Chapter 11

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That day had taking a toll on Stiles, that the moment his head fell on the pillow he was fast asleep.

It was only hours into his sleep that Stiles' moved into a much more comfortable position in his sleep. He was laying on his back with an arm resting under his head while the other was resting above his head, his feet tangled in the sheets. His shirt was pulled up some and one of the short's legs was pulled up.

The window was slowly pulled open. Derek tried to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake Stiles. Ever since he had found out about Stiles' pregnancy, he couldn't shake the stabbing feeling. He needed to see Stiles.

Derek stepped into the room and made his way over to Stiles, as he tried to take in Stiles scent, but again, he could pick up anything. Stiles scent old scent still clinged to the room and it eased Derek's mind. He let his eyes roam Stiles odd manner of sleeping before his eyes finally landed on his stomach.

The smallest of bump was starting to show, and he felt anger towards the thing for even existing. Derek's stretched his hand over Stiles belly, and for a split second he wanted to destroy the unborn child. His claws had lightly pressed into Stiles stomach, ready to claw it out, but with a sigh he retracted his claws. The kid had no fault in this.

Derek crouched besides Stiles stomach and let out a sigh as he ended up caressing his belly as he whispered, "You can't be a demon's." He leaned into Stiles belly and pressed a kiss to it. He wanted it to desperately be his, even though he had been pushed away from that possibility.

Derek looked up at Stiles sleeping face and couldn't help but smile, as he moved to sit on the bed by Stiles side. One of Derek's hand rested on the other side of side of the bed to support his weight up, while his other hand cupped Stiles cheek. His thumb lightly brushed Stiles cheek, and Stiles seemed to like the caress because he smiled in his sleep making Derek's heart skip a beat.

This feeling, Stiles stirred in him, wasn't hate or annoyance like he had once thought. It had felt like that at the time, but those times he hated him was because Stiles worried Derek to no end. He hated that Stiles could render him speechless and the way he'd listen to Scott more than him. He felt annoyed with Stiles, when he seemed to always shower everyone with attention regardless if they were in the pack or not. He had wanted all Stiles' had to offer for himself.

"Was I always in love with you?" Derek whispered out.


Jeo and Ester where running through the forest; jumping over fallen tree trunks as they tried to dodged the kunai knifes being thrown their way.

They had been in town getting food for the pack, but the moment they had gotten out of the restaurant. Jeo had heard a snicker, he didn't even get the chance to look back when Kunai knifes were thrown at them. One of them cut through the bag making the food fall, while another two were lunged into his side, while the blade had barely grazed Ester's arm. "Run!" Ester had yelled as he grabbed Jeo's hand and raced towards the woods.

"We have to get them away from here," Jeo said as his eyes began to glow a bright yellow and claws reached back to pull the kunai blades out of his side before tossing them to the side.

Ester gave a nod before saying, "Right! I'll meet you back at the house," before the two separated taking two different directions, but still leading them away from Beacon Hills.

Jeo and Ester both knew neither of them were strong enough to face the Kitsune pack. Stiles was denying his demon and that meant denying them as well, so their own powers were faltering more and more with each passing day. No one in the pack wanted Stiles to know about that, they wanted him to accept it when he was ready. They didn't want him to say yes, just because they were getting weaker. They wanted to give him that choice. Besides, they didn't think being more mortal was a bad thing.

Ester ran as far as he could before disappearing from sight, he had to warn the others. Jeo, on the other hand, he was going to lead the Kitsune as far out of Beacon hills as he could.

Orange eyes stared back at him as they cut him off before smirking as angry waves of electric energy came from the Kitsune's hand, daring the Tanuki to try an escape. Jeo hissed at the Kitsune before trying to take off in another direction only to be blocked again by another Kitsune.

"There's nowhere to run little one," Came the voice of Ms. Yukimura as she stepped towards Jeo. Ms. Yukimura threw a shuriken towards Jeo, but he quickly dodged it and it hit the Kitsune standing there, making it fall to its knees and hiss in pain. Jeo took off running as he yelled out, "I thought Kitsune's were better trained then that."

Ms. Yukimura smirked at the comment before looking at her family's clan, "Let him go, for now, we got what we wanted from them." "Yes ma'am!" The Kitsune's replied before falling back as they were told.

Ms. Yukimura held the two kunai knifes with the two demons blood on them. Demon blood was special, it was a poison that did two things, cause instant death or used in a bonding.

What better way to kill a demon leader then by his own blood.


Everyone was gathered in the living room, when Ester popped in on them. "There here," was all that needed to be said for the demons to look at one another.

"Zachary, Amy, you two check on the Stiles dad," Mr. J said as he looked at the looked at his pack member before looking at Suzy, "You stay with Stiles and no matter what, don't leave him." "Okay!" Suzy said as she fisted the air before running out of the room and disappearing from sight. Mr. J's eyes landed on the remaining four before saying, "Where's Jeo?"

"I'm here," Jeo said as he appeared in the room holding his side. Mr. J frowned at the state the younger male found himself in and said, "Are you ok?" "Yeah, no biggy, let's just hurry and secure Stiles' house." Jeo said.

Mr. J didn't push it before looking at Alexander and saying "You take the left side of the house, Jeo you take the back, Ester you take the right side of the house, and Hayley you cover the roof. I'll watch the front of the house."

No one questioned the orders, they all knew protecting their pack was a priority. They trusted each other with their lives.

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