Chapter 9

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When Stiles got home he was greeted by his dad waiting for him in the living room, "Stiles, do you want to tell me why I got a call from the principal telling me you and a few friends decided to walk out of school?" Stiles walked into the room and said, "Are you just getting home?"

"Stiles, you promised me you would behave," The sheriff said, the disappointed evident in his voice. Stiles frowned and moved to go sit next to his dad as he said, "I didn't do it on purpose dad, I swear. It's just complicated to explain." The sheriff let out a sigh as he pulled his son into a hug, "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into now, son?" Stiles let out a sigh as he curled up at his dad side; he really needed this hug from him.

"It's a long story," Stiles let out as he closed his eyes as he let one of his hands move down to rest on his stomach. "I'm all ears," the sheriff said as he looked down at his son. With a sigh, Stiles straightened up before saying, "Just promise you won't be mad and that you'll let me finish." Now, the sheriff was really worried, "Stiles, what's going on?"

Another sigh escaped his lips before he started talking about the night, Jay, moved into the neighborhood. How he was now pregnant with a werewolf's baby, but giving no name of the father and not giving the details of how it came to be. The demons coming into the town claiming he was their leader. Stiles, told him everything he knew.

The sheriff couldn't decide whether to be angry, hurt, or worried. There was so much to grasp onto and take in. He had questions clouding his mind. Why his son? What had his boy done to have been cursed with death following him? He didn't want to lose his son it was all he had left in this world.

He looked at Stiles and for the first time, he was noticing how hurt his son was. How long he had silently been calling him to notice his pain, to help him. It hurt to know a stranger had noticed his son's pain, when his own father had easily overlooked the change in his son.

"I'm sorry dad, I don't mean to put you so much trouble and pain," Stiles said as tears fell as he hugged his dads side, desperately wanting to show how sorry he really was for causing the man so much trouble over the years. "Don't apologize son, you've never been trouble, and you're most certainly not a pain," the sheriff said as he wrapped his arms around his son. "Is this why you said you wanted to move away?" The sheriff asked. Stiles just gave a small nod as he sniffled.


Kira walked into the pharmacy, she knew the woman behind the counter was a Deaton's sister, Ms. Morrell. "Deaton asked me to give this to you and that he would come by later for it." Kira offered as she handed the envelope over to the young woman. Ms. Morrell raised a brow before smiling, "I see my big brother has a new messenger."

Kira just didn't say anything; she didn't know the woman enough to take the comment to offense. Instead she kept her eyes on the envelope Ms. Morrell was opening. "huh," Ms. Morrell said as she held the black and white film strip up towards the light to see what it was. "Did Alan tell you what he wanted me to do with this?" Ms. Morrell asked before looking at Kira who had a surprised look on her face. "Uh, no, he didn't really say."

"Kira, was it?" Ms. Morrell said trying to get the girls attention on her. "Yes?" Kira replied as her eyes left the pictures and looked at the woman. "Judging by your face, this isn't your sonograms. Then whose is it?" Ms. Morrell asked. "I don't know," Kira said before hearing the roar of the Camaro nearing, "Sorry for taking up some of your time."

Ms. Morrell watched the girl leave in a hurry before pulling out the paper in the envelope as she read it, "Stiles? Hm, interesting."


As soon as Kira got in the car, she put two and two together. 'Stiles is pregnant?' She thought before furrowing her brows. She knew there had been some guys diagnosed with a fully working uterus, which had started with a boy named Matt Johnson in Oklahoma. She just couldn't believe Stiles had the gene, maybe she was wrong but sadly, she knew enough about how a human embryo looked like to now it wasn't a dogs or cats baby.

"Derek, what did Deaton say about Stiles?" Kira asked as her eyes settled on Derek, noticing how he clenched to the steering wheel at the mention of Stiles. "I'll explain later, once everyone is gathered together," was all Derek said before the two settled into an uncomfortable silence.

"You've known Stiles for a long time, you'd know if Stiles was sick or something right?" Kira finally said not being able to contain the silence for much longer. Derek glanced at her before saying, "Why?" "Well you wouldn't happen to know if Stiles had the gene?" Kira asked, which caused Derek to furrow his brows for a moment. "The gene?" Derek repeated confused. "Yeah, you know, the gene that Matt Johnson was diagnosed with." Kira said starting to feel like she was losing Derek on what she was trying to say.

"What does a pregnant guy have to do with Stiles?" Derek asked confused as he narrowed his eyes at Kira, warning her to get to the point. "What I'm asking is if you know, for some reason, if Stiles had that gene?" Kira asked as she before adding, "What Deaton gave me to give Ms. Morrell was a film strip of sonogram pictures of a baby."

Derek stepped onto the breaks rather harshly as he clenched his jaw at the news. "Stiles, pregnant?" He said through his teeth as he looked at Kira.

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