Chapter 27

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The barrier was coming down and that alarmed Mr. J and the rest of the males, "That's impossible, that barrier was supposed to be unbreakable!" He said as he approached the window and watched the pale white walls of their barrier coming down.

Stiles screams came from upstairs making the boys look towards the stairs, "It started... we can't move him now." Ester, Jeo, Zachery, and Alexander looked back to Mr. J, who looked back at them as his eyes began to glow yellow, "We'll protect our own, just like we always do."

"In case I die, protecting everyone, I just want you all to know, it's been a real pleasure becoming a part of this family," Alexander said as he wrapped his arms around them all. "Idiot, don't talk like that." Zachery said as he smacked Alexander's back, but the truth was, they all felt the same way Alexander.

"Me too, guys, I never thought I would have a family again, but meeting you guys and meeting Stiles and living this life on the run, I can't say I regret a moment of it." Jeo said with a grin as he pulled Ester to him and kissed his head.

Mr. J smiled before looking at Zachery, "No regrets?" Zachery smiled and shook his head, "Not a one, I met you loyal bunch of asses. I think I can say I was lucky." Mr. J smiled as he reached over and ruffled Zachery's hair, making him scrunch his nose in distaste at the act, but ended up smiling afterwards.

"My only regret will be letting you all down," Mr. J said with a half-smile making the boys roll his eyes. "You got us this far alive, you've already succeeded Jay. Whatever happens today, it doesn't matter. At least we won't be dying in vain," Ester said as he intertwined his fingers with Jeo's.

Mr. J smiled and nodded his head before looking towards the stairs where he could hear Stiles, "Yeah, we did alright." He sighed before drawing out his claws and fangs before cutting at his arm, "Our blood is poison, than let's use it to our advantage."


Derek looked from the distance as the barrier came down, the kid, Marcus, had said it was where Stiles was. He knew it wasn't a lie because the Kitsunes were swarming around the place. He had sent the kid back with Scott, to his place to get the rest of his pack.

"Derek, I have an idea." Peter said with a grin as that told him, this was going to be 'fun' for Peter and Peter alone.

"What we need is ninjas," Peter said and as soon as he did, a small group of Kistunes surrounded them making Peter smirk. "Perfect, just what I needed." He said as his eyes began to glow. Erica, Boyd, and Derek wolfed out as they snarled in warning at the Kitsunes making them draw their weapons.

Peter was the first to attack, initiating the battle between the werewolves and the Kitsunes.

They were stumbled around in the floor, claws running through bodies as they began to demolish their enemy. Peter looked at the blade the man had tried to stab him with and whipped it on his shirt. "Demon blood?"

Derek was slammed into a tree by a Kitsune while another came from behind him and used their nunchucks to choke him. He snarled and tried to move the offending thing away only to be punched in the gut making him groan in pain. The Kitsune was going to do it again for Derek's previous punch he gave the kitsune but Derek only ended up catching it and twisted it until he heard the bone break making the Kitsune scream in agonizing pain.

Derek wasn't in the mood for this. He reached back and grabbed hold of the Kitsune's face holding him to the tree with nunchucks and pulled in forward before using the same nunchucks to strangle the Kitsune half to death before harshly forcing the kitsune's neck sideways, making the bone of his neck pop out to the side.

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