scott!" Kira yelled as she jumped back from her mother's body and ran to him. The sounds of bullets piercing through flesh made Kira turn around, only to see her mother standing over her, holding another kunai knife up in her hand. Ms. Yukimura looked down at her chest to see blood staining her shirt as she stumbled back a bit in pain.

"I won't let you be the end of me Kira..." Ms. Yukimura hissed as she attacked her daughter with the little strength she had left, and aimed for her arm. Kira winced out in pain before moving away and clawing at her mother, making long gashes in her chest.

The kitsunes that stood back snarled at Kira the moment Ms. Yukimura fell to the ground, her last breath was like a gun fire had been shot. The kitsunes raced towards Kira, hissing and snarling as they all began to attack her.

"Kira!" Scott yelled as he tried to get up but the poison in his body was spreading quickly making him start to cough out blood, while his eyes started to dilate. Kira turned back into her human form and kicked a kitsune away from her, getting a visual of Scott twisting in pain. "Scott!!" Kira yelled in horror but she couldn't escape, the kitsunes jumped on her clawing at her.

"Kira!!" She heard her friends yell with equal horror she had in her voice when she called to Scott.

The sounds of guns being fired got closer, and the uncontrollable growls that left her friends mouths got closer, but even so she couldn't see them from where she was. Kira hissed in pain at every slash she received but she kept standing and fighting back.

"Help the girl!" Mr. J yelled towards his packmates, who immediately rushed to Kira without hesitation and started to fight off the kitsunes to get to her.

Peter and Isaac, along with the Tanuki demons they freed, replaced the others and kept defending the cabin.

Peter punched a kitsune dead in the face before grabbing the one that had was trying to strangle him and tossing him over his shoulder and towards the kitsunes getting up. He growled out loudly making them flinch back.

"Isaac!" He suddenly heard making him turn to the young beta and his eyes widen. A couple of kitsunes had grabbed hold of the young beta while another kitsune plunged his sword into his abdomen making Isaac cry out in agony.

Peter frowned as he looked around, killing Ms. Yukimura had enraged the kitsunes and they were losing.

Scott was hardly moving on the ground and his heart beat was slowing down. Allison was standing over him trying to protect him but she had far long ran out of ammo, and was fighting with a weapon she had hardly had any practice with. Lydia, she was a researcher, not a fighter but she was trying to help though it was in vain. The banshee was falling.

The kitsunes were separating them, to get them to their advantage and slaughter them.

Peter looked back only to get knocked down, he was struggling to get back on his feet as he watched kitsunes run past him and towards the cabin.

He snarled out as he tried to push them off. His eyes never left the cabin as he watched the hundreds of kitsunes start to climb it.

"DEREK! STILES! GET OUT OF THERE!!!" Peter yelled out before receiving a blow to the head.

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