Chapter 18

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A/N: This is mostly sexual context. So, if you don't like BoyxBoy love, please skip it.


Derek didn't let Stiles go home that day or that whole week. At first it was really sweet that Derek wanted to take care of him but now Stiles was getting annoyed. "I want to go home!" Stiles yelled as he wiggled around in Derek's hold. "Would you shut up? Isaac is asleep in the other room," Derek said as he pulled Stiles closer to him and kissed his head. Stiles huffed and looked at Derek as he said, "If I wasn't pregnant I'd smite you." Derek smirked at Stiles as said, "I'd like to see you try."

Stiles loved Derek that much had been concluded but right now, he hated Derek. He knew he wasn't being reasonable but this hatred for him at the moment was boiling inside him. His hormones where everywhere, and Derek just didn't seem to want to leave his side.

Amy had told him it was Derek's instincts. The 'male' wolf always looked out for it's pregnant mate and take extra good care of them during this period. Stiles had protested that they weren't even official mates and that he was demon, but it was Amy once again who said, "It don't matter what specie they are the male's still act the same when their mate is pregnant. It's just their fatherly instincts."

Stiles whined as he rolled to his other side, giving Derek his back. "You can't keep me locked up forever Derek," Stiles huffed as he pushed Derek's arm away from his chest and to his belly, which Derek rubbed gently knowing this had been one of the few things to calm Stiles. That and, much to Derek's displeasure, the runt of his pack, Isaac, was able to calm his mate. Stiles sometimes cried at night, for his loss but for some odd reason that Derek couldn't understand was that Isaac coming to sleep and cuddle with Stiles worked wonders to calm his aching heart.

"I'm not keeping you locked up Stiles, I'm just trying to keep you two safe." Derek said as he moved to sit up on the bed. Feeling the bed shift, Stiles rolled onto his back and looked up at Derek, "I know Derek, and you're trying your best. I just can't help it. I'm not used to being in one place more than a few hours. And my dad, I have to make sure he's ok and Melissa too. And to be honest I'm not very comfortable with Kira knowing where you live, cause I mean she is a Kitsune! What if her psycho mom makes her spill huh? Or follows her one day here? We aren't exactly safe not to mention I'm almost close to my due date!" Stiles said voicing his worries before being shut up by Derek's lips over his owns. He knew Stiles was right, but Derek had their packs watching over everyone, except for Isaac, he had stayed behind in case Stiles got into another crying fit.

Stiles couldn't help it, yup, he was turned on. He gripped Derek by the back of his neck and pulled him closer, as close as he could without crushing their baby in between them. "Derek," Stiles said in between the kiss before pushing Derek away as he groaned out "Oh my god! Are you seriously turned on right now?!" Stiles yelled out but earned a glared from the alpha as well as his hand over his mouth "Didn't I say to keep it down? I don't need him coming in here right now." Derek said before leaning close to Stile's covered mouth, "Besides, what did you expect when you rubbing against mine?"

Stiles blushed under Derek's hand while his own hands covered up the excitement in his pants as he muffled out something over Derek's hand. "What was that?" Derek asked as he moved down to place kisses on Stile's neck making him shudder and moan, making the alpha smirk to himself. Derek kept kissing down Stiles body, earning a serious of moans from him. Derek's hand moved from Stiles' mouth and moved to grab hold of his back as he pulled him into a sitting position. He needed to take his shirt off without ripping it or he'll never hear the end of it. It was Stile's favorite shirt, mostly cause it was the last object he had left of the man named Jay.

Derek slipped his hands under the shirt while his lips found Stiles lips again. "Derek don't stop," Stiles moaned out, his hands wrapped around his neck. One of his hands sneaked into his shirt before his claws ripped at the fabric of Derek's shirt. Derek couldn't help but chuckle before pulling away for a moment to remove Stiles shirt, as well as help him with his own. "Seems like the roles are reversed this time," Stiles mused as he kissed at Derek's chest hungrily, earning a growl from the alpha. "Fantasizes all you want, but it's not going to happen," Derek said before adding, "I can smell it, even if you're the 'alpha' of your own pack, you're a submissive."

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