Chapter 30

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Stiles and Derek both heard what Peter said before the sounds of something crawling up from the sides of the house sounded. "Derek..." Stiles said as he pulled their daughter closer to him and looked towards the windows. His ears focused on their friends cries and tried to stand up as tears began to fall, "Isaac! Scott!" He cried.

"Stiles! Stiles look at me!" Derek said as he grabbed his mate's arms and pulled him to him. "Stiles calm down ok," Derek said before looking towards the windows then back at his mate, "I need you to get out of here. I need you to get yourself and our daughter somewhere safe, can you do that for me?"

"No!" Stiles cried as he shook his head, his hand reached for Derek's shirt and gripped tightly to it. "No Derek, I won't leave you!" He couldn't risk losing Derek, not him. "Stiles, You have to. You have to be strong and go no matter what. I can't risk putting either of your lives in danger. I'll be fine I promise, just go." Derek said as he grabbed hold of Stiles hand and moved it away from his shirt and up to his lips.

"I can help Derek..." Stiles offered as he turned his hand in Derek's hold and cupped his cheek. "Stiles, you have to protect our daughter. Protect yourself, I'll go save our packs." Derek said before giving his mate a kiss on the lips. "Please Stiles, just go."

Stiles tears rolled down his cheeks even more, "I love you so much Derek..." He cried when he pulled away from the kiss. Derek leaned his head on his mates as he let out a small breath. "I know. I love you too." Derek leaned down and placed a kiss on their daughter's head. "Be careful," Stiles said as he looked at him through teary eyes.

Derek's hand came up and whipped away his tears, "Don't cry I promise I'll come back to you." Stiles let out a small cry before wrapping an arm around Derek's neck and pulling him close, "Don't take too long." Derek smiled before hugging him as tightly as he could without squeezing their daughter in between them.


The sheriff was painfully sitting up as Melissa wrapped his wound with new bandages. He let out a small stinging sound when she tightened them up. "I'm sorry, I should have probably said it would hurt a bit." Melissa said as she finished up.

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt as much as it does sitting up." The sheriff said as he laid back down on the bed with a sigh. He was happy just to be laying back down on the bed.

Stiles appeared in the room with the bundle in his arms. "Stiles!" The sheriff said surprised as he sat back up, probably to quickly because he laid back down groaning in pain. Melissa looked at Stiles state and frowned as she rushed towards him, "Honey, did you just give birth?" Stiles looked at her and nodded his head before kissing his daughter's head, "Melissa take Suzy, I have to save Derek."

"No! If you just gave birth you should be here resting and getting looked at." The sheriff said as he tried to get up once more. "Dad please, I have to save Derek and Scott, they're in big trouble I can't just sit here! I have to help... I can't lose them dad." Stiles cried as he handed Suzy to Melissa. "And I can't lose you, son!" The sheriff let out in a panic.

Melissa felt her heart sink at the mention of her son and looked down at the baby placed in her arms, "Stiles, Scott isn't in too much trouble right?" Stiles looked at her and frowned as he looked down at Suzy, "I-I don't know really but I know he needs me and if I don't get there quick I don't think I'll be able to save him."

The sheriff heard what his son said and as much as he wished his son stayed, he understood the worried look on Melissa's face. Scott was her only son and family, she was in the same situation as the sheriff, except he knew his son was alright. His hand's came up to rub his face in frustration, "Go! Save Scott and the other's, go!" Stiles looked towards his dad and gave a small smile before saying, "I love you, Dad." Stiles looked back towards Melissa, who was holding his baby girl, "Take good care of her for me," he said before leaning down to kiss her forehead as tears started to roll down again.

Stiles never thought he'd separate from her so quickly, but he had no choice. His friends, his lover, his pack, his family, needed him right now. He wasn't about to fail them now, not after all of them where risking their lives to protect him.


The moment his mate had disappeared Derek rushed out of the cabin window just barely escaping the grip of the Kitsunes before rushing towards his pack. For a moment, he froze when his eyes landed on them. Everyone was being taken down, or already down.

His eyes caught the sight of Erica and Boyd, one of the very few still standing. Erica had climbed onto a kitsune's back as she stabbed two of the kunai knifes into it's shoulders before jumping out of her isolated place in between all the kitsune's and towards Boyd but not getting far. Boyd, from what Derek could see, was badly injured but he was refusing to give up. They were both fighting to get to each other.

Derek's attention went to Peter, who was the closest to him, and raced towards him as he let out a loud roar making the kitsunes momentarily stop their torture on Peter and back up. He took advantage of it and pulled Peter towards him before the kitsunes raced towards the alpha in attempt to take him down. Derek growled at them before punching one of them across the face and kicking another.

"Thanks," Peter groaned in pain as he cupped at his side. He stood up as fast as he could before looking towards Isaac, "Isaac!" Peter growled enraged at the kitsunes before using his claws as his primary weapon to slice them apart to get to the runt.

Derek looked towards Peter but he shouldn't have, because the kitsunes took advantage of his distraction and attacked Derek from behind. He snarled and tried to fight them off. His hand's reached back and gripped to the kitsunes on his back and swinged them forward, tossing them towards other kitsunes. Some of the kitsunes he threw ended up getting pierced by the weapons other kitsunes were trying to approach Derek with. He wasn't going to fall and fail to save them.


When Stiles appeared in the middle of the chaos his eyes began to glow blue the moment his eyes found Derek being attacked. "Derek!" Stiles yelled before his claw hand reached towards his mate's direction and forced the kitsunes away from him.

Stiles was about to rush towards Derek when the loud sound of gun fire filled the air making Derek look towards Stiles.

"Stiles!" Derek yelled out panicked when his eyes landed on none other than Chris Argent standing just on the out skirts of the war with his gun pointed towards Stiles and the gun powder leaving his gun, proof that he had just fired.

Human hunters started to peek out through the woods making themselves known.

Gun fire after gun fire was shot after that.

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