Chapter 23

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When Stiles popped into the station he found himself surrounded by Derek's pack. "Dad?" Stiles said as he looked at his dad who was sitting behind his desk. "What's going on?" He asked before Mr. J and Alexander came to stand beside him. "I think this was trap," Hayley said as she looked towards her two trapped companions.

"Well since you didn't want to listen to us, we had no choice but to trap you here and make you listen." Peter said as he Lydia close the mountain ash circle, trapping them all inside.

Stiles followed Peter's gaze and saw Lydia standing outside the circle, before glaring at the werewolves trapped with them and snarled as his eyes turned blue and bared his fangs. Mr. J, Alexander, Amy, and Hayley stepped forward as they bared their fangs and glared at the werewolf pack through golden eyes, warning them off.

Scott's eyes turned gold as he growled out at the demon's, challenging them. Peter, Boyd, and Isaac followed Scott's actions but before they even attacked the demons attacked them.

Peter took on Mr. J, growling as he slashed at the demon's gut but before his claws came in contact with his target Mr. J disappeared from in front of him and only appeared behind him, punching him with such strength that it knocked him to the ground. Peter groaned as he tried to get up but only ended up getting grabbed by the back of his neck and thrown across the room farthest from Stiles.

Hayley took Isaac on, hissing at the youngest of the werewolves. "I'll go easy on you," She said before running towards him as Isaac ran to her. Just as they were about to run into each other, Hayley slide through the floor and passed in between Isaac's legs before quickly getting up and gripping onto his shoulder's, letting her claws sink into him before launching him towards the wall.

Stiles looked at his dad as he let his eyes turn back to normal, "Dad undo the circle, please." Stiles dad just looked at his son before looking at the demon's fighting with the werewolves. The sheriff didn't question his son and did as he asked but when he broke the mountain ash the demons got up and watched Alexander throw Scott and Boyd towards Peter and Isaac, before going to stand besides Stiles.

"Stiles, listen to me! If our friendship ever meant anything to you, listen. Please! Just listen ok?" Scott yelled towards Stiles as he stumbled to his feet holding his bleeding side.

Stiles frowned and looked towards Scott, that really had got him, "...Ok, I'm listening." He said as he held his hand out to stop his demons from blocking him from his old pack mates.

Scott smiles softly at Stiles as he walked towards him about to tell him something but something caught both of their attentions.

"Well done, thanks for the help gentlemen." Ms. Yukimura said as she stepped as close as she could from outside the circle.

Stiles looked towards the woman and then towards Scott, "You... your helping her?!"

Scott looked towards Stiles frantically shaking his head as he started to stutter out, "N-No Stiles I-I swear we have nothing to do with her!"

Ms. Yukimura smiled as she looked towards the wolves before looking at Stiles who was fuming in anger, his eyes turning blue in anger as he snarled at the werewolves.

"Don't listen to her Stiles, you know us! You know me!" Scott said as he looked at the guy he had grown to see like a brother. "Stiles, please..."

"Yes, Stiles believe your so called best friend who always ditches you for someone who he just met. Treats you like crap, puts other's before his best friend, and uses that said friend's dad." Ms. Yukimura said as she pulled out a kunai knife, "Now, I don't know about you but what kind of friend uses their so called friend's dad to lure them?"

"Don't listen to her Stiles! It's not even like that!" Scott yelled as he tried to get closer to Stiles but as soon as he was about to touch him, Stiles smacked his hand away and with a wave of the hand he shoved all the werewolves back against the wall, pinning them there.

"Stiles listen to Scott, we told you why we did this!" Peter groaned.

"Break it," Ms. Yukimura ordered, making Lydia be pushed forward by two Kitsune.

Stiles looked towards her, no, she wouldn't. Then again, they worked with Ms. Yukimura. "Don't you dare, Lydia." Stiles hissed as he twisted his wrist making the werewolves in his invisible hold slowly start to break.

"I'm sorry Stiles," Lydia said as she bent down holding her hand over the mountain ash before parting them, breaking the seal.

Stiles let go of the werewolves and turned to his demons and screamed, "Go!"

The Kitsune smirked as they stepped inside and started to attack both the demons and werewolves. Stiles looked in horror as part of his pack was able to escape but Mr. J, Amy, Ester, and Jeo were caught up in the fight.

Stiles hissed at the Kitsune's closing in on his pack before looking towards the Kistune fighting the werewolves back. His eyes landed on Ms. Yukimura and hissed, "I won't let you kill any more of my pack!" His hand stretched out as she threw the kunai at him. He tried to focus, just like he had been practicing the past few days. His eyes began to glow brightly as he turned the blade towards her in midair and shot it back to her.

Ms. Yukimura's eyes widen as her smirk faded at the blade suddenly being turned to her, she acted quickly and dodged the kunai knife, missing her by just a few inches.

Lydia, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. The blade that had missed Ms. Yukimura went straight into her abdomen, making her eyes widen as her mouth gapped open letting out a shriek of pain. Stiles didn't stop though, he looked towards his pack and then towards the werewolves. His anger too high to contain turned every blade pointed to his pack and to Derek's pack and turned it towards the Kitsunes, forcing them to push the blades into their own bodies.

The station was quickly becoming a blood bath, and Stiles wasn't just stopping when the Kitsunes were down. The blades turned towards his friends, and Stiles couldn't stop himself. He stood there in a trance with only the thought of ending this.

The sheriff watched in horror as his station became a battle field and he was forced to watch it happen while everyone was too caught up in reaching Stiles, to even listen to him scream to stop this.

"Stiles!" Mr. J yelled as he backed away from the blade coming towards from him.

"Stiles stop it, son!" The sheriff said as he grabbed hold of his son's shoulder, jerking him back but in Stiles so lost in the power that he attacked the sheriff.

It was the sheriff's agonizing cry that brought Stiles back to himself and turn to look at the sheriff with horror.

What had he done?

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